What I hadn't realised is that fleece sweaters, blankets, 'baby nests' etc. produce millions of micro-plastics and we all have been wearing & using fleece for the last 4 decades!!
I usually wear fleece vests as they're warm and I easily get cold.
Millions of micro-plastics are released when for instance rubbing over a fleece sweater or when washing it :o
Micro-plastics end up in nature, our water supplies, the oceans, and have even been found in foetuses in the womb!!
Ready to eat meals packed in plastic to be heated in the microwave. Then toxins are released from the plastic that you eat with the food...
Since micro-plastics are in the oceans (alarming amounts) they're in fish etc. so the entire food-chain is contaminated. Our food-chain, but also that of every other living creature on the planet!
Plastic water bottles release toxins and almost everyone these days has a plastic water bottle they carry everywhere.
Bottled water (spring water) bottles, same thing, esp. if the bottle is the thin type that barely holds its shape when opened or half empty. The softer the plastic, the worse it is.
Of course there are more causes for our species' fertility to have reached an alarming phase but micro-plastics are one of 'em.
To illustrate, men's sperm should have 90 mill sperm cells per ML. That has been on the decline for years. If it reaches <40 mill sperm cells per ML it's the critical point when conception becomes difficult, if it gets even less conception becomes very very difficult if not rare.
We reach the alarm point of <40 mill sperm cells per ML in November 2021...
One major contributor are micro-plastics.
Contrary to what the medium tries to convince people of, mankind is on the brink of extinction unless we do something real fast!~
News & media convey there are too many people on the planet but science & research shows this is total nonsense. Scientific facts & research shows we can feed up to 16 billion people (!!!) WITHOUT any weird shizzel like GM and toxic fertilisers etc. We've only just reached 8 billion so there's no reason for alarm whatsoever.
Few people know this as the false narrative is what we're exposed to (news & media) over and over again so people take this on board as most don't do their own research, or simply don't care.
As for myself, and back to plastics... not sure what to do with all the fleece vests I have... If I dump everything it would also mean my settees, cuddly blankets, sweaters, etc. Then it's out of my home, but will still get into nature via the garbage dump.
It should be collected as chemical/toxic waste, but it isn't.
Micro-plastics are a big problem. And that's an understatement.
The least we can do is to stay aware of all this, spread the news, and buy as few things as possible that add to the contamination as possible whether foods, drinks, clothes, or furniture.
We owe at least that to ourselves and the ones who will inherit the world from us.
Edited by
SparklingCrystal 💖💎
on Sun 01/15/23 02:54 AM