In 2020, I received information regarding the invasion into Ukraine prior to the United States had knowledge. This information was withheld against Ukraine. Trump was backing and supporting Russia, and not the United States who aided and supported Ukraine against Russia. Russia knew and had knowledge of the shipments of the military weapons being shipped into Ukraine and Poland. Russia viewed this as an armed conflict and act of war against Russia. Hence, why Russia massed troops at the Ukraine and Poland Border. Russia partnered with Iran, China, and North Korea if tensions escalated into warfare outside of Ukraine.
The question I have is why did the United States failed to send troops into Ukraine to stop the invasion from happening if the U.S. military had the intelligence information to stop, prevent, and deter the conflict? Why did the United States draw out the war into a greater conflict with other Countries?
Hence, the joint military operation maneuvers that are currently underway.
Why are people in America still waiting on the side lines to prevent innocent people being killed?
sending in troops would have been the biggest mistake any NATO country could do it would have triggered a war between 2 nuclear powers.and the Ukrainian president knew that Putin was 99 percent going to invade