I agree with sparkCryst. that 80 seems to old for the highest office in the land, even though there is a world of difference between Biden and Trumps cognitive awareness. I don’t agree with her assertion that old -fashion is bad. I would argue that because we have gotten away from the old-fashion ways and turned toward progressive ideology’s is part of the reason our county is at a dangerous tipping point. I think we should be investing more in fossil fuels and get back to being self dependent on our energy sources. Renewables and EVs are not totally reliable . The desire may be there for renewables but the infrastructure is many years from being sufficient for the millions that will be dependent on them.
Yes, we are at a switch-over point in time. That means researching & testing like crazy of new ways of sustainable things, including energy for all, while not making more investment in fossil fuels as this will ruin the planet more and more and it's not like we have any place else we can move to when we scr@w this planet up. It's the only place we got.
At the same time emphasis on getting rid of plastic as micro-plastics are a disaster, already found in human foetuses in the womb!!
These are major concerns for continuation of our species and the possibility to have a liveable planet for us.
Fact that new things cannot totally take over the old and potentially aren't 100% the best solution yet either is no reason to go back to the old. We all know the consequences of it.
In any case, I am curious to see how things develop over there.
First ppl were over the moon happy with Obama, then they couldn't wait to get rid of him, knocking him wherever they could.
Then everyone embraced Trump, feeling relief that Obama had gone, thinking they'd now won the jackpot.
Next everyone wanted rid of him, ridiculing him, embracing Biden as wonderful! Again the "Yes, we now hit the jackpot!" stuff.
And look where the old geezer got you...
I think Good Guy made a great point when he said it's too much about personalities and not enough about politics. In that sense the whole campaigning to-do may not add to healthy choice making as it's aiming for being personally favoured.
I do agree, the mental and cognitive abilities of Biden & Trump are worlds apart.
But that makes Biden a perfect puppet as from what I understand he's 'run' by the people behind him that got him into office. Still does give to think why the majority voted for an old man who doesn't have both oars in the water?
I'd think you could've spotted that a mile away? But maybe most were so eager to get rid of Trump that they'd have voted for anyone? If that is the case, Trump shot himself in the foot...