Topic: Chandrayaan 3馃殌 馃対
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Wed 08/23/23 07:10 AM

Chandrayaan-3 has successfully soft-landed on the moon. :full_moon_with_face:

A伪茪H医医删伪's photo


Wed 08/23/23 07:37 AM

Most memorable day - Aug 23 2023

For recording India as the first country to land the Chandrayaan - 3 lunar mission on the south pole of the moon :sparkles: :clap: :confetti_ball:

:flag_in: Congratulations to ISRO
Laska Paul 's photo

Laska Paul

Wed 08/23/23 09:37 AM

" Mission Possible "
Some people say THIS , some people say THAT...
But, can I say ........
motowndowntown's photo


Wed 08/23/23 10:17 AM

Yes a wonderful scientific accomplishment landing an unmanned ship on the moon.

I hate to be a spoilsport, but couldn't the time, money, and effort put into this project have been better spent on solving India's food insecurity for some of it's people, or dealing with the racist and religious violence that constantly occurs in some of it's provinces?
jugari007's photo


Thu 08/24/23 05:38 AM

Something fell in my backyard yesterday and it resembled chandrayan, I think they are lying, LOL.
A伪茪H医医删伪's photo


Thu 08/24/23 10:33 AM

Something fell in my backyard yesterday and it resembled chandrayan, I think they are lying, LOL.

Obviously, it should be a paper modelled Proof of concept prepared by Science students for the school 馃お because the original one is named as ChandrayaAn - 3 and not chandrayan :grin:

of course spelling matters :stuck_out_tongue:
A伪茪H医医删伪's photo


Thu 08/24/23 10:44 AM

Yes a wonderful scientific accomplishment landing an unmanned ship on the moon.

I hate to be a spoilsport, but couldn't the time, money, and effort put into this project have been better spent on solving India's food insecurity for some of it's people, or dealing with the racist and religious violence that constantly occurs in some of it's provinces?

Chandrayaan-3 is the most heaviest rocket, it was expected to consume large amount of fuel which can significantly be more costly too. To reduce the cost, they've designed the rocket in such a way that it reached the moon in 40 days in orbital fashion. Rocket type used here is LVM 3 which cannot reach the moon in straight line but it took 30-35 days to orbit around the earth thereby steadily increasing the orbit which in turn increased the speed and altitude. And when the final thrust was reached, it aligned itself automatically with the trajectory towards moon by crossing earth's gravitational pull. TO BE NOTED, through this approach, the fuel, overall cost and significant resources were saved.
Again cost is lessened by making Chandrayaan -3 as an unmanned mission as there's no cost to be added for any crew inside the rocket. Through these, the overall cost here is 615 crore which is much lesser than Apollo-11 mission which had a cost of 2950 crore and that was 54 years ago. This justifies the cost savings been effectively handled by the ISRO crew.

As we all are aware, there are violences happening in each country, caste and racist issues are being reported worldwide in every country's nook and corners, it should be our own responsibility too to avoid the discriminations starting from our own self, our own familes and then promote unity while the government is also taking measures in parallel to eradicate them.

Meanwhile we can't stop the scientific experiments and explorations just because we have the issues persisting with people within each country.

The mission for landing Chandrayaan - 3 in south pole is the guess from the scientists that it hosts a vast reservoir of water ice in the shadowed craters. This presence of water can be used for further science explorations like converting them into drinking water, oxygen and hydrogen for rocket fuel. Moreover this research mission can help in radio astronomy too. If this can help in so many worldwide benefits, its definitely a success to be celebrated.

Have a nice day, Motowndowntown Sir :full_moon_with_face:
motowndowntown's photo


Thu 08/24/23 11:32 AM

Like I said, a wonderful scientific accomplishment.
But couldn't the effort have been spent on more humanitarian issues not just in India but world wide?

Space travel is exciting, but how does it benefit someone who doesn't have enough to eat or a warm dry place to sleep??
A伪茪H医医删伪's photo


Thu 08/24/23 12:00 PM

Seperate funds been allotted for each initiative(food, transportation, education, space missions etc) by the government, it's in the hands of the respective political leaders on how they utilise the funds allotted for the food categories to benefit the people in need.

In our state, there were new schemes been released as part of morning breakfast and noon lunch schemes for the children who are studying in the government schools - its been executed as a responsibility of the government and not as charity.

Likewise we have food mess opened for each area with very less cost for the combo of food items to facilitate food been provided to all the people on need. This was done by the previous ruling party but its still been run and many getting benefited.

While we see the live food schemes been executed by the government, it's crucial that the respective political leaders monitors the progress too and requests additional funds to improvise them.