Topic: Donald Trump 👨🏻‍🦳
Mortman's photo


Fri 01/26/24 02:17 PM

LOL. You seem to think you know what everybody thinks. It's clear that Biden wants to get the mess at the border fixed and Republicans are killing all such efforts in hopes to hurt Biden and make way for Trump. Senator Hawley even admitted it.
Mortman's photo


Fri 01/26/24 02:23 PM

Donald Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in defamation case, jury finds

The guy has less self-control than a five-year-old. That anyone seriously thinks he has the capacity to run the country is bananas.
Edited by Mortman on Fri 01/26/24 02:24 PM
Toodygirl5's photo


Fri 01/26/24 04:24 PM

World News Today

Why a woman Waits over 20 yrs to accuse a Man of sexual assaulting her in a dressing room!

Negativity keeps surfacing for Yrs on the GOP
Candidate for POTUS.

Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 01/26/24 04:27 PM
Bart's photo


Fri 01/26/24 05:30 PM

LOL. You seem to think you know what everybody thinks. It's clear that Biden wants to get the mess at the border fixed and Republicans are killing all such efforts in hopes to hurt Biden and make way for Trump. Senator Hawley even admitted it.

Who is it clear to that Biden wants to fix the border, certainly not the 70% that’s says he is failing at securing the border. He broke it without congress so he should fix it without congress.. The laws are there now so he should apply them… I don’t know what everybody thinks but it doesn’t take a mastermind to guess what your thoughts will be on a number of issues…
Toodygirl5's photo


Fri 01/26/24 05:36 PM

Anyone who seriously thinks J Biden has the capacity to run the country is bananas.

J Biden has already proved his incompetence!

Mortman's photo


Fri 01/26/24 06:21 PM

Who is it clear to that Biden wants to fix the border, certainly not the 70% that’s says he is failing at securing the border. He broke it without congress so he should fix it without congress.. The laws are there now so he should apply them… I don’t know what everybody thinks but it doesn’t take a mastermind to guess what your thoughts will be on a number of issues…

No, it's only clear to the people paying attention.
Bart's photo


Sat 01/27/24 04:31 AM

Texas is trying to protect its borders by installing razor wire.. Biden sues Texas to stop the protective barriers. SCOTUS rules that Biden can remove the razor wire while Texas installs more razor … so you got to ask yourself why hasn’t the feds gone in and started removing the wire yet. .. because of the optics of our federal government bending over backwards to break federal laws on the border.. and since Joe has no integrity or scruples he will not have that wire removed.. this is one time that we can appreciate Joe being a spineless gutless coward…
JulieABush's photo


Sun 01/28/24 03:19 AM

I think it is supposed to represent the promise
that he will come for you if you oppose him
in any way.

That is so true. Why do I say this? Well it seems that he’s threatening his Republicans opponents, Nikki Haley, donors telling them to stop or face the consequences. Mr. Trump it seems you forget that this America, land of the free, and we can donate to the candidate of our choice. Of course he’d threading a woman cause it seems he has a history of doing so if you’re not on his side. How pathetic can you get!

I’d also like to add he’s the worst insecure politically bully there ever has been. What do people see in that mental case? Personally I’ve never donated to any candidate cause none of them are worth it let alone a vote for that fact.
Toodygirl5's photo


Tue 01/30/24 07:54 AM

The thing that is really pathetic is the job Joe Biden is doing as our President. His job of securing our border is much more damaging to this country than the rudeness coming from Trumps mouth.

Exactly :thumbsup:

also add the economy has suffered in USA. Prices have gone up and because of the way this Administration wastes Billions of tax dollars.
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 01/30/24 07:56 AM
Paul's photo


Tue 01/30/24 04:25 PM

I'd be interested to know if you felt that way before or after his term as President?
Paul's photo


Tue 01/30/24 04:41 PM

LOL. You seem to think you know what everybody thinks. It's clear that Biden wants to get the mess at the border fixed and Republicans are killing all such efforts in hopes to hurt Biden and make way for Trump. Senator Hawley even admitted it.

Sorry, do you mean to say Biden is trying to resolve the Border Crisis, like he is taking some actions to stop all the illegal migrants from crossing in to the US?
Paul's photo


Tue 01/30/24 05:56 PM


I am in Canada & have been watching the US Mex border closely since it was thrown wide open since Biden took office.
There have been over 6.3 MILLION cross in to the US.
Should Trump take office in this years election,I believe we will see a Run For The Border CAN / US.
So what has been a US border problem now becomes one for Canada, re: Roxham Road.
Anyone that thinks Biden is running the US needs to look closer. The man gets confused finding his way off stage. Personally I see this entire charade as Elder Abuse. That his wife & family would allow such a thing like this to happen is the lowest point in history on the office of President. To add more insults is Bidens behavior.
People were upset over Trumps mean tweets but Biden has done one better, everytime there is a photo op Biden goes on the hunt looking for a child, & he does not care about the cameras. Watch as He touches them inappropriately & SNIFFS them. His dialogue with children is also disgusting. Be outraged over That, not mean tweets.
The Bidens are a Crime Family, Hunter's laptops prove this fact & also Joe himself admitted to quid pro quo with the Ukrainians while attending a meeting at the CFR.
The US Judicial System has been compromised as is the FBI & the CIA.
It is this way for all of the countries in the WEST.
Absolutely disgusting. And to make even more egregious is that the Republicans have gone along with this entire Hollywood Production. Just like Biden's inauguration, which was not the ceremony for swearing in a President, but something else.
He did not arrive by Airforce One but took a charter flight to DC the day of,
He did not receive a 21 Gun Salute
Who said that they would like another term in office as long as they could stay behind the scenes?
I've got all the receipts, so if you decide you to come at me, bring your receipts
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Tue 01/30/24 09:05 PM

LOL. You seem to think you know what everybody thinks. It's clear that Biden wants to get the mess at the border fixed and Republicans are killing all such efforts in hopes to hurt Biden and make way for Trump. Senator Hawley even admitted it.
Wow, just wow. Didn't realize you were so gullible to think that SUDDENLY he's serious about the border after 3 years of letting them all flow in. Election year anyone? Come on, even you can see this play for votes can't you?

On occasion, you seem to have JUST enough information/knowledge in a few areas to be dangerous to yourself and others. I refuse to believe you really believe what you wrote above.
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Tue 01/30/24 09:09 PM


I am in Canada & have been watching the US Mex border closely since it was thrown wide open since Biden took office.
There have been over 6.3 MILLION cross in to the US.
Should Trump take office in this years election,I believe we will see a Run For The Border CAN / US.
So what has been a US border problem now becomes one for Canada, re: Roxham Road.
Anyone that thinks Biden is running the US needs to look closer. The man gets confused finding his way off stage. Personally I see this entire charade as Elder Abuse. That his wife & family would allow such a thing like this to happen is the lowest point in history on the office of President. To add more insults is Bidens behavior.
People were upset over Trumps mean tweets but Biden has done one better, everytime there is a photo op Biden goes on the hunt looking for a child, & he does not care about the cameras. Watch as He touches them inappropriately & SNIFFS them. His dialogue with children is also disgusting. Be outraged over That, not mean tweets.
The Bidens are a Crime Family, Hunter's laptops prove this fact & also Joe himself admitted to quid pro quo with the Ukrainians while attending a meeting at the CFR.
The US Judicial System has been compromised as is the FBI & the CIA.
It is this way for all of the countries in the WEST.
Absolutely disgusting. And to make even more egregious is that the Republicans have gone along with this entire Hollywood Production. Just like Biden's inauguration, which was not the ceremony for swearing in a President, but something else.
He did not arrive by Airforce One but took a charter flight to DC the day of,
He did not receive a 21 Gun Salute
Who said that they would like another term in office as long as they could stay behind the scenes?
I've got all the receipts, so if you decide you to come at me, bring your receipts
Good observations. You're right about the run on the border once they know Trump is back in charge. And it wouldn't take a whole lot for our northern border to become porous as well. Nowhere have I heard Biden say its ok to come from the South but not the North. Could happen on very little notice.
Larsson71's photo


Tue 01/30/24 09:42 PM

Fun fact, every single US President, except Martin Van Buren, are directly related to the English Plantagenet King John, who signed the Magna Carta, in 1215. :thumbsup::100::sunglasses:
Edited by Larsson71 on Tue 01/30/24 09:42 PM
LUNG1954's photo


Tue 01/30/24 10:17 PM

Donald Trump, speaking about the Iraq War, said: "We should have taken the oil. Maybe we'll have another chance." Trump repeated his comments in an interview days later on ABC, in which he said: "We should have taken the oil. If we had taken the oil, there would have been no ISIS."
Donald Trump calls Obama the 'founder of ISIS'

While critics said that taking Iraq's oil would have been tantamount to stealing from the Iraqi people, and therefore considered a war crime that violates international laws.
This is America's democracy
JulieABush's photo


Sun 02/04/24 12:11 PM

Lung1954 I should speak up and say not all Americans would agree to what Trump says about this subject which is the American way. Unfortunately politics gets in the way and screws everything up when there are better solutions to come to an agreement that could or may work for both sides.
Mortman's photo


Fri 02/16/24 02:26 PM

Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case

* Trump fined $355 million (not the $370 million D.A. James asked for)
* Not including the $88 million Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll
* Don Jr. & Eric Trump each fined $4 million
* Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg fined $1 million
* Trump's lawyers pledged to appeal the ruling.

So Trump's lying and cheating has cost him almost a half billion dollars so far. Ah ha ha ha!
Bart's photo


Sat 02/17/24 04:37 AM

Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case

* Trump fined $355 million (not the $370 million D.A. James asked for)
* Not including the $88 million Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll
* Don Jr. & Eric Trump each fined $4 million
* Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg fined $1 million
* Trump's lawyers pledged to appeal the ruling.

So Trump's lying and cheating has cost him almost a half billion dollars so far. Ah ha ha ha!

But it doesn’t hurt his support for 2024 presidential run. His supporters recognize the lefts political agenda to ruin Trump , but it ain’t working . Just watch the next few months as Biden goes down in flames because of his demented and diminishing brain cognition . He’s a blubbering stumbling embarrassment to this country and his party ( like the democrats aren’t embarrassing enough without him).. He will not win a second term…ha, ha, ha…
Edited by Bart on Sat 02/17/24 04:38 AM
Mortman's photo


Sat 02/17/24 07:18 AM

Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case

* Trump fined $355 million (not the $370 million D.A. James asked for)
* Not including the $88 million Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll
* Don Jr. & Eric Trump each fined $4 million
* Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg fined $1 million
* Trump's lawyers pledged to appeal the ruling.

So Trump's lying and cheating has cost him almost a half billion dollars so far. Ah ha ha ha!

But it doesn’t hurt his support for 2024 presidential run. His supporters recognize the lefts political agenda to ruin Trump , but it ain’t working . Just watch the next few months as Biden goes down in flames because of his demented and diminishing brain cognition . He’s a blubbering stumbling embarrassment to this country and his party ( like the democrats aren’t embarrassing enough without him).. He will not win a second term…ha, ha, ha…

This case was never about ruining Trump's chances at being President again. It was only about holding him accountable for the laws he broke. Taking hundreds of $millions from the guy while he needs money for his campaigns is just an added bonus.