Happy for her, but let's be honest, it's only because she happens to have a normal figure, not the typical Synd. Down's one.
And she basically gets used now as VS make such a big deal out of it, making out to believe they give a chit about such people while they likely only care about the money this makes them. Good marketing, good for their image.
Must say it's good that people that are different from average for various reasons become more accepted, but all this political correctness got up my nose long time ago.
These days it's very prevalent in US series & movies and it's wearing thin.
As for plus size models, or downright huge ones like the aforementioned Lizzo's... I really don't like outfits being modelled by them.
Most of these plus size women have huge thighs which I don't have. I often need plus size because of my height.
Clothes draped on big women don't give me a good impression of what it'd look like on me whereas an average/default modelling body does.
So as far as big women being accepted as 'okay', fair enough. But it doesn't help me in the slightest when clothes shopping. They're two different things: acceptance of (seriously) overweight people and modelling.
Edited by
SparklingCrystal 💖💎
on Sun 09/10/23 07:29 AM