Topic: Do you feel this country is on the right path under Biden
Bart's photo


Wed 05/22/24 11:54 AM

Jim comeys investigation found that Hilary had about 100+ emails containing classified info. on several different unsecured servers. She treated those emails like a grocery list. She was supposed to treat them for what they are . Top secret, classified info. But Comey even said although others could and would be charged after such wrecklessness he thinks there should be no charges brought against mrs. clinton. So your theory is that kind of two tiered justice is fine.

You can read Comey's report on Hillary's email investigation. A couple pages long and easy to read.

There were no charges for Hillary or anybody else because the facts didn't support charges. And Comey never said that others could and would be charged. He left it to DOJ to make those decisions and they declined, too. Not two-tiered justice. At worst Comey said that things were discussed that should've been known to be inappropriate to discuss in an unsecured system. He didn't even say whether Clinton wrote the classified information, so she could have simply been replying to someone else's message that also included some classified topic. Either way, the relevant laws require intention or gross negligence resulting in exposing classified information. Didn't happen.

I did read it and it clearly said there were top secret classified info about 110 items with those markings and even the ones not marked , on 32 different unsecured servers . she should have known better and had responsibility securing that info. And Comey did say, … Don’t mistake that others couldn’t and wouldn’t because he could recommend charges being brought but he wouldn’t in this case. Intent doesn’t have to be there to be charged. Incompetence could be enough though..

Maybe you missed it, but Comey's report didn't say 110 emails had classification markings. Only that 110 emails were found to have classified information. Probably mentioned sensitive information. Also, the US government has a completely separate system for sending classified information, not even connected to the Internet, so it's weird that any emails would have a classification mark, unless someone decided to type "SECRET" or whatever into the email, which isn't how document classification works. Maybe that's another reasons why Comey didn't recommend charges.

So what , weather they were marked or not. Comey was clear when he said no markings shouldn’t matter, a Secretary of State should use caution with all emails from government.. she was neglectful which is reason to be charged… You must know more of this subject than the experts on this subject that ‘don’t’ use Trump hatred to decide their opinion… so IMO you are not that convincing when you tell us of your knowledge of classified government information. .. but unfortunately, from the other side we see Jack Smith is upset with the Trump appointed judge seeing over the Documents case from Mara-Laga because she wants to decide which papers are only copies, which there are many of, and Jack smiths prosecution wants the judge to over look material that is not in dispute because they are not originals which are still held in the state dept. .. .. just another example of the Biden justice dept, trying to deny Trump a proper defense.. and it is clear to everybody keeping up with all these political witch hunts against Biden’s opposition running for President…. What country are we in???…
Edited by Bart on Wed 05/22/24 12:01 PM
Toodygirl5's photo


Wed 05/22/24 01:20 PM

J Biden needs to get out of office asap.
Bart's photo


Fri 06/07/24 04:09 AM

Weak and pathetic, two words that best describe president Joe Biden. From the problems affecting the lives of most people in America to the wars going on across the ocean that is close to dragging America into active duty with boots on the ground . Most Americans now struggle with paying their bills on time or eating regularly or buy their meds. Joe Biden is out of touch with Americans. He has no empathy or desire to do what needs to be done to get this country back on track to prosperity and safety… I disagree with most everything Joe stands for and his failed policies, but the worst thing I ever heard him say was , he will not pardon his son ( hunter) if convicted.. he is a Father , first and foremost. To hell with the rest when it comes to family.. I do believe Hunter is guilty of all his charges but no one got hurt and no violence. I think his decision to let his son sit in jail says a lot about his lack of integrity as a person.. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree..
Toodygirl5's photo


Fri 06/07/24 10:22 AM

Democratic party
definitely needs another candidate for POTUS.
But Hopefully not Kamala H. :)
Bart's photo


Sun 06/09/24 05:26 AM

How could anyone believe that Biden has what it takes to be president for one more day , not to mention four more years.. He has done nothing to make life better for Americans. He has us in the brink of war because every one of our adversaries sees how weak and incompetent he is.. Now he actually is saying that ‘ global warming is the ONLY eccisential danger to our country.. does he even realize our enemies are ratching up their nuclear arsenal and threatened to use them.. wake up Joe , you have 5 months left. Please go back to hiding in your basement before you drag US in to war because of your Simple minded decisions.
Mortman's photo


Tue 06/11/24 12:35 PM

How could anyone believe that Biden has what it takes to be president for one more day , not to mention four more years.. He has done nothing to make life better for Americans. He has us in the brink of war because every one of our adversaries sees how weak and incompetent he is.. Now he actually is saying that ‘ global warming is the ONLY eccisential danger to our country.. does he even realize our enemies are ratching up their nuclear arsenal and threatened to use them.. wake up Joe , you have 5 months left. Please go back to hiding in your basement before you drag US in to war because of your Simple minded decisions.

Counterpoint: Biden is fully competent and has been more effective than most any other recent president.

Trump got nearly nothing done beyond illegal actions at the Southern border, tariffs on China and some tax cuts--exploding the federal deficit. Biden has lowered the deficit, despite getting $trillions invested into the national infrastructure and has recently lowered prescription drug costs and eliminated several junk fees for regular consumers. The only reason Ukraine has not fallen to Russia is Biden's decisive actions immediately before and since the invasion that Putin personally promised wasn't happening--until it did. Russia has really taken a beating and lost more than they bargained for, for their apparently underestimating of Biden. Trump openly admits he'd just let Russia have its way in Ukraine, along with pulling the US out of NATO and various other treaties. Time for Republicans to wake up.
Bart's photo


Tue 06/11/24 03:00 PM

How could anyone believe that Biden has what it takes to be president for one more day , not to mention four more years.. He has done nothing to make life better for Americans. He has us in the brink of war because every one of our adversaries sees how weak and incompetent he is.. Now he actually is saying that ‘ global warming is the ONLY eccisential danger to our country.. does he even realize our enemies are ratching up their nuclear arsenal and threatened to use them.. wake up Joe , you have 5 months left. Please go back to hiding in your basement before you drag US in to war because of your Simple minded decisions.

Counterpoint: Biden is fully competent and has been more effective than most any other recent president.

Trump got nearly nothing done beyond illegal actions at the Southern border, tariffs on China and some tax cuts--exploding the federal deficit. Biden has lowered the deficit, despite getting $trillions invested into the national infrastructure and has recently lowered prescription drug costs and eliminated several junk fees for regular consumers. The only reason Ukraine has not fallen to Russia is Biden's decisive actions immediately before and since the invasion that Putin personally promised wasn't happening--until it did. Russia has really taken a beating and lost more than they bargained for, for their apparently underestimating of Biden. Trump openly admits he'd just let Russia have its way in Ukraine, along with pulling the US out of NATO and various other treaties. Time for Republicans to wake up.
. More Fake News:.. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine and stop the horrible death and carnage. Your twisting of the actual statements sounds juvenile at best, Biden is the one that said , well maybe if it was a minor incursion from Russia into Ukraine it wouldn’t warrant a response.. a very weak and reckless statement you honestly believe Biden is competent at anything, including telling Ukraine on how to run their war or tell Israel how to fight their war. He should simply give the weapons they ask for and shut up or stop supplying either one all together, his actions are prolonging the war. Certainly not speaking or walking or finding his way off stage. We are jeopardizing our safety both here and abroad with this guy at the helm.. his approval rating is now at a all time low at 34% approve of the job he is doing overall.. how does that decider into a competent president? Trump got plenty done , but we know dems ignore the facts and make up their own truth.. Biden could be responsible for many Ukrainians lives because of his dragging his feet to give Ukraine the weapons and aircraft they needed at the beginning of that war so Ukraine could push the Russian backs. Ukraine is holding their own better than anybody thought they would ,, imagine if Biden would have allowed Ukraine to have the weapons they needed instead of supplying them with the weapons the Biden team thought they really needed. That is the bunch that butchered the Afghanistan withdrawal…meanwhile Biden is talking tax hikes when people are trying to decide what they can do without , a meal , a RX , or miss a bill payment. This is the state of our economy , now! And the 34% approval rating states that very clearly… And BTW: NATO is no longer the friend or real partner of the United States. Wokeness has found a home in NATO
Edited by Bart on Tue 06/11/24 03:16 PM
Mortman's photo


Tue 06/11/24 06:04 PM

. More Fake News:.. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine and stop the horrible death and carnage. Your twisting of the actual statements sounds juvenile at best, Biden is the one that said , well maybe if it was a minor incursion from Russia into Ukraine it wouldn’t warrant a response.. a very weak and reckless statement you honestly believe Biden is competent at anything, including telling Ukraine on how to run their war or tell Israel how to fight their war. He should simply give the weapons they ask for and shut up or stop supplying either one all together, his actions are prolonging the war. Certainly not speaking or walking or finding his way off stage. We are jeopardizing our safety both here and abroad with this guy at the helm.. his approval rating is now at a all time low at 34% approve of the job he is doing overall.. how does that decider into a competent president? Trump got plenty done , but we know dems ignore the facts and make up their own truth.. Biden could be responsible for many Ukrainians lives because of his dragging his feet to give Ukraine the weapons and aircraft they needed at the beginning of that war so Ukraine could push the Russian backs. Ukraine is holding their own better than anybody thought they would ,, imagine if Biden would have allowed Ukraine to have the weapons they needed instead of supplying them with the weapons the Biden team thought they really needed. That is the bunch that butchered the Afghanistan withdrawal…meanwhile Biden is talking tax hikes when people are trying to decide what they can do without , a meal , a RX , or miss a bill payment. This is the state of our economy , now! And the 34% approval rating states that very clearly… And BTW: NATO is no longer the friend or real partner of the United States. Wokeness has found a home in NATO

LOL. I must've broken your brain, seeing as how you puked out a rant like that, lacking coherence.

If Trump accomplished so much, then maybe you can list some of his accomplishments I missed.

You said Biden held up aid to Ukraine, but ignores Congressional Republicans holding that up. It took months and months for Speaker Johnson to muster the nerve to finally allow a vote on the most recent Ukraine aid bill, and that was only possible with more aid to Israel, and separating it from the Southern border reforms negotiated with the White House. That wasn't Biden holding up anything. Blame the "Freedom Caucus" if anybody.

Lastly, Biden is not at 34% approval. His 30-day average approval is 40%. (His lowest is 36%)

Edited by Mortman on Tue 06/11/24 06:11 PM
Bart's photo


Tue 06/11/24 06:48 PM

. More Fake News:.. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine and stop the horrible death and carnage. Your twisting of the actual statements sounds juvenile at best, Biden is the one that said , well maybe if it was a minor incursion from Russia into Ukraine it wouldn’t warrant a response.. a very weak and reckless statement you honestly believe Biden is competent at anything, including telling Ukraine on how to run their war or tell Israel how to fight their war. He should simply give the weapons they ask for and shut up or stop supplying either one all together, his actions are prolonging the war. Certainly not speaking or walking or finding his way off stage. We are jeopardizing our safety both here and abroad with this guy at the helm.. his approval rating is now at a all time low at 34% approve of the job he is doing overall.. how does that decider into a competent president? Trump got plenty done , but we know dems ignore the facts and make up their own truth.. Biden could be responsible for many Ukrainians lives because of his dragging his feet to give Ukraine the weapons and aircraft they needed at the beginning of that war so Ukraine could push the Russian backs. Ukraine is holding their own better than anybody thought they would ,, imagine if Biden would have allowed Ukraine to have the weapons they needed instead of supplying them with the weapons the Biden team thought they really needed. That is the bunch that butchered the Afghanistan withdrawal…meanwhile Biden is talking tax hikes when people are trying to decide what they can do without , a meal , a RX , or miss a bill payment. This is the state of our economy , now! And the 34% approval rating states that very clearly… And BTW: NATO is no longer the friend or real partner of the United States. Wokeness has found a home in NATO

LOL. I must've broken your brain, seeing as how you puked out a rant like that, lacking coherence.

If Trump accomplished so much, then maybe you can list some of his accomplishments I missed.

You said Biden held up aid to Ukraine, but ignores Congressional Republicans holding that up. It took months and months for Speaker Johnson to muster the nerve to finally allow a vote on the most recent Ukraine aid bill, and that was only possible with more aid to Israel, and separating it from the Southern border reforms negotiated with the White House. That wasn't Biden holding up anything. Blame the "Freedom Caucus" if anybody.

Lastly, Biden is not at 34% approval. His 30-day average approval is 40%. (His lowest is 36%)

Lol.. just to name a few. One thing Trump was the one to cap insulin although Biden tries to take credit for it… if Biden would have listened to the people actually fighting the Russians he would have given the right equipment to defeat Russia right off the bat, but because of Biden’s style of presiding with weakness and appeasement he was intimidated with Putins threat against escalating the war with certain weapons . Speaking of the border , his new action at the border has no effect. Just a ploy to look like he’s doing something although it’s nothing . Short of completion of the wall is a mistake and the million plus got aways across our border , with no idea who these people are or what their purpose is being here. And those illegals in the U.S is more of a threat than climate change .
Toodygirl5's photo


Wed 06/12/24 12:47 PM

J Biden will spend any amount of taxpayers money to stop Trump from being re-elected as POTUS.
J Biden is the real criminal, him and his Marxist leaders.