There comes a time when you need to say what needs to be said in order to get folks off their butts. It doesn't mean you are prepare to carry out the threat. Trump doesn't want to pull America out of NATO or dismantle NATO. NATO is being asked to pay your dues and stopped relying on the US to carry NATO's weight exclusively or don't expect US help. That's is the reason 45th pulled America out of the Paris Agreement. The only nation paying fees was America. The organisation was not benefiting America in any way.
Of course Biden reverse the process and the environmentalists were all so happy to spend US taxpayers monies once again. And that's why Europe and anyone else can get monies out of the Democrats so easily because the party thrives on emotions and not logic. Anything else the media is proclaiming about US encouraging Russia to invade Europe is reckless reporting. And what is NATO doing now? Running around holding meetings trying to come up with strategies on how best to war without America help. That is the mindset that was needed from the outset.
Of course Biden reverse the process and the environmentalists were all so happy to spend US taxpayers monies once again. And that's why Europe and anyone else can get monies out of the Democrats so easily because the party thrives on emotions and not logic. Anything else the media is proclaiming about US encouraging Russia to invade Europe is reckless reporting. And what is NATO doing now? Running around holding meetings trying to come up with strategies on how best to war without America help. That is the mindset that was needed from the outset.
That's not how NATO works. Member countries don't pay into NATO like a country club. They merely pledge to spend 2% of their GDP on defense, and while several countries are falling short, they're not delinquent. They all paid a fee to join.
The Paris Accords is a little different, and it's also way bigger than NATO, and only pledges to work toward slowing down climate change and researching ways to do it. Again, nobody's delinquent in that. Trump claimed that it hurts the US to work toward climate change when other countries don't, but that's not true either. Our research into renewable energy is already paying off, and solar and wind power is now cheaper and employs several times more people than coal and natural gas powerplants. Slowing down climate change helps everybody.
Lastly, helping Ukraine is not about furthering war, but about helping Ukraine resist the Russian invasion and diminishing Russia's ability to extend its war into other countries, including NATO countries.