Topic: Trump's bills soon come due
Toodygirl5's photo


Sun 03/24/24 10:43 AM

Look and the Country and who has help destroy it with Economy and all bills passed and all the illegals crossing the USA Borders.
It is not about republican or democrat, but it shows how the Far-Left Marxists leaders are trying to destroy America as citizens have known it. J Biden is a mini puppet man for all the Evil agendas.

Toodygirl5's photo


Sun 03/24/24 10:46 AM


Who cares about being invited to the President D Trump's property where it is. Most citizens have not been invited to any President's Mansion or properties.

A competent POTUS is more important for America than that!
Bart's photo


Sun 03/24/24 10:50 AM

Monday can't come quick enough

Leticia James filed for 3 properties to pay the orange anus debts in NYC and I don't believe trump Towers was in that list.

We're all going to know tomorrow where the ball drops on trumps lies.

I live in a red State and we have the same issues and more as blue states.

You all are blaming "Liberals". But there are many Republicans against trump too.

I believe the Republicans just put in that bill to keep the Government open to DEFUND THE POLICE so stop blaming "Liberals"

I'm a proud Lifelong Democrat. And I will fight til its over to not become a Dictatorship.

Do I want old men running this country? YES as long as they are not turning the Presidency into a Dictatorship like trump has promised.

You need to open your eyes and ears because when he does it, It wont just be for "Liberals" it will be for the entire Country.

I heard him say "Chi has his people listen to him and that's what I want too".

Remember we all live in the United States.
If we get a dictator it doesn't matter if we vote blue or red this time it will be the last Vote anyone will ever have.

Dictators don't allow Voting so keep wishing for him. And then you can stop blaming "Liberals" because we are fighting for your *** as well as ours

Look at Russia. Is that what you really want? Do some research on Dictatorships and how Russia is really run.

Educate yourself on what's really happening and stop the fighting our own government has caused.

How many of you have ever been invited to Maralago? How many of you have ever personally sat down and spoken with the orange anus? How many of you sending your hard earned money to him has been invited to hang out with him doing anything?

That's your answer to just what he thinks of you.

LMAO ,.. It’s obvious you never listened to Trump , only what the pathetic pinheads on Msnbc or Cnn feed you. , thank the good Lord most folks don’t believe everything they hear. Apparently you don’t mind living in a dictatorship. Biden is trying to stop millions of people from voting for the person of their choice now. And he’s allowing an invasion on our southern border and attacking Texas for doing the job of the federal government… Biden is a basket case, but he’s the best the dems got to offer. You should start looking for a safe space, you will probally need one come November.
Mortman's photo


Sun 03/24/24 11:09 AM

Please, you sound like a recording of the same talking points that most people realize is the only thing you guys have to run on. Trump is up on Biden in the seven swing states that will determine the winner. Anywhere from 2 points to 12 . And if AG James starts taking Trumps property next week . You might as well concede the election to Trump. People already think the Justice dept. is bought and owned by the democrats and Biden. That will push the fence straddlers on to Trumps side.. I’ll say it again, the Democrats are committing harry carry over their hatred of Trump…

It's not up to me, or Biden, or any campaign what AG James does in New York. So maybe it's good news for you that Trump loses his cases. Maybe he ends up poor and homeless but gets elected and becomes the dictator you want.
no photo


Sun 03/24/24 11:35 AM

Thanks Leticia......please take all his assets.......and in turn will place trump as our next president in November !!¡!!!
Mortman's photo


Sun 03/24/24 11:35 AM

LMAO ,.. It’s obvious you never listened to Trump , only what the pathetic pinheads on Msnbc or Cnn feed you. , thank the good Lord most folks don’t believe everything they hear. Apparently you don’t mind living in a dictatorship. Biden is trying to stop millions of people from voting for the person of their choice now. And he’s allowing an invasion on our southern border and attacking Texas for doing the job of the federal government… Biden is a basket case, but he’s the best the dems got to offer. You should start looking for a safe space, you will probally need one come November.

You seem to think Biden brought those lawsuits in the various states to disqualify Trump from the ballot, but those were mostly brought by Republicans and all of them were brought by plaintiffs in the respective states. Neither Biden nor the DOJ joined those lawsuits. Biden's just doing his job, and quite well. Time for Congressional Republicans to meet the challenge.
Edited by Mortman on Sun 03/24/24 11:35 AM
Toodygirl5's photo


Sun 03/24/24 12:04 PM

Please, you sound like a recording of the same talking points that most people realize is the only thing you guys have to run on. Trump is up on Biden in the seven swing states that will determine the winner. Anywhere from 2 points to 12 . And if AG James starts taking Trumps property next week . You might as well concede the election to Trump. People already think the Justice dept. is bought and owned by the democrats and Biden. That will push the fence straddlers on to Trumps side.. I’ll say it again, the Democrats are committing harry carry over their hatred of Trump…

It's not up to me, or Biden, or any campaign what AG James does in New York. So maybe it's good news for you that Trump loses his cases. Maybe he ends up poor and homeless but gets elected and becomes the dictator you want.

Be Careful what you wish for on D Trump !
Bart's photo


Sun 03/24/24 12:23 PM

LMAO ,.. It’s obvious you never listened to Trump , only what the pathetic pinheads on Msnbc or Cnn feed you. , thank the good Lord most folks don’t believe everything they hear. Apparently you don’t mind living in a dictatorship. Biden is trying to stop millions of people from voting for the person of their choice now. And he’s allowing an invasion on our southern border and attacking Texas for doing the job of the federal government… Biden is a basket case, but he’s the best the dems got to offer. You should start looking for a safe space, you will probally need one come November.

You seem to think Biden brought those lawsuits in the various states to disqualify Trump from the ballot, but those were mostly brought by Republicans and all of them were brought by plaintiffs in the respective states. Neither Biden nor the DOJ joined those lawsuits. Biden's just doing his job, and quite well. Time for Congressional Republicans to meet the challenge.

If Biden was doing his job we wouldn’t have millions of illegal aliens roaming around our streets, many commiting crimes and attacking our police. I thought they were coming for a better life , and escape life threatening situations.. it doesn’t really look as if that’s the case. And Joe just lets em waltz on over.. If you don’t deep down believe the justice getting their marching orders from the Biden administration or the “ Deep State” that is secretly running this country, than you are more naive than I thought you were… they are all in on trying to take Trump down because of Joe Biden’s demented state of mind has left the majority of the country looking for anyone other than Biden and another four years of this horrible economy.. and open borders..
Mortman's photo


Sun 03/24/24 11:23 PM

If Biden was doing his job we wouldn’t have millions of illegal aliens roaming around our streets, many commiting crimes and attacking our police. I thought they were coming for a better life , and escape life threatening situations.. it doesn’t really look as if that’s the case. And Joe just lets em waltz on over.. If you don’t deep down believe the justice getting their marching orders from the Biden administration or the “ Deep State” that is secretly running this country, than you are more naive than I thought you were… they are all in on trying to take Trump down because of Joe Biden’s demented state of mind has left the majority of the country looking for anyone other than Biden and another four years of this horrible economy.. and open borders..

Hah. No, it's the Republicans knifing that baby. If Congressional Republicans wanted immigration reform, we'd have it by now. Biden and Senate leaders got together (Rep. Johnson backed out) and negotiated a bipartisan border deal and Trump made Republicans kill the deal, so as not to give Biden any wins.

There is no "deep state"--at least not as you claim. Biden doesn't direct the DOJ. He just appoints the AG and head of the FBI and trusts they do their jobs, as a President should. The "deep state" BS is getting tired, especially because like the "stolen election" it's a claim perpetuated by all the crybabies on the right, dissatisfied with the election results. Get over it. If you've got any evidence that Biden is directing the DOJ or FBI to break laws, I'd like to see it.

As far as your "horrible economy," maybe look at the stock market's record highs, or the record low unemployment streak, or the dropping inflation rate that's already about half it was when Reagan proclaimed it was "morning in America."

Trump's the one showing a mental decline. Have you heard any of his speeches, lately? The guy's losing it. One moment saying he's got hundreds of $millions on hand and the next griping about not being able to put up a $450 million bond. Maybe we'll find out which is it, in a few hours, in between his blaming Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi and insisting he'll "beat Obama again" so that Biden doesn't "get us into World War Two." LOL.
Edited by Mortman on Sun 03/24/24 11:26 PM
Bart's photo


Mon 03/25/24 05:17 AM

If Biden was doing his job we wouldn’t have millions of illegal aliens roaming around our streets, many commiting crimes and attacking our police. I thought they were coming for a better life , and escape life threatening situations.. it doesn’t really look as if that’s the case. And Joe just lets em waltz on over.. If you don’t deep down believe the justice getting their marching orders from the Biden administration or the “ Deep State” that is secretly running this country, than you are more naive than I thought you were… they are all in on trying to take Trump down because of Joe Biden’s demented state of mind has left the majority of the country looking for anyone other than Biden and another four years of this horrible economy.. and open borders..

Hah. No, it's the Republicans knifing that baby. If Congressional Republicans wanted immigration reform, we'd have it by now. Biden and Senate leaders got together (Rep. Johnson backed out) and negotiated a bipartisan border deal and Trump made Republicans kill the deal, so as not to give Biden any wins.

There is no "deep state"--at least not as you claim. Biden doesn't direct the DOJ. He just appoints the AG and head of the FBI and trusts they do their jobs, as a President should. The "deep state" BS is getting tired, especially because like the "stolen election" it's a claim perpetuated by all the crybabies on the right, dissatisfied with the election results. Get over it. If you've got any evidence that Biden is directing the DOJ or FBI to break laws, I'd like to see it.

As far as your "horrible economy," maybe look at the stock market's record highs, or the record low unemployment streak, or the dropping inflation rate that's already about half it was when Reagan proclaimed it was "morning in America."

Trump's the one showing a mental decline. Have you heard any of his speeches, lately? The guy's losing it. One moment saying he's got hundreds of $millions on hand and the next griping about not being able to put up a $450 million bond. Maybe we'll find out which is it, in a few hours, in between his blaming Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi and insisting he'll "beat Obama again" so that Biden doesn't "get us into World War Two." LOL.

That bill was BS .. it would have given amnesty to millions as soon as they entered the U.S. so glad it didn’t pass. And if you actually think that Biden mental capacity isn’t detrimental to our safety your 100% wrong. I listen to Trump speeches and I listen to Biden speeches , like please return me to the senate, Biden said that last week.. What a idiot.. While Trump talks about how he will fix all the F*** ups that Biden has caused , Biden talks about Trump. Not his plans to repair the damage he has done to the vast majority of Americans financial status.. No matter how Trump prevails in his bond hearing. It will not hurt his candidacy for President. Folks don’t need to hear a tv ad to know Biden is the worse choice for President .. just look at the last 3 years . Thanks to Biden we are on the brink of war, on the brink of a depression, and now we have to worry about the terrorists that Biden has let in and what they could be planning.. It only took 4 people to do all that damage in a terrorist attack in Russia. If you think no one of the 6 million immigrants that Joe let in has terrorist ties than you need to check back into reality..
Mortman's photo


Mon 03/25/24 09:17 AM

That bill was BS .. it would have given amnesty to millions as soon as they entered the U.S. so glad it didn’t pass. And if you actually think that Biden mental capacity isn’t detrimental to our safety your 100% wrong. I listen to Trump speeches and I listen to Biden speeches , like please return me to the senate, Biden said that last week.. What a idiot.. While Trump talks about how he will fix all the F*** ups that Biden has caused , Biden talks about Trump. Not his plans to repair the damage he has done to the vast majority of Americans financial status.. No matter how Trump prevails in his bond hearing. It will not hurt his candidacy for President. Folks don’t need to hear a tv ad to know Biden is the worse choice for President .. just look at the last 3 years . Thanks to Biden we are on the brink of war, on the brink of a depression, and now we have to worry about the terrorists that Biden has let in and what they could be planning.. It only took 4 people to do all that damage in a terrorist attack in Russia. If you think no one of the 6 million immigrants that Joe let in has terrorist ties than you need to check back into reality..

The bill had nothing granting amnesty. Refugees from Afghanistan would've gotten permanent status (not citizenship) but most of the bill is about funding for more people to work on the problems at the border. Seemingly more important to Republicans would've been the part of the bill that shuts down the border when too many immigrants come. You can look it up yourself.

Trump is clearly collapsing. He keeps boasting that he passed a "difficult" cognitive test. Doctor: "If you think a dementia screening test is very difficult, you may have early dementia."
Edited by Mortman on Mon 03/25/24 09:19 AM
Bart's photo


Mon 03/25/24 02:21 PM

That bill was BS .. it would have given amnesty to millions as soon as they entered the U.S. so glad it didn’t pass. And if you actually think that Biden mental capacity isn’t detrimental to our safety your 100% wrong. I listen to Trump speeches and I listen to Biden speeches , like please return me to the senate, Biden said that last week.. What a idiot.. While Trump talks about how he will fix all the F*** ups that Biden has caused , Biden talks about Trump. Not his plans to repair the damage he has done to the vast majority of Americans financial status.. No matter how Trump prevails in his bond hearing. It will not hurt his candidacy for President. Folks don’t need to hear a tv ad to know Biden is the worse choice for President .. just look at the last 3 years . Thanks to Biden we are on the brink of war, on the brink of a depression, and now we have to worry about the terrorists that Biden has let in and what they could be planning.. It only took 4 people to do all that damage in a terrorist attack in Russia. If you think no one of the 6 million immigrants that Joe let in has terrorist ties than you need to check back into reality..

The bill had nothing granting amnesty. Refugees from Afghanistan would've gotten permanent status (not citizenship) but most of the bill is about funding for more people to work on the problems at the border. Seemingly more important to Republicans would've been the part of the bill that shuts down the border when too many immigrants come. You can look it up yourself.

Trump is clearly collapsing. He keeps boasting that he passed a "difficult" cognitive test. Doctor: "If you think a dementia screening test is very difficult, you may have early dementia."

Well than why doesn’t Biden take a cognitive test.. he took that test unknowingly when he was interviewed by Hur. He failed miserably from the documents of that interview, so that answers that question… Amnesty is right around the corner for these millions of illegal immigrants if Biden is re-elected…5000 illegal immigrants a day.? how about no illegal immigrants a day. Let in many the legal way should be the only way. .. oh and BTW , Trump made his bond.. and the dems are fuming, let’s hear how you guys demean the judge who reduced his bond. Probaly a MAGA white supremest , right?
Toodygirl5's photo


Mon 03/25/24 04:15 PM

Mortman's photo


Mon 03/25/24 11:17 PM

Well than why doesn’t Biden take a cognitive test.. he took that test unknowingly when he was interviewed by Hur. He failed miserably from the documents of that interview, so that answers that question… Amnesty is right around the corner for these millions of illegal immigrants if Biden is re-elected…5000 illegal immigrants a day.? how about no illegal immigrants a day. Let in many the legal way should be the only way. .. oh and BTW , Trump made his bond.. and the dems are fuming, let’s hear how you guys demean the judge who reduced his bond. Probaly a MAGA white supremest , right?

From what I read about the Hur/Biden interview, he was fine. I don't see why Biden should take a dementia screening test. He seems in control and knowledgeable about the issues.

Conversely, Trump said Covid-19 could be cured by injecting bleach, and hurricanes could be nuked away. He confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, and claims he defeated George Bush and Barack Obama. That guy's a hot mess; it's clear why he found the dementia screening test hard, and why his former staff aren't endorsing him.
Bart's photo


Tue 03/26/24 05:00 AM

Well than why doesn’t Biden take a cognitive test.. he took that test unknowingly when he was interviewed by Hur. He failed miserably from the documents of that interview, so that answers that question… Amnesty is right around the corner for these millions of illegal immigrants if Biden is re-elected…5000 illegal immigrants a day.? how about no illegal immigrants a day. Let in many the legal way should be the only way. .. oh and BTW , Trump made his bond.. and the dems are fuming, let’s hear how you guys demean the judge who reduced his bond. Probaly a MAGA white supremest , right?

From what I read about the Hur/Biden interview, he was fine. I don't see why Biden should take a dementia screening test. He seems in control and knowledgeable about the issues.

Conversely, Trump said Covid-19 could be cured by injecting bleach, and hurricanes could be nuked away. He confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, and claims he defeated George Bush and Barack Obama. That guy's a hot mess; it's clear why he found the dementia screening test hard, and why his former staff aren't endorsing him.

He was fine you say. He didn’t know when he was Vice President, he has claimed his sister was his wife, he has shaken ands with invisible people , he gets lost on stages he has discussions with dead people , he has asked voters to return him to senate, he claimed he was the leader for civil rights. He has made up lies about law enforcement beating people. More lies from Joe than any other president. His days are numbered, either from voters turning towards Trump or from his illegal ventures catching up with him and his son. Everybody including his supporters have questions about his cognitive health..we don’t hear anybody talking like that about Trump except the ones trying desperately to turn the focus off Biden..
Toodygirl5's photo


Tue 03/26/24 05:53 AM

Most of J Biden's supporters probably know he is incompetent for any President; they just want a Socialist Marxist leader to go along with the agendas they support.
But J Biden will not win unless they steal another election.
Mortman's photo


Wed 03/27/24 04:59 PM

He was fine you say. He didn’t know when he was Vice President, he has claimed his sister was his wife, he has shaken ands with invisible people , he gets lost on stages he has discussions with dead people , he has asked voters to return him to senate, he claimed he was the leader for civil rights. He has made up lies about law enforcement beating people. More lies from Joe than any other president. His days are numbered, either from voters turning towards Trump or from his illegal ventures catching up with him and his son. Everybody including his supporters have questions about his cognitive health..we don’t hear anybody talking like that about Trump except the ones trying desperately to turn the focus off Biden..

I guess you may have heard that from some conservative vlogger or something. None of your accusations are true. Biden isn't less honest than other presidents--certainly nowhere near as many lies as Trump told. And "illegal ventures?" You think after decades of investigations, all the Republicans missed any illegal ventures? It can't be that all the Republicans are that incompetent.

The link above listed several examples of former Trump teammates who expose his criminality and incompetence. None of them are Biden fans. Try again.
Edited by Mortman on Wed 03/27/24 05:02 PM
Bart's photo


Thu 03/28/24 05:34 AM

He was fine you say. He didn’t know when he was Vice President, he has claimed his sister was his wife, he has shaken ands with invisible people , he gets lost on stages he has discussions with dead people , he has asked voters to return him to senate, he claimed he was the leader for civil rights. He has made up lies about law enforcement beating people. More lies from Joe than any other president. His days are numbered, either from voters turning towards Trump or from his illegal ventures catching up with him and his son. Everybody including his supporters have questions about his cognitive health..we don’t hear anybody talking like that about Trump except the ones trying desperately to turn the focus off Biden..

I guess you may have heard that from some conservative vlogger or something. None of your accusations are true. Biden isn't less honest than other presidents--certainly nowhere near as many lies as Trump told. And "illegal ventures?" You think after decades of investigations, all the Republicans missed any illegal ventures? It can't be that all the Republicans are that incompetent.

The link above listed several examples of former Trump teammates who expose his criminality and incompetence. None of them are Biden fans. Try again.

Your missing a lot of news reporting if you don’t believe the list of lies I mentioned.. he absolutely lied about border gaurd’s strapping immigrants, never apologized. Everything I said you can find it on video cause it did happen.. it sounds like your choice of media outlets are depriving you and half the country of your 1st amendment rights. It’s the Left that is trying to kill democracy. Why does the Left try to stop people from their right to run for president like Trump and RFK. Anti democracy is Biden’s real agenda.
Edited by Bart on Thu 03/28/24 05:48 AM
Toodygirl5's photo


Thu 03/28/24 10:19 AM

The Democrat Marxist leaders have been trying to Bankrupt D Trump ever since he got in office and out of office of POTUS.
Libral Marxists Leaders are the real criminals. Along with their Mini Puppet J Biden.

Hope Biden is Out in 2024. Unless his Leaders find a way to steel another election.

Meanwhile, back in reality . . .

I am Where are You!
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Thu 03/28/24 01:01 PM

He was fine you say. He didn’t know when he was Vice President, he has claimed his sister was his wife, he has shaken ands with invisible people , he gets lost on stages he has discussions with dead people , he has asked voters to return him to senate, he claimed he was the leader for civil rights. He has made up lies about law enforcement beating people. More lies from Joe than any other president. His days are numbered, either from voters turning towards Trump or from his illegal ventures catching up with him and his son. Everybody including his supporters have questions about his cognitive health..we don’t hear anybody talking like that about Trump except the ones trying desperately to turn the focus off Biden..

I guess you may have heard that from some conservative vlogger or something. None of your accusations are true. Biden isn't less honest than other presidents--certainly nowhere near as many lies as Trump told. And "illegal ventures?" You think after decades of investigations, all the Republicans missed any illegal ventures? It can't be that all the Republicans are that incompetent.

The link above listed several examples of former Trump teammates who expose his criminality and incompetence. None of them are Biden fans. Try again.

Your missing a lot of news reporting if you don’t believe the list of lies I mentioned.. he absolutely lied about border gaurd’s strapping immigrants, never apologized. Everything I said you can find it on video cause it did happen.. it sounds like your choice of media outlets are depriving you and half the country of your 1st amendment rights. It’s the Left that is trying to kill democracy. Why does the Left try to stop people from their right to run for president like Trump and RFK. Anti democracy is Biden’s real agenda.
The left wing media today: Not one word or mention about the HUGE funeral today in NY for the 31 yr old slain officer who left a wife and 1 yr old child. Killed by a career criminal, arrested TWENTY ONE times prior, and let out early by progessive DA!!! Biden a no show, of course, as the optics are bad. Not a mention from msnbc, nbc, abc, or cnn. wtf.....and people still go there for the news?? They did, however, fill the airwaves about the obama/clinton fundraiser for Biden tonight. Anyone who can't see what's going on here is beyond impartial. I won't mention any names.