In El-Paso Texas over 100 migrants breached security barriers while assaulting DPS agents. What other country would allow what is essentially a invasion across their border? None I would think. Texas law enforcement just captured a known terrorist that admitted to coming here to build bombs and kill American’s. Imagine if Joe Biden is re-elected, another seven to ten million illegal immigrants jammed in these democrat run cities and adding more constituents on the census. That means more democrat politicians to push their liberal policies and slowly take away our rights that don’t align with the liberal ideology… Our border is now a national security breach and Biden and his border czar seem to be looking the other way. Does “Dereliction of Duty” come to mind?
To date no known terrorist has ever crossed the Mexico border. All have crossed from Canada. If Pedro want to come here and work and be.productive I say let him come.
What have you done to stop.o slow down illegal immigration? Have you called.toyr congressman and told them to support some easy and common sense changes to the immigration laws that would pretty much stop it?
Really so you don't count Criminals as terrorist I assume.. Do you realize it is not just Mexican's crossing the Border from Mexico?
Illegals make up around 1% of all criminal activity in the us. So by that reasoning it's safer to be in a group of illegals than in a group of american citizens.
I spent 13 months on border security. Easist money I ever made.
Congress could make 3 changes to the immigration laws and 90% of illegal immigration would stop.
Do you know from south America it costs an average of $5000 and 3 years to even get on the yearly list? And if your not selected you have to start over again and don't get your money back?
But if ypur in europe it's free, takes about 6 months and you only have to fo it once. You just wait your turn.
From Europe an average of 20,000 peopke are authorized to immigrate a year. From south American countries total, combining all countries, it's less than 100.
If I qas poor and starving and had no hope and I knew I could never immigrate here legally I would jump the border because I literally would have nothing to lose.