What in your opinion is better than sex ?
A man's love (to that one woman in his life) that understands the faded soul in a woman
- his kindness n the way he treasures that woman's presence which heals the unsaid fears in a woman
- his nurturing care for her all days whether sick or not
- his time, his presence for her
- a kind of adorable affection that is not about lust or touch or even a need for an arousing kiss but as a woman, you tend to feel his securing warm presence around you all the time from the way he treats you with love, from the moments he considers you the most in his life, a longing he shows to be with you n enjoys being with you
- a kind of transparency he gives to that woman that makes her feel clear n confident
- This love from a man's soul to that one woman in his life is AMAZING
<he has super powers to even fix the broken wings of a woman n make her fly again with happiness> 🥰❤
According to me, these are thousand times better than sex!