Going out for a drive sounds like a good idea to me.
A common thing in my family was that, spur of the moment, let's go out for a drive. That's how I grew up.
Going out for a drive sounds like a good idea to me.
I guess, no need much to please you
I don't know, I think just to put the hot dog in the bun and sleep for a while.
well sometimes the ketchup ruin it all.
and if the hot dog gets cold, I guess you need to heat it up a little.
Or with the oven below or maybe you can use the microwave on top.
The random unexpected back crack when looking to reverse out of a parking space.
I happen to enjoy long drives. I'm actually due for one myself. :)
I believe that the most important 'key' to a successful relationship would have to be 'trust'. I believe that with trust, love will follow.
Sleeping less than 6 hours and feeling refreshed when you wake up
The abstinence from sex once finding a good hiding place in the penitentiary.
sex, money and dignity is what we live for.
I like older movies myself. Most of what has been made in the past ten years give-or-take is pretty unwatchable though.
sex is more of an imagination than physical. Donno about women in modern bikini as seen on the beaches of American movies. But in camaflouge India where only face, hand & feet of a women appear and seeing them, man expect, all above three are good then breast will be good. if breast seen okay then gspot will be good. By the time lights get switched off and everything boil down to dia of the orifice to populate... So one may also conclude it is a mind game for men while women wanna only three things, length of a horse, duration of a dog and sweak of sparrow...
Do fully clothed cuddling, caressing, smooching... count as sex?
Q. What's the men idea about foreplay?
Ans:- Begging for sex.
Do fully clothed cuddling, caressing, smooching... count as sex?
Q. What's the men idea about foreplay?
Ans:- Begging for sex.
It goes without saying that a sex act cannot take place if the persons involved remain fully clothed.
I used to have eczema on my right shin. Sometimes the urge to scratch it would become so irresistible, that I would no longer be able to resist. I would then lift up my trouser leg, roll down my sock and gently scratch with a long slow motion. I would be in ecstasy!! It was sometimes better than sex.
I don’t have eczema anymore. Can’t say I miss it!
I used to have eczema on my right shin. Sometimes the urge to scratch it would become so irresistible, that I would no longer be able to resist. I would then lift up my trouser leg, roll down my sock and gently scratch with a long slow motion. I would be in ecstasy!! It was sometimes better than sex.
I don’t have eczema anymore. Can’t say I miss it!
When you’re really really hungry and have a taco salad and your eyes kinda roll back and you call upon god after the first bite cause it tastes so yummy.