Topic: What is life?
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Tue 05/14/24 02:03 AM

From a mechanism perspective, it is random nested array for fluctuations.

How would you define it?
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Tue 05/14/24 01:33 PM

Fluctuated by bending over ,mechanism is razor blade. Thanx for explanation on generationalcurses in previous post. Ido believe curses exist when occurences repeat in a pattern beyond any abilitie to effect or cause.
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Tue 05/14/24 10:37 PM

Sperm to worm :wink:
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Wed 05/15/24 12:30 AM

Does life begin at conception?
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Wed 05/15/24 02:59 AM

Does life begin at conception?
depends what lifeform you are referring to, your beliefs about what characteristics define life and from which discipline your viewpoint is based .. biological , metaphysical , chemical , philosophical , legal, ethical, religious etc .

Regarding my sperm to worm comment… is this what you imagined

Isn’t life fascinating bigsmile
Edited by Blondey111 on Wed 05/15/24 03:03 AM
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Wed 05/15/24 01:19 PM

Okay "Blondey111", what is your opinion about when human life starts based on biology?
The video you linked to is educational and entertaining. Similar to earthworms, maybe evolution should also have made humans wait longer before having sex another time after the previous hook up :blush:.
motowndowntown's photo


Wed 05/15/24 10:02 PM

Life is what you make it. Is not a cow life, a chicken, a plant, the earth we live on, the sky, the air we breath?

Native Americans thought everything was alive in some way and should be respected. White men think everything is dead and should be used.
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Wed 05/15/24 11:30 PM

Those men's who got married in life an having a WIFE in biological life, with full chemistry physic mathematics geography and sometimes or many times historical :head_bandage: surgical strikes 🪠🧹🥿:high_heel:🩴:no_good_tone1:‍♀️....
may define life in better mechanism perspective.. how to live and how to survive..:eyes::earth_americas::deciduous_tree::white_sun_rain_cloud:

OT : Depends on living an the surrounding condition of environment of fresh air or mixed molecules in that plus our eating habits and what we are consuming mainly for our body..

Edited by Unknow on Wed 05/15/24 11:37 PM
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Sat 05/18/24 12:25 AM

Sorry typo should be 'of' instead of 'for' there.

It is a random nested array of fluctuations.

Sperm to worm :wink:

Exactly. :P
JustJosh's photo


Sun 05/19/24 02:29 PM

Thank you Sam for clearing this up
For myself life is simply biological entities struggling for survival, comfort, and truly good dark chocolate. Thoughts are merely electronic signals sent down long pathways of neurons, and love is just a warm Alaskan malamute puppy.

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Sun 05/19/24 06:59 PM

Okay "Blondey111", what is your opinion about when human life starts based on biology?
The video you linked to is educational and entertaining. Similar to earthworms, maybe evolution should also have made humans wait longer before having sex another time after the previous hook up :blush:.
hi Farid waving you made me laugh . Evolution is certainly interesting . Wonder why natural selection overlooked the way humans approach sex . As for biology and when human life begins .. for me it is when the egg and sperm unite to form a zygote .. I would consider that the earliest start of human development . Obviously the embryo still needs to form and medical science has clear beliefs about when an embryo becomes a viable life . Sperm cells and eggs are living cells but to be considered an “organism “(which humans and other lifeforms are ) , they do not meet the scientific criteria .
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Sun 05/19/24 07:15 PM

Thank you Sam for clearing this up
For myself life is simply biological entities struggling for survival, comfort, and truly good dark chocolate. Thoughts are merely electronic signals sent down long pathways of neurons, and love is just a warm Alaskan malamute puppy.

Hi Josh .waving . you forgot the brain .. without a processor what do you think would happen to neuronal signals ?? The human brain is what differentiates mankind from other species . Jelly fish do not have a centralised brain , so there are lifeforms that do exist . Humans however are dependent on brain function for metabolism and what we consider life .
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Wed 05/22/24 01:02 AM


I agree. However if you need a prayer, i highly recommend to Joe Pesci, odds are impeccably better too.
JustJosh's photo


Wed 05/22/24 07:23 AM

I don’t think I’ve forgotten my brain
Oh wait, there it be
No actually Cynthia I think we would both agree on the mechanistic biological nature of thought and feelings
The only thing I would take exception to is that the brain does NOT separate us from other animals
We are just animals with slightly larger brains
We share the ability to form long chains of neural connections which we call thoughts and feelings with ALL the animals with a central nervous system
The common house mouse, for example, shows the same care and nurturing behavior towards their young that we in the human species frequently call “love “
I only wish that they would stop teasing the hell out of my dog
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Wed 05/22/24 01:11 PM

The only thing I would take exception to is that the brain does NOT separate us from other animals
We are just animals with slightly larger brains
We share the ability to form long chains of neural connections which we call thoughts and feelings with ALL the animals with a central nervous system

Whales and elephants have the largest brains among animals. However, the combination of very many cortical neurons and a relatively high information processing capacity appears to explain the superiority of human intelligence.

BTW, has "Blondey111" revealed her first name to you?
JustJosh's photo


Wed 05/22/24 01:20 PM

You’re quite right Farid
And thank you for sharing that
Our cortex is larger but the sperm whale has a brain that weighs 20 pounds!!
See, I’m the opposite of that
I have a tiny itty bitty brain and 20 pounds of sperm
And I have no idea why I called her Cynthia
It’s just such a pretty name I guess
Toodygirl5's photo


Wed 05/22/24 01:34 PM

From a mechanism perspective, it is random nested array for fluctuations.

How would you define it?

Life is a gift from God and everyday is a day of Thanksgiving!
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 05/22/24 01:36 PM
Toodygirl5's photo


Wed 05/22/24 01:34 PM

From a mechanism perspective, it is random nested array for fluctuations.

How would you define it?

Enjoy it.
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 05/22/24 01:35 PM
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Wed 05/22/24 10:51 PM

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth :earth_africa: Life Is a Journey a lesson.Thy Kingdom Come On Earth as it is in Heaven.We are not living in Gods Kingdom.Wake Up and smell the coffee.The second coming of Christ is very close now.
JustJosh's photo


Thu 05/23/24 07:30 AM

Sorry guys
I don’t think anyone who understands the biological basis of thoughts and feelings believes in god anymore