Had to get a prior blood test done to see if suitable for it and all good, and there are three phases for me. 4 weeks of .25mg then 4 weeks of .5mg then you go to the 1mg and that's apparently when it all happens.
did the entire .25mg run and nothing of significance to report.
currently in phase two now (one dosage thus far) and on two separate occasions i made something with raw sugar added (out of habit) and almost puked after. i can eat sweet grapes other fruits etc all fine but processed sugar gives me tummy nausea and to make it even better is that my sugar cravings have gone... this coming from a guy who has a diehard sweet tooth too.
start of covid i was 180cm and 115KG. I am now down to 97KG and hoping to get to 80KG end game before Spring - three months away as i am gonna go surfing again, and do gym again.
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