Shouldn't there be bones of bigfoot and sasquatch laying around that people can do research on?
That's one of the mysteries.
Theory is that they have a specific way of burying their dead.
There's also ample material to support the theory that they can make themselves invisible.
Science is investigating invisibility, probably for military purposes, and have actually come close.
I've seen them do it in the docu series "Expedition Bigfoot".
Scientist proving it is possible.
To us it sounds far-fetched, but scientifically proven and shown.
Another thing is, that wherever there's a lot of Bigfoot activity the US military show up out of the blue.
They've also fenced off vast stretches of nature where there tends to be a lot of Bigfoot activity.
Meaning... US government knows a helluva lot more about them than they're willing to let the public know.
Also means they're real otherwise government wouldn't behave that way.
I think it is also highly likely that US government has captured Bigfoot.