Topic: Democrats = Dereliction of Duty:…
Karmafury's photo


Fri 09/13/24 02:30 PM

Corporations not the government are responsible for high prices. Much of what people buy regularly is controlled by a handful of companies. These have been caught price gouging the American people with Krogers admitting it.
CEO's looking to keep their cushy jobs and especially their bonus's are responsible.

Regarding the 'failed immigration policies' of the Biden administration. There was a border bill but it was shot down by Republicans obeying Trump. Why take care of a problem when you can scream about it. Passing the bill would have made the Biden administration look good and that would have removed the only talking point the Republicans and Trump have. Fear and hate of those that different are the mainstay of Trump's rallys and speeches/intervies.

LOL yea right, after 3.5 years and 12 million or more illegal immigrants let into our country and bleeding our cities of resources that low income Americans can’t get because the democrats want to give those resources to the immigrants. And 6 months before the election the dems want to all the sudden secure the border. To little to late for their optics of concern over the border bill passed since Biden has been in office has made him look good. His bidenomics bill that has burdened Americans is what’s killing our economy but they say they are proud of it…

CEO's have admitted to the gouging. Republicans have admitted that Trump killed a bi-partisan border bill that the Border Guard Union approved and endorsed. The amount of disinformation, much coming from Russia, that is being spread by Trump, Vance and MAGA supporers defies the truths that are verified.

More Russian disinformation? Really? .. That game is getting old and nobody believes it now anyway after the last two Russian disinformation campaigns have been debunked. Although it was instigated by the FBI and Hillary.. now the democrats are proud to blatantly lie to the American voter about Trumps policies while ignoring questions and answers with talking points. She has no integrity or morals ..the gouging of prices is another excuse for the past 3.5 years the democrats have screwed over every American citizen . Enough is enough, I feel the people are through with the imbeciles in office and will make a change for the better, again..
Bart's photo


Fri 09/13/24 05:00 PM

Corporations not the government are responsible for high prices. Much of what people buy regularly is controlled by a handful of companies. These have been caught price gouging the American people with Krogers admitting it.
CEO's looking to keep their cushy jobs and especially their bonus's are responsible.

Regarding the 'failed immigration policies' of the Biden administration. There was a border bill but it was shot down by Republicans obeying Trump. Why take care of a problem when you can scream about it. Passing the bill would have made the Biden administration look good and that would have removed the only talking point the Republicans and Trump have. Fear and hate of those that different are the mainstay of Trump's rallys and speeches/intervies.

LOL yea right, after 3.5 years and 12 million or more illegal immigrants let into our country and bleeding our cities of resources that low income Americans can’t get because the democrats want to give those resources to the immigrants. And 6 months before the election the dems want to all the sudden secure the border. To little to late for their optics of concern over the border bill passed since Biden has been in office has made him look good. His bidenomics bill that has burdened Americans is what’s killing our economy but they say they are proud of it…

CEO's have admitted to the gouging. Republicans have admitted that Trump killed a bi-partisan border bill that the Border Guard Union approved and endorsed. The amount of disinformation, much coming from Russia, that is being spread by Trump, Vance and MAGA supporers defies the truths that are verified.

More Russian disinformation? Really? .. That game is getting old and nobody believes it now anyway after the last two Russian disinformation campaigns have been debunked. Although it was instigated by the FBI and Hillary.. now the democrats are proud to blatantly lie to the American voter about Trumps policies while ignoring questions and answers with talking points. She has no integrity or morals ..the gouging of prices is another excuse for the past 3.5 years the democrats have screwed over every American citizen . Enough is enough, I feel the people are through with the imbeciles in office and will make a change for the better, again..

I couldn’t open the link but if it was the Merick Gariand rant about attacks on the DOJ, I’ll pass . I see enough fake news without wasting time listening to a far left hack.. questioning the possible unethical actions of a government agency is the basic right of the people that pay their paycheck. These folks work for us and should be more transparent..
zeeb's photo


Fri 09/13/24 11:49 PM

It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal.

Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration.

Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place.

There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not.

Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage.

Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important.

Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid.

So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"?

But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for.

Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you.
Edited by zeeb on Sat 09/14/24 12:22 AM
Bart's photo


Sat 09/14/24 02:37 AM

It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal.

Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration.

Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place.

There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not.

Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage.

Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important.

Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid.

So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"?

But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for.

Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you.

Not sure what you been reading on here but we have been saying illegal immigration. That’s why we complain.. and the idea of corporation gouging is a hoax. A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compaired to the Trump years.. It’s because of Biden and Harris and their ill advised policies they have enacted just to spite the Trump policies that were working for the people..
Karmafury's photo


Sat 09/14/24 09:49 AM

It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal.

Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration.

Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place.

There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not.

Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage.

Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important.

Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid.

So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"?

But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for.

Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you.

Not sure what you been reading on here but we have been saying illegal immigration. That’s why we complain.. and the idea of corporation gouging is a hoax. A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compaired to the Trump years.. It’s because of Biden and Harris and their ill advised policies they have enacted just to spite the Trump policies that were working for the people..

Regarding your price gouging statement that "A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compared to the Trump years." It would only take a few companies since it is only a few that control everything.

Four giant companies – that's right, FOUR – Tyson, Cargill, and Brazil-based National Beef and JBS, now control 85% of the U.S. beef market. WH Group (Chinese), JBS, Hormel, and Tyson control about 67% of the pork market. Tyson and Pilgrims Pride control about 45% of the chicken market.

In 2023, PepsiCo’s chief financial officer said that even though inflation was dropping, its prices would not be. Pepsi hiked its prices by double digits and announced plans to keep them high in 2024.

If Pepsi were challenged by tougher competition, consumers would just buy something cheaper. But PepsiCo’s only major soda competitor is Coca-Cola, which – surprise, surprise – announced similar price hikes at about the same time as Pepsi and has also kept its prices high.

The CEO of Coca-Cola claimed that the company had “earned the right” to push price hikes because its sodas are popular. Popular? The only thing that’s popular these days seems to be corporate price gouging.

We’re seeing this pattern across much of the economy – especially with groceries. At the end of 2023, Americans were paying at least 30% more for beef, pork and poultry products than they were in 2020.

Why? Near-monopoly power. Just four companies now control processing of 80% of beef, nearly 70% of pork, and almost 60% of poultry. So of course it’s easy for them to coordinate price increases.

The problem goes well beyond the grocery store. In 75% of US industries, fewer companies now control more of their markets than they did 20 years ago.
Bart's photo


Sat 09/14/24 12:51 PM

It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal.

Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration.

Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place.

There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not.

Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage.

Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important.

Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid.

So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"?

But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for.

Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you.

Not sure what you been reading on here but we have been saying illegal immigration. That’s why we complain.. and the idea of corporation gouging is a hoax. A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compaired to the Trump years.. It’s because of Biden and Harris and their ill advised policies they have enacted just to spite the Trump policies that were working for the people..

Regarding your price gouging statement that "A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compared to the Trump years." It would only take a few companies since it is only a few that control everything.

Four giant companies – that's right, FOUR – Tyson, Cargill, and Brazil-based National Beef and JBS, now control 85% of the U.S. beef market. WH Group (Chinese), JBS, Hormel, and Tyson control about 67% of the pork market. Tyson and Pilgrims Pride control about 45% of the chicken market.

In 2023, PepsiCo’s chief financial officer said that even though inflation was dropping, its prices would not be. Pepsi hiked its prices by double digits and announced plans to keep them high in 2024.

If Pepsi were challenged by tougher competition, consumers would just buy something cheaper. But PepsiCo’s only major soda competitor is Coca-Cola, which – surprise, surprise – announced similar price hikes at about the same time as Pepsi and has also kept its prices high.

The CEO of Coca-Cola claimed that the company had “earned the right” to push price hikes because its sodas are popular. Popular? The only thing that’s popular these days seems to be corporate price gouging.

We’re seeing this pattern across much of the economy – especially with groceries. At the end of 2023, Americans were paying at least 30% more for beef, pork and poultry products than they were in 2020.

Why? Near-monopoly power. Just four companies now control processing of 80% of beef, nearly 70% of pork, and almost 60% of poultry. So of course it’s easy for them to coordinate price increases.

The problem goes well beyond the grocery store. In 75% of US industries, fewer companies now control more of their markets than they did 20 years ago.

Governmental regulations have a lot to do with the way corps. have to regulate or adjust their prices to compete. Anytime the government has the power to ban a plastic straw, you know they can manipulate the rules for these corporations. But there is everything , not just meat. We pay about $1200.00 more per month than we did with Trump. Even if it is the price gouging ( which it isn’t the real reason) why hasn’t Biden or Harris done anything about it. If the government would let the private sector do what they do best , to compete with other corporations on a fair playing field , the prices would start to fall. The free enterprise systems have always been better for the American shopper , instead of the government getting in the way and making everything cost more than it should..
Mortman's photo


Mon 09/16/24 08:17 AM

Governmental regulations have a lot to do with the way corps. have to regulate or adjust their prices to compete. Anytime the government has the power to ban a plastic straw, you know they can manipulate the rules for these corporations. But there is everything , not just meat. We pay about $1200.00 more per month than we did with Trump. Even if it is the price gouging ( which it isn’t the real reason) why hasn’t Biden or Harris done anything about it. If the government would let the private sector do what they do best , to compete with other corporations on a fair playing field , the prices would start to fall. The free enterprise systems have always been better for the American shopper , instead of the government getting in the way and making everything cost more than it should..

The federal government didn't ban plastic straws, and letting businesses do what they want is how we got here. They don't compete; they buy their competition, and then raise prices for obscene profits.
Toodygirl5's photo


Mon 09/16/24 12:17 PM

Unreal how the evil ones are now trying to take the Most qualified candidate out.
Hopefully they will not succeed and He will be the New Leader of USA.