Corporations not the government are responsible for high prices. Much of what people buy regularly is controlled by a handful of companies. These have been caught price gouging the American people with Krogers admitting it.
CEO's looking to keep their cushy jobs and especially their bonus's are responsible.
Regarding the 'failed immigration policies' of the Biden administration. There was a border bill but it was shot down by Republicans obeying Trump. Why take care of a problem when you can scream about it. Passing the bill would have made the Biden administration look good and that would have removed the only talking point the Republicans and Trump have. Fear and hate of those that different are the mainstay of Trump's rallys and speeches/intervies.
LOL yea right, after 3.5 years and 12 million or more illegal immigrants let into our country and bleeding our cities of resources that low income Americans can’t get because the democrats want to give those resources to the immigrants. And 6 months before the election the dems want to all the sudden secure the border. To little to late for their optics of concern over the border bill passed since Biden has been in office has made him look good. His bidenomics bill that has burdened Americans is what’s killing our economy but they say they are proud of it…
CEO's have admitted to the gouging. Republicans have admitted that Trump killed a bi-partisan border bill that the Border Guard Union approved and endorsed. The amount of disinformation, much coming from Russia, that is being spread by Trump, Vance and MAGA supporers defies the truths that are verified.
More Russian disinformation? Really? .. That game is getting old and nobody believes it now anyway after the last two Russian disinformation campaigns have been debunked. Although it was instigated by the FBI and Hillary.. now the democrats are proud to blatantly lie to the American voter about Trumps policies while ignoring questions and answers with talking points. She has no integrity or morals ..the gouging of prices is another excuse for the past 3.5 years the democrats have screwed over every American citizen . Enough is enough, I feel the people are through with the imbeciles in office and will make a change for the better, again..