Great poem
! I’m looking forward to this year especially in April since I have front row tickets to Cheap Trick when they come here
Thank you... if I'm sure that is the same Concert my little sister is going to when here.. enjoy the concert..
Yeah, they’re coming to Concrete Street and I get the alerts from them and thus I get the benefit of early access of tickets. I told my best friend who brings me that I’m getting front row and I did and they’re printed out already. When I saw the alert I was like NO WAY
! They’re from my home state of Illinois and Rockford is kind of not too far from my hometown along the Mississippi River. I’ve done some preparing and ordering stuff as well. I’m still in OMG mode
! Rick’s son Dax, who’s their drummer, is handsome too
! When are they coming to you? Mines April 23. I hope she enjoy’s her concert too