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am a very simple person who loves music alot and i smile and laugh alot too😍 the other things are about me are just basic ☺
i have a daughter i love her alot. i only get to see her on weekends...
Name's Eric. I am originally from Indio,Ca but I've lived in Thousand Oaks,Ca 22 years. Looking for someone to have a good time hanging with. Nothing Extravagant. keepin it Casual. I like to learn...
I'm simple, easy going, friendly and shy at first, I get along if we are having a great connection.. I like outdoors, cooking, hiking, travelling, fishing, meeting new people, scuba diving and...
Hi.. I am 29 and I am an esay going person. I love spending time with my son and my dogs. I love being outside soaking up the sun doing fun things :) have any questions just ask