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Hi..i am Eric i had recently just got out of a 22 year marriage it was a ruff 3 years for me but i am better off without the lies cheating and theft i have 2. oys both out on there own i do side jobs...
Hi..I am a mom with two kids a boy and a girl I live in New Albany Indiana I am 32 years old and single and i am a Harley Quinn fan i love going shopping and out to eat i also like home cooking
Im a 28 yr old single father of a wonderful 7 year old daughter named cloe and I've been single since my daughter was born and I'm just trying to find someone who wouldn't mind giving me a chance to...
Hello everyone , I'm not here for fun and i'm here to find the special someone, Looking for someone who wants a serious relationship. I'm ready to give my all and make it a dream come true. Please...