Topeka's best 100% FREE dating site for single parents. Join our online community of Kansas single parents and meet people like you through our free Topeka single parent personal ads and online chat rooms. Place your free personal ad for Topeka today to meet other single parents in Topeka looking for love, romance, friendship, and more!
Hi.. im a single mom of 2. very outgoing. but honestly not sure what im looking for. please don't blow my messages up with fake stuff and lies. just be honest about what you want. im blunt and honest...
Hi..I'm a mechanic by trade but my passion is in all things pop culture. Music, comic books, anime, movies. But I also enjoy working out, playing pool, and conversations on a patio with a nice drink;...
Hi... I am a single mom of 4 I run everything and am the boss except for one place but I don’t like to make decisions I’m shy at first but after I am very out going I am dream oriented I have goals...