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Love concept, love is mutual tolerance and mutual understanding. If you really love you, you will be understood, and everything is the running-in of time.
Hi...I'm a FTM (transman) living in North Bay, Ontario.
I'm an easy going guy that is looking for a long term relationship with hopefully Mr. Right.
If you message me, I will reply back. I was...
I have 5 kids 3 boys 2 girls I have no job I live off welfare I don't planever plan to work ever I scam banks and the mother of my children to live anyone I can I'm an opportunist and I love it.
I'm ftm trans, or trans-male. I identify as a man, and am seeking the company of another man.
It's all fine and dandy if you're looking for a random hookup but I'm not. So if you are would you...