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Happily divorce, with little baggage in hand, and looking to start fresh. Although my Profile has me as 'NewlySingle14' and my hair colour is brown. This is not the case, but I can't seem to...
This is my REAL NAME, REAL AGE/HEIGHT, 2021/22 Photos+ More to come.
...on a quest to find my Auserwählter, my IKIGAI.
"Sometimes, you meet someone that requires all the love you...
Online gamer, * last shelter survival *kiss of war * mafia city * state of survival. During these terrible times, these are the best way, to know each other. So let me know your online character...
Recently returned to Quebec and looking towards friendship through conversation and coffee.
and thinking about words of the Portuguese writer José Micard...
Je parle aussi le français...
PLEASE READ: I cannot see who "likes" me. If you would like me to respond, you'd have to send me a short note otherwise I can't even see who "liked" me. I'm not a...