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Hi.. I’m a mom of 3, 2 live with me full time and my youngest lives with her dad in FL and I get visitation time..I’m easy going open minded. What ever happens happens hoping to find some good ppl...
I'm a super sweet person and caring and loving and kind and generous and thoughtful and very loyal and faithful and honest and patient and understanding and passionate and affectionate and romantic...
I'm 28 years old and I'm a super sweet person and caring and loving and kind and generous and thoughtful and loyal and faithful and honest and patient and understanding and passionate and...
I'm a full blown lesbian fem and I'm a super sweet person and caring and loving and kind and generous and thoughtful and loyal and faithful and honest and patient and understanding and passionate and...
Hello! I’m from Germany ➡️ VA ➡️ living in TN.
I ❤️ traveling, photographer, hiking, bars/clubs, swimming, shopping, restaurant, kayaking, concert, sushi, workout, coffee.
I’m deaf, but we...