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Hi...Friends have described me as highly intelligent, reliable and caring. And it's true! I've always been there for my mates, and they have always returned the favour. It's always been important to...
hi name is Bobby. I'm a single dad of 2 son's which I'm very much involved in there lives. I work graveyard in the medical field but soon to change to days. im very down to earth, caring, kind, easy...
Hi.. Just looking for the perfect nerdy girl for me who like anime, Pokémon video games, mtg, dnd, cuddle and watch something on tv, and other nerdy stuff too and want to do all those things with me...
Hi..i am looking for a real person to talk to get to know im an honest and real person not perfect i dont have a car and do have bad teeth but im working on both
Hey im lookin for a relationship with a woman that wont cheat on me nor will lie and if we chat im not gonna invite u to any link nor will i join any link