Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 52
no1phD's photo


Sun 06/21/15 09:36 AM

I am thinking... it is fathers day! and I'm still making breakfast.. for myself and everyone else...:cry: .....
. I am thinking it's Father's Day!..
... and I'm not going to get what I really want.. for Father's Day..:wink: ..

.. oh well why should this fathers day be any different than all the rest...
..surprised .... what's that, want your bacon crispy R....ohh..k..sorry..slaphead



Sun 06/21/15 10:01 AM

Tmommy stated >>>
Well it took three years but it finally happened..did ya ever have THE CONVO with your know the one where you re-hash all the issues you had in your marriage and say things like "if you had never allowed your brother to live with us everytime he needed to be rescued" oh ya well if you had stepped off boat and taken that land job ten years ago. You never wanted me to finish my degree oh ya well you never wanted to sell the house. You knew I felt overwhelmed trying raise these kids alone.

interesting conversation to hear for first time his admission that he failed to put his wife and family first and chose instead his career and that yes he did at times postpone me getting my degree for fear I would leave him but is proud of me now.never thought I would hear him say it.

you ever have that one convo that clears the air on things ya both argued about for so long?

Nope...but I've often wanted to be able to yank his 6'5" over weight body and his inflated ego up by his ankles and shake the ever-love'n cr*p out of him and see if any brains fell out! grumble
I was his #2 X-wife; found out about his 2� yr old little girl when I was 6 months pregnant with his baby boy {sheriff deputy served court papers on him for past due child support} --- that along with his inability to keep a job and just spend his time fishing ended our marriage rapidly!
But I respected his parents and made sure that we - they kept in touch and got to see their grandson! Then he did a repeat performance and we found out he'd got another {even younger woman PG} so my son has 2 - step sisters from 2 other women and that louse didn't pay child support for ANY OF HIS CHILDREN - EVER...small town legal systems threaten a lot of verbal cr*p but rarely ever follow through with the ACTION.

Anyway --- I'm happy you had a 'Clear The Air' moment with your EX; I'd be afraid that mine would end up with a DOA and I'd be serving time :wink:


Sun 06/21/15 10:06 AM

no1PhD stated >>>
I am thinking... it is fathers day! and I'm still making breakfast.. for myself and everyone else...:cry: .....
. I am thinking it's Father's Day!..
... and I'm not going to get what I really want.. for Father's Day..:wink: ..

.. oh well why should this fathers day be any different than all the rest...
..surprised .... what's that, want your bacon crispy R....ohh..k..sorry..slaphead

WOWSERS...did you leave them a 'NOTE' {filled with suggestions} about WHAT POPS WANTS TO DO FOR FATHER'S DAY think

Young men are single brained cell operators; and if you don't show them - don't teach them to think beyond their 'GUT' and primary 'how is this going to impact me/my life' then how on earth are they ever going to learn???

Come on 'DAD'...make up a list and provide each of them a chore - a request...written according to their appropriate age and allow them to do the TASK. slaphead flowerforyou
no1phD's photo


Sun 06/21/15 10:14 AM

Omg.. I'm a dad! we don't do notes.. We do..(guilt) really good and besides if I was to do that..... that would give away the illusion... that I don't really pay attention.. to such trivial things.. like my birthday Father's Day...


Sun 06/21/15 10:37 AM

no1phD posted >>>
Omg.. I'm a dad! we don't do notes.. We do..(guilt) really good and besides if I was to do that..... that would give away the illusion... that I don't really pay attention.. to such trivial things.. like my birthday Father's Day...

Well, there ya go; try the unexpected - do something uniquely off the charts and scared the hell out of them by 'POSTING A NOTE' laugh

Not easy being 'DAD' with boys in the house; but I'm sure you've done 'NO HARM' :thumbsup: drinker
no1phD's photo


Sun 06/21/15 10:56 AM

.. yes no harm.. that is! I have not broken them thanks for the advice... I will .. make a note of drinker
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Sun 06/21/15 04:23 PM

Thinking, just another 10 days ... and my baby girl will be home! Well, not really home, as she doesn't live here anymore, but still!

She left for the States on May 23rd 2013. That was the last time I've seen her and held her in my arms. And that was only for 5 minutes, as traffic to the airport was a effing nightmare and she had to board the plane by the time me and my son got there. Almost missed her completely.

Gonna be weird, as she's changed so much, grown up so much! And it's gonna be funny as well I think, cos she's prolly gonna speak half Dutch, half English, just like mom :tongue:
Oh well, at least she will now understand that 'problem' now, lol. She didn't when she was a teenager.
MelMaxx's photo


Sun 06/21/15 05:44 PM

well.....other "thoughts" are out, so Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream love
dcastelmissy's photo


Sun 06/21/15 07:07 PM

Some women preach what they do not practice or advise in real life !
no photo


Sun 06/21/15 07:09 PM

Thinking I hope Storm is okay...she hasn't text me lately. ...
no1phD's photo


Sun 06/21/15 08:45 PM

People in glass houses shouldn't play with balls indoors tongue2
.. see that's the problem with glass houses.. people always know when you're playing with your balls..lmao..
dreamerana's photo


Sun 06/21/15 09:05 PM

thinking how lucky I am to be so blessed in life
no photo


Mon 06/22/15 03:23 AM

Thinking it's a new day, and I still haven't changed my mind.
Edited by Submaran16 on Mon 06/22/15 03:24 AM


Mon 06/22/15 06:04 AM

Pretty much wasted for the rest of this day; doing anything in this heat & humidity {even early 6 ish in the morning] just saps your energy level! Power Nap coming up yawn asleep
Sileia's photo


Mon 06/22/15 06:20 AM

I wonder if anyone is into star trek on this site. I wonder why I keep stupid message who say well that I think is wrong is send anyone. Then next breakfast could have been better. Two I check kitten and their mother they are okay. Yawns then I think I am going to a stay home. Why is this cat in my lap? As I am typing on here all sudden.
no1phD's photo


Mon 06/22/15 08:31 AM

I'm thinking! is it going to rain or not...
it looks like it might rain! but I have been fooled
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Mon 06/22/15 09:58 AM

My baby had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled in one go today. I'm not happy. Wouldn't have happened if she'd been here still. I feel like punching the bleeding dentist or doctor's lights out. What moron pulls all 4 in one go? I'm seriously pissed off, and worried. Dang, if this wasn't PG13 I'd show ya'll my mastery off the Queen's profaner English. I need a rant. explode


Mon 06/22/15 10:42 AM

CrystalFairy posted >>>
My baby had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled in one go today. I'm not happy. Wouldn't have happened if she'd been here still. I feel like punching the bleeding dentist or doctor's lights out. What moron pulls all 4 in one go? I'm seriously pissed off, and worried. Dang, if this wasn't PG13 I'd show ya'll my mastery off the Queen's profaner English. I need a rant. explode

Sorry, to tell you but that's become the 'NORM' for dental surgery here in America; I had 3 of mine removed at the same time! That surgery is horrendous - and the horror stories run the gambit for worrisome to painful dry socket - sinus infection - dislocated jaw bone etc., etc., etc.

But once the dental surgeon is in there with your jaws clamped open and ready to chisel away at those 'WISDOM TEETH' that serve no purpose --- they'll show you the dental X-rays and the "WISDOM" of having them all removed at the same time!

She's young and the 'bounce back' for recovery will be much quicker then if she waited for each one to become a problem. {{hugs}} and loving her from that great distance is HARD! DANG IT~~~
no photo


Mon 06/22/15 10:50 AM

My baby had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled in one go today. I'm not happy. Wouldn't have happened if she'd been here still. I feel like punching the bleeding dentist or doctor's lights out. What moron pulls all 4 in one go? I'm seriously pissed off, and worried. Dang, if this wasn't PG13 I'd show ya'll my mastery off the Queen's profaner English. I need a rant. explode

was she awake for this?

because you cant do a i.d block on both sides of the lower jaw because it numbs all of the tongue and you can swallow it.

if it was a general, then that's okay, but some prefer to have it done in two halfs.


Mon 06/22/15 11:04 AM

crystalfairy posted >>>
My baby had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled in one go today. I'm not happy. Wouldn't have happened if she'd been here still. I feel like punching the bleeding dentist or doctor's lights out. What moron pulls all 4 in one go? I'm seriously pissed off, and worried. Dang, if this wasn't PG13 I'd show ya'll my mastery off the Queen's profaner English. I need a rant. explode

Debbie replied >>>
was she awake for this?

because you cant do a i.d block on both sides of the lower jaw because it numbs all of the tongue and you can swallow it.

if it was a general, then that's okay, but some prefer to have it done in two halfs.

Nitrous Gas - it's what is most commonly used for dental surgery - unless you have allergy/medical issues with that gas.

But once your mouth is clamped open the tongue is depressed and it can't move --- knocked out - they have someone with suctions hoses to keep things from going down the throat - shocked

I wouldn't allow mine to be removed until I watched a dental film on that procedure - {circa 1988} I'm a huge 'chicken ****' when it comes to dental anything! scared