Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 52
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Mon 06/22/15 12:32 PM

Yeah, I figured this was an American style thing, I am almost certain it would never ever be done like that over here.
She has an 8-10 hr flight coming up in 9 days, so I hope she's going to be okay, no infections etc. Dental w@nker told her she'd be fine, but that's just best case scenario. Fingers crossed...

And yes, she was awake Debbie ... local aneasthetic, and the gas. I am seriously not happy. But the dental surgeon had assured her it was normal, and best to do it that way. My @$$. If I'd been there, I would've stopped it. 1 by 1, maybe 2, is best, that way you can at least still eat normally. Her face is all swollen, her chin, tongue etc still numb from the anaesthetic. Totally irresponsible healthcare I say. grumble
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Mon 06/22/15 12:36 PM

Yeah, I figured this was an American style thing, I am almost certain it would never ever be done like that over here.
She has an 8-10 hr flight coming up in 9 days, so I hope she's going to be okay, no infections etc. Dental w@nker told her she'd be fine, but that's just best case scenario. Fingers crossed...

And yes, she was awake Debbie ... local aneasthetic, and the gas. I am seriously not happy. But the dental surgeon had assured her it was normal, and best to do it that way. My @$$. If I'd been there, I would've stopped it. 1 by 1, maybe 2, is best, that way you can at least still eat normally. Her face is all swollen, her chin, tongue etc still numb from the anaesthetic. Totally irresponsible healthcare I say. grumble

well in that case they must have gave her 2 id la blocks, one each side, which can be really dangerous, like I said you can swallow your tongue.

nitrous oxide is just a relaxing gas, its not a general.

im not impressed either. grumble grumble grumble
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Mon 06/22/15 12:49 PM

Thanks Debbie. I just told her via Whats App to not have a snooze ...
She just said she can feel her tongue again, but swallowing hurts because she got shots in her palate. And she narked that I'm fussing, lol, but that's cos she's shattered. The painkillers they gave her to take at home are real strong, so she's really tired/drowsy now. Sigh... Just wished she had that kind of stuff done here...
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Mon 06/22/15 12:54 PM

Thanks Debbie. I just told her via Whats App to not have a snooze ...
She just said she can feel her tongue again, but swallowing hurts because she got shots in her palate. And she narked that I'm fussing, lol, but that's cos she's shattered. The painkillers they gave her to take at home are real strong, so she's really tired/drowsy now. Sigh... Just wished she had that kind of stuff done here...

well its a relief to here the local anesthetic as wore off, that's for sure and she can feel her tongue again. phew

the injections in the palate are painful because there isn't much space to inject into, so its sore after as well.

I can understand, if I was a mom, I would my child with me as well, and that procedure done where you have lived and your familiar with. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Mon 06/22/15 01:12 PM

Yeah, exactly!
Oh, since it's your field of expertise ... she told me she always has an aching throat after she's had anaesthetic at the dentist's???
Isn't that sign of an allergic reaction? I mean, I never have an aching throat, and she says she has that each time :/
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Mon 06/22/15 01:24 PM

Yeah, exactly!
Oh, since it's your field of expertise ... she told me she always has an aching throat after she's had anaesthetic at the dentist's???
Isn't that sign of an allergic reaction? I mean, I never have an aching throat, and she says she has that each time :/

a allergic reaction would cause swelling, breathing difficulties, straight away, anaphylactic shock is almost immediate, trust me I get it with nuts, certain meds. I have to keep my own adrenaline injections.

to me that just sounds like straining of the muscles. people get this with even small procedures, especially if shes got a small jaw.

also because most locals contain adrenaline to reduce bleeding, and this is the treatment for anaphylactic shock, its very rare to get an allergic reaction.
Edited by debbie1980 on Mon 06/22/15 01:38 PM


Mon 06/22/15 01:54 PM

crystalfairy stated >>>
Yeah, I figured this was an American style thing, I am almost certain it would never ever be done like that over here.
She has an 8-10 hr flight coming up in 9 days, so I hope she's going to be okay, no infections etc. Dental w@nker told her she'd be fine, but that's just best case scenario. Fingers crossed...

And yes, she was awake Debbie ... local aneasthetic, and the gas. I am seriously not happy. But the dental surgeon had assured her it was normal, and best to do it that way. My @$$. If I'd been there, I would've stopped it. 1 by 1, maybe 2, is best, that way you can at least still eat normally. Her face is all swollen, her chin, tongue etc still numb from the anaesthetic. Totally irresponsible healthcare I say. grumble

Debbie posted >>>
well in that case they must have gave her 2 id la blocks, one each side, which can be really dangerous, like I said you can swallow your tongue.

nitrous oxide is just a relaxing gas, its not a general.

im not impressed either. grumble grumble grumble

I was totally put under - and the contraption that they had shoved in my orifice to keep my mouth open had a pressure plate that depressed the tongue --- there was no way the patient could swallow; Well, I believed them and I'm the biggest scary-cat for anything dental. :wink:

But Crystal I'm wondering about her follow up oral care: didn't they prescribe warm mouth diluted salt water rinses and some ice packs for her cheeks to aide with that swelling??? Granted oral surgery keeps changing over the years and mine was way back in 1988 but I followed their guidelines and never had much problem!
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Mon 06/22/15 01:56 PM

that it just became beerthirty:banana:
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Mon 06/22/15 02:00 PM

@ Debbie thank you for the feedback!
flowerforyou flowerforyou

@ 2Old2, yes, but she wasn't allowed to rinse today, she has to start tomorrow.

Not entirely sure, but I believe I still have one wisdom tooth myself. They aren't pulled over here unless there's something wrong with them or if they're in the way of other teeth.

Anyway, last I heard of her, she was okayish, watching a series.
Thank you all for your advice, info and sympathy!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
no photo


Mon 06/22/15 02:03 PM

crystalfairy stated >>>
Yeah, I figured this was an American style thing, I am almost certain it would never ever be done like that over here.
She has an 8-10 hr flight coming up in 9 days, so I hope she's going to be okay, no infections etc. Dental w@nker told her she'd be fine, but that's just best case scenario. Fingers crossed...

And yes, she was awake Debbie ... local aneasthetic, and the gas. I am seriously not happy. But the dental surgeon had assured her it was normal, and best to do it that way. My @$$. If I'd been there, I would've stopped it. 1 by 1, maybe 2, is best, that way you can at least still eat normally. Her face is all swollen, her chin, tongue etc still numb from the anaesthetic. Totally irresponsible healthcare I say. grumble

Debbie posted >>>
well in that case they must have gave her 2 id la blocks, one each side, which can be really dangerous, like I said you can swallow your tongue.

nitrous oxide is just a relaxing gas, its not a general.

im not impressed either. grumble grumble grumble

I was totally put under - and the contraption that they had shoved in my orifice to keep my mouth open had a pressure plate that depressed the tongue --- there was no way the patient could swallow; Well, I believed them and I'm the biggest scary-cat for anything dental. :wink:

But Crystal I'm wondering about her follow up oral care: didn't they prescribe warm mouth diluted salt water rinses and some ice packs for her cheeks to aide with that swelling??? Granted oral surgery keeps changing over the years and mine was way back in 1988 but I followed their guidelines and never had much problem!

you had a general which is fine, precautions were taken, but crystals daughter was awake, so because she would have gone home after the procedure and because local takes 4 to 6 hours to ware off, being numbed both sides can result in people swallowing their tongue, especially if they fall to sleep.

no rinses for the first 24 hours after extractions, because clots need to form. if minor bleeding occurs use bite packs. (gauges)

after 24 hours warm (but not hot) salty water mouth washes

Edited by debbie1980 on Mon 06/22/15 02:05 PM


Mon 06/22/15 02:14 PM

CrystalFairy posted >>>
@ Debbie thank you for the feedback!
flowerforyou flowerforyou

@ 2Old2, yes, but she wasn't allowed to rinse today, she has to start tomorrow.

Not entirely sure, but I believe I still have one wisdom tooth myself. They aren't pulled over here unless there's something wrong with them or if they're in the way of other teeth.

Anyway, last I heard of her, she was okayish, watching a series.
Thank you all for your advice, info and sympathy!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Well, great...I'm relieved that she's feeling better and yes - I remember those god-awful gauze packs - Debbie and my warm salt water rinses {sans the gargling}...odd how I recall the way my jaw kept popping so loudly on my L-side afterwards!
Felt like my jaw had been dislocated - that tooth was the worst to chisel out of my jaw bone.
Back then I had some excellent dental insurance coverage and a small jaw for the way those teeth were dropping down --- believe me I probably would never have returned to have each pulled out 1 at a time if they hadn't done all 3 of them at once! I don't do repeat visits to the dentist!!! UGH
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Mon 06/22/15 02:29 PM

CrystalFairy posted >>>
@ Debbie thank you for the feedback!
flowerforyou flowerforyou

@ 2Old2, yes, but she wasn't allowed to rinse today, she has to start tomorrow.

Not entirely sure, but I believe I still have one wisdom tooth myself. They aren't pulled over here unless there's something wrong with them or if they're in the way of other teeth.

Anyway, last I heard of her, she was okayish, watching a series.
Thank you all for your advice, info and sympathy!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Well, great...I'm relieved that she's feeling better and yes - I remember those god-awful gauze packs - Debbie and my warm salt water rinses {sans the gargling}...odd how I recall the way my jaw kept popping so loudly on my L-side afterwards!
Felt like my jaw had been dislocated - that tooth was the worst to chisel out of my jaw bone.
Back then I had some excellent dental insurance coverage and a small jaw for the way those teeth were dropping down --- believe me I probably would never have returned to have each pulled out 1 at a time if they hadn't done all 3 of them at once! I don't do repeat visits to the dentist!!! UGH

I was okay with the dentist, until I was a dental nurse, and then with what I saw, and the big balls up they made, I was petrified. noway noway scared scared scared
no1phD's photo


Mon 06/22/15 02:56 PM

I'm thinking why do I come on here. right after somebody has said balls ..lok.are big balls... what's up with that
no photo


Mon 06/22/15 02:57 PM

laugh laugh laugh :wink:


Mon 06/22/15 03:01 PM

Debbie stated >>> I was okay with the dentist, until I was a dental nurse, and then with what I saw, and the big balls up they made, I was petrified.
noway noway scared scared

Ok...I'll need a translation for and the big balls up they made; is that like a foul up / flub / huge mistake?

no1phD's photo


Mon 06/22/15 03:02 PM

sure sure laugh it but I'm serious.. I'm beginning to question my is the Universe trying to tell me something..hmn..
looks down at his lap...ohhhh... I get it now..laugh :wink: :angel:
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Mon 06/22/15 03:10 PM

Debbie, my girl said that if she hadn't had to drive home herself afterwards, they would have given her Valium instead of the gas. noway
Valium???? I thought Valium was for patients in an asylum, kind of like an lightweight breakfast, before the serious stuff came out for lunch, lol.

Many ppl here don't even want an anaesthetic to have a cavity filled, so Valium seems a tad over the top to me.

Anyway, hope it's all going to work out. I told her to consult me or her mother in law before she has any medical/dental work in the future. When she'd broken her elbow, they gave her wrong advice too. Just happens that I have knowledge in that area, being a medical assistant, so I could tell her what to tell the doctors and physio. And her in laws are both doctors and love her, so they could give her decent advice too.

@ Big balls... now there's a subject before bed, lol.
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Mon 06/22/15 11:24 PM

Debbie stated >>> I was okay with the dentist, until I was a dental nurse, and then with what I saw, and the big balls up they made, I was petrified.
noway noway scared scared

Ok...I'll need a translation for and the big balls up they made; is that like a foul up / flub / huge mistake?

huge mistakes that shouldn't have happened.
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Mon 06/22/15 11:33 PM

Debbie, my girl said that if she hadn't had to drive home herself afterwards, they would have given her Valium instead of the gas. noway
Valium???? I thought Valium was for patients in an asylum, kind of like an lightweight breakfast, before the serious stuff came out for lunch, lol.

Many ppl here don't even want an anaesthetic to have a cavity filled, so Valium seems a tad over the top to me.

Anyway, hope it's all going to work out. I told her to consult me or her mother in law before she has any medical/dental work in the future. When she'd broken her elbow, they gave her wrong advice too. Just happens that I have knowledge in that area, being a medical assistant, so I could tell her what to tell the doctors and physio. And her in laws are both doctors and love her, so they could give her decent advice too.

@ Big balls... now there's a subject before bed, lol.

I assume you mean I/v valium, similar to I/v midazolam which they give here for nervous patients who request it here, pretty routine but midazolam is used more here, all depends on if she really needs it.both similar drugs. but did she require it in the first place?

theres some confusion over valium, because it was perceived to be a mega strong drug, when its actually the weakest benzodiazepine there is NOW (in the uk) so they changed the name to diazepam to avoid this confusion. many peeps are on it for a muscle relaxant and for back spasms it still strong and addictive, but its not the worst benzo, ones like lorazepam are much worse because there very quick acting, so peeps get a hit, and they ware off quick so you need more of them, where diazepam is longer acting, so you need less.
Edited by debbie1980 on Mon 06/22/15 11:45 PM
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Mon 06/22/15 11:39 PM

ok peeps, balls up, cock ups - whatever ha ha :laughing: :laughing:

oh, ill just stop now. biggrin