‘This report derives and defines a set of linearized system matrices for a rigid aircraft of constant mass, flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat, nonrotating earth.’
Here is another government document, this time from the FAA, entitled …
that makes a Flat Earth reference.
On page 32, It states …
So in other words, for all intents and purposes, unless you are traveling at above Mach 3, or intend to travel into low Earth orbit or higher, then you should just consider the earth to be flat.
But if the Earth was truly curved then this would not work.
For example if you were flying from Sydney, on the east coast of Australia to Perth in Western Australia you would have to travel a distance of 2034 miles.
The alleged Earth curvature over that distance should be 522.37 miles. That means that unless the pilot constantly dipped the nose of the plane down towards the ground as he flew, by the time he reached Perth he would be flying at an altitude of 522.37 miles or 2,758,113 feet higher than he should be!
This fact alone proves the EARTH IS FLAT!
You can download the document directly from the FAA here.
Not even close to what that report is saying.
Anything under Mach 3 cannot escape gravity, and therefore effectively follows a linear trajectory because they fly at a specific cruising altitude.
Meanwhile, craft that can achieve sub-orbital, orbital, or even escape velocities follow a ballistic trajectory like ICBMs, rockets, or the space shuttle.
Back in the 1980s, Lockheed was developing a ballistic airliner that could go from NYC to LA in 45 minutes. Why would they waste billions of dollars in R&D if they were privy to proof of a Flat Earth?
You would do well to learn the word, "allegedly"
your so called authorities have an agenda
the Earth is way bigger and has endless resources and lands that are hidden from you ... you are on a need to know basis
According to Admiral Byrd who has explored the north and south poles "There is an Area As Big As The United States on the Other Side of the South Pole"
(dont believe me?... you can hear him say it yourself in a 1950's interview)
Here's a photo of him from that interview, sitting in front of a Flat Earth map
and here's yer girlfriend