Topic: The fear women have?
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Sun 08/11/19 10:20 PM

This may provide some insight :wink:

She didn't look fearful but she may well have felt fear, mixed with intimidation , embarrassment , maybe annoyance .
she wasn't in a resort but the situation of approaching a stranger is similar

Hello old kid waving social interaction is an interesting topic .. fear of talking to a stranger could be a believable rationalisation for non interest .. more than likely you misread their body language / social cues that they did not want to interact with you .

when you approached the women at the resort

1. What was your intention - to be friendly/sociable??? To find romance (or something else :-)

2. How did you ascertain that they were single ???

3.. Do you feel you made any assumptions at all about the social situation ? If you were not in a resort would your behaviour be any different ?

4. Did you form any expectation the women were obligated to interact with you .

5. Where you the only man to approach them on that occasion or was there a frequent stream of men vying for their attention lol ?

6. What are your thoughts on invasion of personal space in social situations ?

7. Are you good at reading body language and social cues ?

You don't have to answer my questions .. just making a point ... We all have our own personal space and boundaries when it comes to social interaction . What you may feel is appropriate , others may perceive as an invasion :-) your challenge is to work out who is interested in talking to you . Deciphering Body language and social cues will help you in that regard :-)

Sounds like you are making the most of the resort ... remember to slip slop slap :waving biggrin

oldkid46's photo


Mon 08/12/19 08:52 AM

@ Blondie: I did look at your video and while there were many instances of harassment, there were also a number of reasonable greetings that were ignored although that video was not of a social setting.

To add some insight: I tend to be a friendly, sociable person.

I am probably very poor at reading body language or social cues. Never was much good at it and many differences between generations and genders.

Their single/married status is irrelevant in most social settings.

I expect people, both men and women, to be socially receptive to appropriate greetings from others. If I say "good morning" to you, I expect a similar response. If we are setting side by side at a sports bar and a game is on, I may make a comment to you about a play that just happened - I expect a response from you. Yes, I do expect some level of social chatter from you in a public social setting. Why would you be in a public social setting if you are unwilling to engage in some level of interaction with others? Just too many rude people in today's world that never learned any manners!! They should just stay home and let the rest of us enjoy life.

When in public areas, your personal space is controlled by the environment around you that you chose to be in. If you are in a place with lots of people, your personal space is going to get very small while if you are in a park with only a few people around, it can be large. If you are uncomfortable with the amount of personal space you have, change the environment you are in.
ctr916's photo


Mon 08/12/19 09:21 AM

...i don't mind helping women get over their fear of full body massage, one to three hours at a time.

nice boy friends do, in modern times. xoxo
SpaceCodet's photo


Mon 08/12/19 09:38 AM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

Nowadays we have lots of Hate and Fear Mongering in the news and other media. People start believing in the lies and half truths after awhile. Paranoia is a thing with people. It's best to pleasantly disengage from the conversation and leave them be.

I've noticed a few people get bent out of bent shape when I treated them with common courtesy. Yes, the first couple of times it happened got me angry. Then I decided I'm not going to act any different to appease someone who has a psychosis here they believe I'm up to no good because I'm being pleasant in a social situation.

We can only be who we are unless you choose to be a poser. In that case you've failed yourself.
ivegotthegirth's photo


Mon 08/12/19 11:19 AM

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Dodo_David's photo


Mon 08/12/19 01:16 PM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

This topic won't be dead while there are men who complain because they can't get free sex from women.
Edited by Dodo_David on Mon 08/12/19 01:16 PM
no photo


Mon 08/12/19 01:38 PM

To add some insight: I tend to be a friendly, sociable person.

I am probably very poor at reading body language .

I expect both men and women, to be socially receptive to appropriate greetings from others. If I say "good morning" to you, I expect a similar response. If we are setting side by side at a sports bar and a game is on, I may make a comment to you about a play that just happened - I expect a response from you. Yes, I do expect some level of social chatter from you in a public social setting. Why would you be in a public social setting if you are unwilling to engage in some level of interaction with others? Just too many rude people in today's world that never learned any manners!! They should just stay home and let the rest of us enjoy life.

When in public areas, your personal space is controlled by the environment around you that you chose to be in. If you are in a place with lots of people, your personal space is going to get very small while if you are in a park with only a few people around, it can be large. If you are uncomfortable with the amount of personal space you have, change the environment you are in.

La di da, if someone says hello to me I'll greet them back, but there are times when I don't feel like having a conversation with someone, maybe I've had a bad day at work or whatever and just want to chill by myself without someone getting all up in their face and being all offended by it, it's my right if I want to be alone and out in public at my favorite restaurant or pub.just shake it off find someone else you can engage with, simple right?
Edited by Unknow on Mon 08/12/19 01:39 PM
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Mon 08/12/19 01:47 PM


i am only desperate for sex, not really really serious relationships.

Well, that explains the title of this post
no photo


Mon 08/12/19 02:30 PM

I have my phone with my music on and earphones on me at all times now out in public that way if I don't feel like talking MAYBE they will take the hint and besides I like my music . It's people like okdkid that use the ruse of people being rude when maybe it's him that's being rude, learn your boundaries, don't get up in people's space, don't feel everyone has to talk to you, maybe like some people say on here..... you're the problem
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Mon 08/12/19 03:44 PM

Are single woman truly fearful of any interaction with a single man who is a stranger?

Most of the time, overall, yes.
Unless, of course, he is 6 feet tall and looks like a male model.

Is it a reasonable fear?

Discomfort might be a more appropriate word when talking about what is "reasonable".
A reasonable amount of caution is logical in most circumstances.
Based on published crime statistics, however, much of the time, the "fear" exhibited often can go beyond reasonable. Despite what anyone here has personally experienced, and not to diminish it, crime statistics show that a woman (or even a man for that matter) is more likely to get killed, attacked, abused, raped, molested, or kidnapped by someone they know, than by a complete stranger. "Stranger danger" accounts for less than half of all such crimes. So, just because someone is unknown to you, doesn't automatically make them a bad person to fear. All of anyone's friends were strangers at some point.

What can a man do to make them more at ease?

Cater to their every whim. Which in these instances, means
giving them lots of space, and leaving them alone to revel in their aloneness. Which eventually they will then complain about.

How much of that fear is a result of sensationalized news or social media?

A lot of it.
Edited by DeeJay on Mon 08/12/19 04:23 PM
Dodo_David's photo


Mon 08/12/19 03:46 PM

ctr916's photo


Mon 08/12/19 04:18 PM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

This topic won't be dead while there are men who complain because they can't get free sex from women.

the dilemma is, why should we "endanger the greater glory of our immortal souls for poon"?

women don't want to have to try for dick.
Edited by ctr916 on Mon 08/12/19 04:19 PM
no photo


Mon 08/12/19 05:11 PM

@oldkid ... being friendly and sociable is a wonderful attribute but so is an awareness and respect that not everyone is socially adept , or shares your values on social interaction . If someone is reluctant to converse with you .. it does not mean they are fearful or paranoid .. simply their choice .

If your intent is just chitchat and to make friends then socialising in group activities is a good way to meet others ... my advice would be to relax and enjoy the resort . .. lucky you biggrin waving
no photo


Mon 08/12/19 05:17 PM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

This topic won't be dead while there are men who complain because they can't get free sex from women.

the dilemma is, why should we "endanger the greater glory of our immortal souls for poon"?

women don't want to have to try for dick.
when it comes to ***** .. women have an even bigger dilemma :wink: :angel:
I_love_bluegrass's photo


Mon 08/12/19 05:24 PM

To add some insight: I tend to be a friendly, sociable person.

I am probably very poor at reading body language .

I expect both men and women, to be socially receptive to appropriate greetings from others. If I say "good morning" to you, I expect a similar response. If we are setting side by side at a sports bar and a game is on, I may make a comment to you about a play that just happened - I expect a response from you. Yes, I do expect some level of social chatter from you in a public social setting. Why would you be in a public social setting if you are unwilling to engage in some level of interaction with others? Just too many rude people in today's world that never learned any manners!! They should just stay home and let the rest of us enjoy life.

When in public areas, your personal space is controlled by the environment around you that you chose to be in. If you are in a place with lots of people, your personal space is going to get very small while if you are in a park with only a few people around, it can be large. If you are uncomfortable with the amount of personal space you have, change the environment you are in.

La di da, if someone says hello to me I'll greet them back, but there are times when I don't feel like having a conversation with someone, maybe I've had a bad day at work or whatever and just want to chill by myself without someone getting all up in their face and being all offended by it, it's my right if I want to be alone and out in public at my favorite restaurant or pub.just shake it off find someone else you can engage with, simple right?

Dodo_David's photo


Mon 08/12/19 07:08 PM

Those complaining about women are the ones with the problem, not the women.
oldkid46's photo


Mon 08/12/19 07:10 PM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

Nowadays we have lots of Hate and Fear Mongering in the news and other media. People start believing in the lies and half truths after awhile. Paranoia is a thing with people. It's best to pleasantly disengage from the conversation and leave them be.

I've noticed a few people get bent out of bent shape when I treated them with common courtesy. Yes, the first couple of times it happened got me angry. Then I decided I'm not going to act any different to appease someone who has a psychosis here they believe I'm up to no good because I'm being pleasant in a social situation.

We can only be who we are unless you choose to be a poser. In that case you've failed yourself.

There is no value in letting it really upset you! It is not your problem but theirs. When I encounter that situation, if there is another area available I will move. Spent too many years with those kind of people to tolerate it anymore - they are not my problem!!
ctr916's photo


Mon 08/12/19 07:28 PM

Those complaining about women are the ones with the problem, not the women.

...what if i ask women to role play with me to help me with my understanding and social skills?
Poetrywriter's photo


Mon 08/12/19 07:47 PM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

This topic won't be dead while there are men who complain because they can't get free sex from women.

the dilemma is, why should we "endanger the greater glory of our immortal souls for poon"?

women don't want to have to try for dick.

Poetrywriter's photo


Mon 08/12/19 07:49 PM

i am only desperate for sex, not really really serious relationships.

Tell us something that we did not already know. tongue2
