Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
oldkid46's photo


Mon 07/15/19 07:49 PM

It seems that anytime someone, especially a Republican, makes a negative comment about someone who isn't white, the Democrats claim it is racism. In most instances it has noting to do with their race and everything to do with their beliefs. If I were to give the same negative attributes to Pelosi and AOC, you would claim racism regarding AOC. Sorry about your unreasonable bias and playing your race card.
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Mon 07/15/19 11:52 PM

Trump's racist attacks are all part of his 'outsider' strategy - and if America's not careful it will work again

"There is great anger” – that was Donald Trump’s pitch to the nation as he portrayed himself as the ultimate outsider, the only one able to clean up the “swamp” in Washington".

After Trump Accuses Four Democratic Congresswomen of Hating U.S., They Fire Back

"Hours after President Trump defended his Twitter attacks on Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna S. Pressley, the four Democratic congresswomen of color held a news conference to respond to his remarks".

Twitter won’t hide Trump’s racist tweets

"Twitter won’t be treating President Donald Trump’s recent tweets telling congresswomen to “go back” to their supposed home countries as a violation of its hateful conduct policy, the company confirmed to The Verge. That means the tweets won’t trigger a flagging system Twitter announced last month, intended to limit the reach of banned content by public officials.

On Sunday, Trump attacked a group of congresswomen — implicitly the Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — by saying they came from “countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and telling them to “go back” to “the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” All four representatives are women of color, and three of them were born in the United States; as explained by Vox and The New York Times, the tweets invoke racist and xenophobic rhetoric that suggests non-white people and immigrants aren’t real Americans".

Which GOP lawmakers have condemned Trump's tweet

"Lawmakers are returning to Congress on Monday following a racist series of tweets from President Donald Trump aimed at four Democratic lawmakers, and Republican leaders as well as rank-and-file members are feeling the pressure to weigh in on the President's comments".

Trump's racist rants are too offensive to overlook

"The president has all but declared that he will redefine the Republican Party as one of white grievance against a changing America:".

"In the not so distant past, politicians would reach racist voters through what are sometimes called “dog whistle” comments. These are cautious, subtle statements that most people hear only as policy mumbo jumbo — criticizing affirmative action, say, or activist judges — but which others hear as a reaffirmation of their bigoted world views".

Trump says he’s not concerned about being racist because “many people agree” with him

"He also falsely accused Ilhan Omar of “speaking about how wonderful al-Qaeda is” in his latest racist rant".

"President Donald Trump said on Monday that he’s not concerned about coming across as racist in tweets he posted on Sunday admonishing Democratic women of color in Congress to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” because many people agree with him. No, really.

While Trump was taking questions from reporters during an event that was ostensibly supposed to be a “Made in America Product Showcase,” Fox News reporter John Roberts asked him if it concerns him that “many people saw that tweet as racist and that white nationalist groups are finding common cause with you on that point?".

Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 07/15/19 11:53 PM
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Tue 07/16/19 12:03 AM

His only tool is racism': why Trump's bigoted tirade could be a vote winner

"It was foul and repugnant. But was it a vote winner?

Donald Trump’s bigoted tirade against four congresswomen of color, telling them to “go back” to the countries they came from, prompted widespread revulsion – the comments “drip with racism,” said the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer – and yet will not necessarily damage his chances of reelection.
oldkid46's photo


Tue 07/16/19 08:17 AM

I don't understand how there can be that many uneducated voters to elect any of those 4 especially one from my home state. I thought our state education system graduated well over 90% of our students. I sure hope they only last for 2 years!
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Tue 07/16/19 01:56 PM

Trump: Congresswomen can 'go wherever they want'

President Trump on Tuesday pressed on with his attacks on four Democratic congresswomen of color whom he told to "go back" to their home countries, saying the lawmakers "can go wherever they want."

"It’s up to them. They can go wherever they want, or they can stay," Trump told reporters during a Cabinet meeting. "But they should love our country. They shouldn’t hate our country".

Trump Should Go Back to Where He Came From

"This morning, the president of the United States decided to share his thoughts with the American people:

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! "

‘Go back’? Trump’s grandfather’s German hometown has a different message for the U.S. president

"BERLIN — When it became clear Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president in 2016, the German village of Kallstadt suddenly became a destination for journalists and tourists curious about the unlikely candidate’s roots.

Trump’s grandfather had been born there and migrated to the United States in search of opportunity. Many of the 1,200 residents of the town, uncomfortable with the spotlight and the populist rhetoric Trump espoused, wished the eventual American president would forget about their quiet corner in Germany.

Behind Trump’s ‘go back’ demand: A long history of rejecting ‘different’ Americans

"The Know-Nothings wanted German and Irish immigrants to get out because they were allegedly subversive and diseased people who were stealing American jobs. White preachers and politicians of the 1820s urged freed blacks to move to West Africa, supposedly for their own good".

So, President Trump, Should Your Wife “Go Back” to Her Country, Too?

"President Trump has once again, for the umpteenth time in his public life, revealed himself to be a racist in a series of tweets about progressive congresswomen. And let’s abstain from the euphemisms, shall we? He didn’t just “spew racist rhetoric,” or “fan the flames of a racial fire.” He was racist because he is racist. The examples are, sadly, plentiful—from housing discrimination to birtherism to calling Mexicans “rapists” in his presidential candidacy announcement".

Historian: Trump Now Tied For ‘Most Racist President In American History’

"A Pulitzer Prize-winning historian says President Donald Trump is now tied for number one in a category he may not want to brag about.

“He has joined Andrew Johnson as the most racist president in American history,” Jon Meacham said on MSNBC on Monday, referring to the leader who routinely finishes at or near the very bottom of presidential rankings by historians".

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Tue 07/16/19 02:05 PM

I watched a bit of his interview after the event. I don't think it was racist. The woman came across as very arrogant, plus one was actually from Somalia!
One thing that I don't like and I expect many don't like is none native people telling you how to run your country. I'm in the UK. I have the same opinion, if you don't like it then don't stay. If they said or acted like that in there native country they'd be dead in a week.
Plus I'm guessing with trump her being from Somalia left a bitter taste in his mouth ,mogadishu will never go away!
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Tue 07/16/19 02:37 PM

McConnell says Trump is 'not a racist' and calls for Washington to 'tone down' rhetoric

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he doesn’t believe Donald Trump is a racist despite the president’s calls for four Democratic lawmakers to “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came".

McConnell wants Washington to tone down the rhetoric? Perhaps he should tell Mr. Trump.

The silence of Republicans not condemning Trump's remarks indicate they either agree with everything he's said or they won't speak up because they fear backlash from their constituents by acting on their consciences and showing moral integrity. The timing of Trump's tweets wasn't a fluke he was celebrating Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in Tennessee on Saturday. It was a nod to his father a clansman and his constituency.
oldkid46's photo


Tue 07/16/19 05:23 PM

McConnell says Trump is 'not a racist' and calls for Washington to 'tone down' rhetoric

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he doesn’t believe Donald Trump is a racist despite the president’s calls for four Democratic lawmakers to “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came".

McConnell wants Washington to tone down the rhetoric? Perhaps he should tell Mr. Trump.

The silence of Republicans not condemning Trump's remarks indicate they either agree with everything he's said or they won't speak up because they fear backlash from their constituents by acting on their consciences and showing moral integrity. The timing of Trump's tweets wasn't a fluke he was celebrating Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in Tennessee on Saturday. It was a nod to his father a clansman and his constituency.

Will one of you so called progressives, please define "racist" as you interpret it so all of us can understand your point of view. It seems my understanding of the term must be obsolete!!
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Wed 07/17/19 04:50 AM

McConnell says Trump is 'not a racist' and calls for Washington to 'tone down' rhetoric

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he doesn’t believe Donald Trump is a racist despite the president’s calls for four Democratic lawmakers to “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came".

McConnell wants Washington to tone down the rhetoric? Perhaps he should tell Mr. Trump.

The silence of Republicans not condemning Trump's remarks indicate they either agree with everything he's said or they won't speak up because they fear backlash from their constituents by acting on their consciences and showing moral integrity. The timing of Trump's tweets wasn't a fluke he was celebrating Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in Tennessee on Saturday. It was a nod to his father a clansman and his constituency.

Seems that Nathan Bedford Forrest, was a democrat. So you get to own him, his views and positions. According to Wikipedia, he had no problems putting down republicans also.

So continue hating.devil
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Wed 07/17/19 01:39 PM

Eric Trump: ‘95 percent’ of Americans agree with my father

"Eric Trump on Wednesday heralded his father, President Donald Trump, as “the greatest fighter in the world,” and claimed that “95 percent” of people in the U.S. support his political message even as the president has worked to beat back criticism of racist rhetoric he leveled against members of Congress".

Through this Golden Door has come millions of men and women. These families came here to work. Others came to America and often harrowing conditions. They didn’t ask what this country could do for them but what they could do to make this refuge the greatest home of freedom in history. They brought with them courage and the values of family, work, and freedom. Let us pledge to each other that we can make America great again." -Ronald Reagan

He is right that 95% of Americans love their country, but he is wrong in trying to then portray that as a partisan issue. Patriotism and love of country are not controversial, partisan sides of the debate. HOW to implement a vision that demonstrates those, however, are.

In rare rebuke, dozens of Republicans hit Trump over 'racist' tweets

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After initial hesitation, a growing number of Republicans in the U.S. Congress - including almost half the Ohio delegation in the House - have openly criticized President Donald Trump over his racially charged attacks on four Democratic lawmakers".

Fox viewers skeptical of calling people 'racist', and other takeaways from the USA TODAY/Ipsos poll on Trump's tweets

"WASHINGTON – A new USA TODAY/Ipsos poll finds that a majority of Americans think President Donald Trump's tweets telling four Democratic congresswomen to "go back" to other countries are "un-American".

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Wed 07/17/19 05:47 PM

U.S. House votes to set aside impeachment resolution against Trump

"WASHINGTON, July 17 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to table an impeachment resolution against President Donald Trump, effectively killing the measure for now but not burying the issue that has divided Democrats".

If you look at this as a Trump win, You're wrong. All of this will eventually go to a Federal Court. There are many subpoenas that have gone unanswered. Because of Trump's obstruction. And telling aids and others to ignore subpoenas. Because of this obstruction by Trump and those in his cabinet, it will eventually go to a Federal Court. That's when everyone will start to sing. None of them will take a Federal rap just for Trump's sake.
Argo's photo


Wed 07/17/19 06:47 PM

gasping as she desperately struggled for oxygen under
the massive orange blob,

Don told Melania "quit complaining, if she didn't like it she
was free to go back to where she came from"

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Wed 07/17/19 08:59 PM

Trump Falsely Accuses Ilhan Omar of Proclaiming ‘How Great Al Qaeda Is’

"President Trump on Monday defended his tweets suggesting that four Democratic members of Congress “go back” to the countries they came from by assailing one, Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, for what he said were remarks she had made about Al Qaeda".

Trump tests love-it-or-leave-it campaign message

"Trump tested his latest campaign message at a Wednesday rally in Greenville, N.C., thrusting the four freshmen Democratic congresswomen he’s been insulting to the forefront of the 2020 election and saying of critics of his administration: “If they don’t love [America], tell them to leave it".

You know those amendments to the Constitution?
They were proposed and voted on by Americans who wanted to improve the country. They didn’t leave, they stayed and made the country better.

We've crossed a line here folks. Once you take away the freedom and the right to have dissenting opinions, America ceases to be a democracy. Once we are forced/pressured to follow and agree to the dominant opinion, we no longer have FREEDOM.

When you disagree with how the country is being run, you don't have to leave it. You can work to try and make it better. Do you think the suffragettes loved everything about the USA? Of course not! They didn't leave. They stayed and fought, and now women have the right to vote. Did everyone love the Jim Crow laws? Of course not! But they didn't leave. They fought for civil rights and integration.

I don't like how the "squad" handles their issues. I think they are young and inexperienced and don't know how to conduct themselves like dignified professionals. They need to stop pushing so hard, some of their ideas are too extreme. But 45 has no business telling them to "leave." You can still love your country while disagreeing with how some issues are handled. That doesn't mean you need to leave, it just means you can work to change it.

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Thu 07/18/19 05:06 AM

Trump Falsely Accuses Ilhan Omar of Proclaiming ‘How Great Al Qaeda Is’

"President Trump on Monday defended his tweets suggesting that four Democratic members of Congress “go back” to the countries they came from by assailing one, Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, for what he said were remarks she had made about Al Qaeda".

Trump tests love-it-or-leave-it campaign message

"Trump tested his latest campaign message at a Wednesday rally in Greenville, N.C., thrusting the four freshmen Democratic congresswomen he’s been insulting to the forefront of the 2020 election and saying of critics of his administration: “If they don’t love [America], tell them to leave it".

You know those amendments to the Constitution?
They were proposed and voted on by Americans who wanted to improve the country. They didn’t leave, they stayed and made the country better.

We've crossed a line here folks. Once you take away the freedom and the right to have dissenting opinions, America ceases to be a democracy. Once we are forced/pressured to follow and agree to the dominant opinion, we no longer have FREEDOM.

When you disagree with how the country is being run, you don't have to leave it. You can work to try and make it better. Do you think the suffragettes loved everything about the USA? Of course not! They didn't leave. They stayed and fought, and now women have the right to vote. Did everyone love the Jim Crow laws? Of course not! But they didn't leave. They fought for civil rights and integration.

I don't like how the "squad" handles their issues. I think they are young and inexperienced and don't know how to conduct themselves like dignified professionals. They need to stop pushing so hard, some of their ideas are too extreme. But 45 has no business telling them to "leave." You can still love your country while disagreeing with how some issues are handled. That doesn't mean you need to leave, it just means you can work to change it.

We've crossed a line here folks. Once you take away the freedom and the right to have dissenting opinions, America ceases to be a democracy. Once we are forced/pressured to follow and agree to the dominant opinion, we no longer have FREEDOM.

Yup. You MUST buy health insurance, or we'll fine you. Guess what, I found the loophole in that. I didn't buy it, I didn't pay the fine.

When you disagree with how the country is being run, you don't have to leave it. You can work to try and make it better. Do you think the suffragettes loved everything about the USA? Of course not! They didn't leave. They stayed and fought, and now women have the right to vote. Did everyone love the Jim Crow laws? Of course not! But they didn't leave. They fought for civil rights and integration.

We did. Despite the destruction that obama caused, we are coming back. If it were not for Republicans, women wouldn't have the right to vote.

Sargent's amendment (also known as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment) was defeated four times by a Democrat-controlled Senate. When the Republican Party regained control of Congress in 1919, the Equal Suffrage Amendment finally passed the House in May of that year and in the Senate in June

When the House of Representatives passed the 19th Amendment in May 1919 it did so by 304 votes to 89, with Democrats only 104 to 70 in favour but Republicans 200 to 19. In the Senate, Democrats were in favour only by 20 to 17 but the GOP voted for it by 36 to 8.

Info provided by google.

If dems controlled, women wouldn't be voting. What other mis-information are you going to supply us with?

oldkid46's photo


Thu 07/18/19 09:29 AM

Trump Falsely Accuses Ilhan Omar of Proclaiming ‘How Great Al Qaeda Is’

"President Trump on Monday defended his tweets suggesting that four Democratic members of Congress “go back” to the countries they came from by assailing one, Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, for what he said were remarks she had made about Al Qaeda".

Trump tests love-it-or-leave-it campaign message

"Trump tested his latest campaign message at a Wednesday rally in Greenville, N.C., thrusting the four freshmen Democratic congresswomen he’s been insulting to the forefront of the 2020 election and saying of critics of his administration: “If they don’t love [America], tell them to leave it".

You know those amendments to the Constitution?
They were proposed and voted on by Americans who wanted to improve the country. They didn’t leave, they stayed and made the country better.

We've crossed a line here folks. Once you take away the freedom and the right to have dissenting opinions, America ceases to be a democracy. Once we are forced/pressured to follow and agree to the dominant opinion, we no longer have FREEDOM.

When you disagree with how the country is being run, you don't have to leave it. You can work to try and make it better. Do you think the suffragettes loved everything about the USA? Of course not! They didn't leave. They stayed and fought, and now women have the right to vote. Did everyone love the Jim Crow laws? Of course not! But they didn't leave. They fought for civil rights and integration.

I don't like how the "squad" handles their issues. I think they are young and inexperienced and don't know how to conduct themselves like dignified professionals. They need to stop pushing so hard, some of their ideas are too extreme. But 45 has no business telling them to "leave." You can still love your country while disagreeing with how some issues are handled. That doesn't mean you need to leave, it just means you can work to change it.

"When you disagree with how the country is being run, you don't have to leave it. You can work to try and make it better. " FYI: WE DID THAT IN 2016!!! Unfortunately, our efforts in 2018 allowed for the House we now have; we will do better in 2020. We can only hope the 4 headless progressives either learn something or get defeated.
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Thu 07/18/19 01:42 PM

More obstruction.

Trump administration invokes privilege again, blocks intel committees from classified Mueller docs

"The Trump administration has been quietly engaged in an escalating tug-of-war with the House and Senate intelligence committees over sensitive documents from the special counsel’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, the latest in a series of attempts to stymie Congress with claims of executive privilege, sources have told ABC News".

Trump 2020 Spokesperson Gets A Brutal Fact-Check On Live TV: 'How Dare You

"President Donald Trump’s campaign spokesperson tried to repeat his racist talking points on CNN on Wednesday evening.

Someone serious needs to step up and primary Trump

"I won’t spend a lot of time this week talking about President Trump’s attack on four nonwhite women in Congress. Plenty’s been said about that already, and the more we in the media hyperventilate over stuff like this, the happier Trump is.

The simple fact is that Trump doesn’t know what makes someone American, literally or philosophically. That’s an odd thing to say about a president, but it’s where we are".

New Cohen documents reveal calls with Trump, National Enquirer publisher before payment

"Even though Hope Hicks, one of President Trump’s closest aides, may have had detailed knowledge of the scheme to pay off porn star Stormy Daniels, federal prosecutors decided privately that they didn’t have the evidence to charge Hicks with a crime, sources revealed to ABC News for the first time today".

It didn’t go well.

Kayleigh McEnany, press secretary for Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign, defended the president’s repeated call for “the squad” of four Democratic lawmakers he doesn’t like ― all women of color ― to leave the country.

“If you hate this country so much, by all means, exit,” McEnany said of one of them ― Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) ― before she was cut off by former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D)".

Disgusted.' How Republicans are reacting to 'send her back' chants at Donald Trump's rally

"WASHINGTON – Several Republican lawmakers distanced themselves Thursday from chants of “send her back” that erupted at a North Carolina rally when President Donald Trump attacked a black Democratic lawmaker.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., posted on Twitter that he woke up "disgusted" by the chant, which he described as “ugly".

Trump perpetuates falsehoods on hurricane aid as scandal rocks Puerto Rico's government

"President Trump on Thursday continued to spread misinformation about government aid to Puerto Rico after it was devastated by a 2017 hurricane.

“A lot of bad things are happening in Puerto Rico. The Governor is under siege,” he tweeted amid protests throughout the U.S. territory calling for the ouster of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló. A political crisis has taken hold of the Puerto Rican government after hundreds of leaked messages showed the governor, Cabinet members and top aides mocking political opponents, allies and celebrities".

New Cohen documents reveal calls with Trump, National Enquirer publisher before payment

"Even though Hope Hicks, one of President Trump’s closest aides, may have had detailed knowledge of the scheme to pay off porn star Stormy Daniels, federal prosecutors decided privately that they didn’t have the evidence to charge Hicks with a crime, sources revealed to ABC News for the first time today".

Arrested reporter slams conditions at US detention centers

"MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — A Spanish-language reporter who was recently released from immigration custody said Wednesday he was held for 15 months in detention centers that were plagued by insects and he had to bathe with cold water from water hoses.

During a news conference, Manuel Duran discussed what he called inhumane conditions at immigration detention facilities in Louisiana and Alabama. Duran was released from an Alabama facility on bail last week as immigration courts consider his request for asylum".

Trump and the National Debt

"During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Donald Trump promised he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years. Instead, his budgets would add $9.1 trillion during that time. It would increase the U.S. debt to $29 trillion according to Trump's budget estimates".

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Thu 07/18/19 02:15 PM

AP FACT CHECK: Trump distorts Omar's words on terrorism

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump falsely accused Rep. Ilhan Omar of expressing pride in terrorists and misrepresented the record on the economy and health care in his freewheeling North Carolina rally.

A look at some of his claims from Wednesday night".
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Thu 07/18/19 02:28 PM

Fact check: Trump’s false claims about Rep. Ilhan Omar

"President Donald Trump accused Rep. Ilhan Omar of professing a “love” for al Qaeda and talking about “how great” and “how wonderful” al Qaeda is. That is false".

"Trump also misleadingly claimed polls showed Omar only has 8% support, not mentioning that a similar figure is from a poll of white likely general-election voters without a bachelor’s degree.

Responding to press questions about his tweets on July 14 telling four progressive Democratic congresswomen known as “the squad” to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested [countries] from which they came,” Trump doubled down, claiming the women “hate our country” and that “if they’re not happy here, they can leave".
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Thu 07/18/19 04:52 PM

I am disgusted’: New Yorkers react to Trump telling congresswomen to ‘go back’ to their countries

"New Yorkers, like much of the country, have some strong opinions about the latest controversy engulfing President Trump.

“I am disgusted at the Republicans,” said Randi, of Manhattan. “I can’t believe no one stands up to him. I thought of myself as independent, and I’m forced into being a Democrat".
indianadave4's photo


Thu 07/18/19 08:13 PM

Instead of displaying the smoking gun the following all shot blanks:

1. Russiagate
2. Collusiongate
3. Taxgate
4. Epsteingate
5. Racegate

But keep trying.