Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
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Thu 07/18/19 08:16 PM

Former Sen. Jeff Flake on why Republicans aren’t disavowing Trump’s ‘awful’ words

"It's been a tumultuous week in Washington, amid fallout from President Trump’s racist attacks on four members of Congress, all women of color. On Thursday, Trump held a rally in North Carolina, where his words -- and the crowd’s -- took the controversy to a new level. Former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake joins Judy Woodruff to discuss what he calls Trump’s "awful" rhetoric and the Republican response".

What Americans think of Trump’s ‘go back’ to your country tweets

"After a week of public sparring with four minority congresswomen, set off by a series of tweets, President Donald Trump took his attacks to the campaign trail on Wednesday night.

The crowd loved it, even echoing words from his tweet. “Send her back,” the crowd chanted after Trump criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar during his speech".
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Thu 07/18/19 08:19 PM

All of the Mueller report’s major findings in less than 30 minutes

"When Robert Mueller broke his silence in May, his main point was that his long-awaited report spoke for itself. But the report is 448 pages long. So Lisa Desjardins and William Brangham decided to dig into what the findings say – and what they don't. Here, in less than 30 minutes, are all of the most important points from the Mueller report".
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Thu 07/18/19 08:24 PM

Acting Border Chief Doesn't Think Trump Admin's Asylum Rule Will Survive Court

"The acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Thursday that a new rule virtually ending asylum protections for Central American migrants is actually starting out as a small “pilot.”

indianadave4's photo


Thu 07/18/19 08:59 PM

As AG Barr's spygate investigation proceeds democrat's and their news media outlets are squealing louder and louder.

Barr's investigation will begin to unearth illegal activity by the rich and politically powerful.

No doubt Barr's probe will cross lines with the Epstein investigation finding some in Washington DC (past and present) were involved with his sick activities.

These two cases will, no doubt, have a strong effect on the 2020 election.

Question: why are there more protests against the spygate investigation by democrat's than republican's?

Time will tell.
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Fri 07/19/19 12:50 AM

AP FACT CHECK: Trump distorts Omar's words on terrorism

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump falsely accused Rep. Ilhan Omar of expressing pride in terrorists and misrepresented the record on the economy and health care in his freewheeling North Carolina rally".

We're better than that': Leading Democrat rips Homeland Security head over Trump's child separation policy

"WASHINGTON — Democrats blamed the Trump administration, Republicans blamed Democrats and the Department of Homeland Security blamed Congress for what all parties agreed, at a tense and sometimes contentious hearing on Thursday, was an intractable crisis on the U.S. border with Mexico".

A kennel for dogs': Lawmakers hammer acting DHS chief Kevin McAleenan over migrant detention facilities

"WASHINGTON – Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan was hammered for hours by a congressional panel that pressed him on overcrowding in migrant detention facilities and other issues involving his department".
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Fri 07/19/19 01:01 AM

As AG Barr's spygate investigation proceeds democrat's and their news media outlets are squealing louder and louder.

Barr's investigation will begin to unearth illegal activity by the rich and politically powerful.

No doubt Barr's probe will cross lines with the Epstein investigation finding some in Washington DC (past and present) were involved with his sick activities.

These two cases will, no doubt, have a strong effect on the 2020 election.

Question: why are there more protests against the Spygate investigation by democrats than republican's?

Time will tell.

More of that far-right conspiracy theory. Made up as you go. Straight from the lie starters mouth.

Republicans distance themselves from Trump’s ‘Spygate’ conspiracy theory

"Reporting from Washington — The air seems to be going out of “Spygate.”
While President Trump still touts the unfounded claim that the Obama administration improperly spied on his 2016 campaign, senior Republican lawmakers have steered clear of the conspiracy theory since they received classified briefings last week on the role of an FBI confidential informant in an investigation aimed at unmasking Russian interference in the election.

Top Republicans dismiss President Trump's 'Spygate' claims

"Two top Republican allies of President Donald Trump have thrown cold water on his claims that the Obama administration used a spy to infiltrate his 2016 presidential campaign, an unsubstantiated theory he and some conservative allies have dubbed "Spygate".
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 07/19/19 01:09 AM
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Fri 07/19/19 04:10 PM

Trump Lies About Congresswomen Of Color Referring To 'Evil Jews'

"President Donald Trump on Friday continued his attack on four progressive congresswomen of color by falsely claiming they had talked about “evil Jews.”

Speaking to reporters in front of the White House, the president accused Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota of being racist and anti-Semitic".

Trump’s Skimpy Health Insurance Plans, Coming to a Market Near You

" Trump’s efforts to rein in prescription drug prices aren’t going very well. His attempts to erode the Affordable Care Act are going just fine.

A federal judge on Friday upheld an administration rule that expands the availability of short-term health-insurance plans that don’t have to abide by Obamacare regulations.The ruling is excellent news for companies that sell those plans; they’ll feel more confident in expanding their offerings and marketing. It’s not positive for just about everyone else, potentially saddling more people with shoddy insurance and making good coverage more expensive than it already is",

As Trump Supporters Chant ‘Send Her Back,’ Ilhan Omar Says She’ll ‘Rise’ In Face Of Hate

"As supporters of President Donald Trump chanted Wednesday to “send” U.S. citizen and congresswoman Ilhan Omar “back” to where she came from, the Democrat from Minnesota affirmed she would “rise” in the face of hate".

Angela Merkel on Trump tweets: 'This is something that contradicts the strength of America'

"WASHINGTON – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday criticized President Donald Trump's "go back" tweets about four Democratic congresswomen of color, saying that the president's tweets contradict "the strength of America".

Trump employs familiar tactic in attacks on 'Squad': Distract and shift spotlight using racial rhetoric

"WASHINGTON – Less than two hours after a trove of documents shed new light Thursday on the effort to pay off a former porn star who alleged an affair with President Donald Trump, White House aides hastily called reporters into the Oval Office.

As news outlets flashed alerts about evidence of Trump's involvement in the hush-money scheme to quiet Stormy Daniels, the president revisited another furor he had set into motion days earlier: A series of attacks aimed at four progressive congresswomen of color".;_ylt=AwrC1zGeSjJd_g4A9CjQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMHIyajQ1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDQjgzMjBfMQRzZWMDc3I-

Trump Bets Race Tweets Energize GOP While Independents Unmoved

"(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump’s attacks on four minority congresswomen have stoked a backlash in the media and condemnation in Congress. But he’s betting the political benefits are worth it -- and that the comments fire up his base more than they drive away independents.

One reason: Trump’s insults raise the profile of the most liberal members of the Democratic Party, playing into his hopes of making the 2020 campaign in key battleground states like Wisconsin into a referendum on socialist policies. Polls show that the term “socialism” is a big loser for Democrats.

By Republican Standards, Almost Nothing Is Racist

"Most of the time, conservatives and Republicans want the bar for what constitutes bigotry to be set extremely high. When President Donald Trump tweeted last weekend that four nonwhite Democrats in Congress should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” he offered a textbook example of racism. Trump’s own Equal Employment Opportunity Commission uses the phrase Go back to where you came from as one of its examples of discrimination based on national origin. Yet Trump insisted that “those Tweets were NOT Racist”—even as he doubled down on them by launching an attack on Representative Ilhan Omar that prompted rally-goers in North Carolina on Wednesday night to chant “Send her back!"

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Fri 07/19/19 06:31 PM

Trump Lies About Congresswomen Of Color Referring To 'Evil Jews'

"President Donald Trump on Friday continued his attack on four progressive congresswomen of color by falsely claiming they had talked about “evil Jews.”

Speaking to reporters in front of the White House, the president accused Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota of being racist and anti-Semitic".

Trump’s Skimpy Health Insurance Plans, Coming to a Market Near You

" Trump’s efforts to rein in prescription drug prices aren’t going very well. His attempts to erode the Affordable Care Act are going just fine.

A federal judge on Friday upheld an administration rule that expands the availability of short-term health-insurance plans that don’t have to abide by Obamacare regulations.The ruling is excellent news for companies that sell those plans; they’ll feel more confident in expanding their offerings and marketing. It’s not positive for just about everyone else, potentially saddling more people with shoddy insurance and making good coverage more expensive than it already is",

As Trump Supporters Chant ‘Send Her Back,’ Ilhan Omar Says She’ll ‘Rise’ In Face Of Hate

"As supporters of President Donald Trump chanted Wednesday to “send” U.S. citizen and congresswoman Ilhan Omar “back” to where she came from, the Democrat from Minnesota affirmed she would “rise” in the face of hate".

Angela Merkel on Trump tweets: 'This is something that contradicts the strength of America'

"WASHINGTON – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday criticized President Donald Trump's "go back" tweets about four Democratic congresswomen of color, saying that the president's tweets contradict "the strength of America".

Trump employs familiar tactic in attacks on 'Squad': Distract and shift spotlight using racial rhetoric

"WASHINGTON – Less than two hours after a trove of documents shed new light Thursday on the effort to pay off a former porn star who alleged an affair with President Donald Trump, White House aides hastily called reporters into the Oval Office.

As news outlets flashed alerts about evidence of Trump's involvement in the hush-money scheme to quiet Stormy Daniels, the president revisited another furor he had set into motion days earlier: A series of attacks aimed at four progressive congresswomen of color".;_ylt=AwrC1zGeSjJd_g4A9CjQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMHIyajQ1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDQjgzMjBfMQRzZWMDc3I-

Trump Bets Race Tweets Energize GOP While Independents Unmoved

"(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump’s attacks on four minority congresswomen have stoked a backlash in the media and condemnation in Congress. But he’s betting the political benefits are worth it -- and that the comments fire up his base more than they drive away independents.

One reason: Trump’s insults raise the profile of the most liberal members of the Democratic Party, playing into his hopes of making the 2020 campaign in key battleground states like Wisconsin into a referendum on socialist policies. Polls show that the term “socialism” is a big loser for Democrats.

By Republican Standards, Almost Nothing Is Racist

"Most of the time, conservatives and Republicans want the bar for what constitutes bigotry to be set extremely high. When President Donald Trump tweeted last weekend that four nonwhite Democrats in Congress should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” he offered a textbook example of racism. Trump’s own Equal Employment Opportunity Commission uses the phrase Go back to where you came from as one of its examples of discrimination based on national origin. Yet Trump insisted that “those Tweets were NOT Racist”—even as he doubled down on them by launching an attack on Representative Ilhan Omar that prompted rally-goers in North Carolina on Wednesday night to chant “Send her back!"

Panel orders federal judge to reconsider Trump appeal

"WASHINGTON (AP) — An appeals court on Friday ordered a federal judge to reconsider letting Justice Department lawyers immediately appeal a case that accuses President Donald Trump of profiting off the presidency.

The three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued the order, which included a reprimand of U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan for not adequately addressing key legal questions before him and thereby abusing his discretion to deny the appeal merely because the case would proceed quickly".

Trump Donates His Salary. But Where Does It Go?

"President Trump is a billionaire, by all accounts. He is not in need of the $400,000 a year salary paid to presidents, and committed to donating his salary on a quarterly basis to the federal government. So, where is that money going?"

How about he applies the $400,000 to the cost of his frequent field trips to the golf course.

Donating some money to causes that don’t even exist, yet?...and giving to parks that he plans to drill on?

indianadave4's photo


Fri 07/19/19 11:43 PM

The Deep State tried to destroy Trump through three unprecedented actions:

1) To find compromising information to pin on Trump, there was massive unmasking of the identity of American citizens gleaned from the National Security Agency’s “incidental intercepts of Americans abroad search protocol,” with a focus on those who interacted with Trump and Russians — an initiative largely authorized and facilitated by National Security Advisor Susan Rice;

2) There was a false anti-Trump narrative created with contractual help from former British MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele (paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC) in the form of dossier to be leaked to the media to destroy Trump’s reputation;

3) Then there was a political weaponization of the FISA courts using that same dossier to authorize U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on Trump and his people.

In the near future all of this, and more, will become common knowledge and those responsible will be held accountable.

... and it's all beginning with Jeffrey Epstein!
indianadave4's photo


Sat 07/20/19 02:43 PM

If Donald Trump had been involved with Jeffrey Epstein the news media would have plaster this on the mainstream media in 2016.

Because of his business contacts with the rich, famous and Hollywood Donald Trump has known that the sex trade would be the door opener to the deep state downfall.

Jeffrey Epstein and the deep state made videos of the people involved in this illegal sex trade to be used for blackmail. Be prepared for the rich and famous who were involved to claim that the videos the FBI now has are Deep Fake AI generated videos. However, the DOJ has technology to determine whether they are fake or real.

The deep state is counting on most Americans being more interested in the TV game shows than the spygate investigation. However, as the sexgate and abuse of children becomes common knowledge Americas attention will become focused and the deep state players are in a panic. The main stream media is attempting to deflect the full impact of everything. There will come a day when they will be forced to report the truth.

Within 24 hours of Jeffrey Epstein's arrest from New York, Washington DC and Hollywood big name personalities have appeared saying they were deceived. Aa Shakespeare wrote,

"He doeth protest to much"! Funny how the guilty have been accusing President Trump of the very illegal activities they were involved in.

The next year is going to be very interesting.
Edited by indianadave4 on Sat 07/20/19 03:28 PM
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Sat 07/20/19 11:25 PM

Trump fumes over Ilhan Omar's 'welcome home' crowd

"After claiming he wasn’t happy that his supporters broke into a “send her back” chant at his rally in North Carolina, President Trump on Friday fumed over the media coverage of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s return to Minnesota, where she was greeted by a crowd cheering “Welcome home".

Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Robert Mueller's testimony before Congress will depend not so much on what he says, but that he's even saying it at all.

For Democrats, the special counsel's appearance Wednesday creates a moment many have been waiting for: Mueller finally speaking out, piercing the public consciousness about President Donald Trump's response to the Russia investigation and whether anything should be done about it".

Trump Gives Awkward Response To Yazidi Woman Whose Family Was Killed By ISIS

"President Donald Trump’s meet-and-greet with a group of refugees who faced religious persecution quickly turned awkward when Trump asked a Yazidi woman where her family was moments after she had told them they were murdered by the Islamic State".
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/20/19 11:51 PM
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Sun 07/21/19 12:08 AM

Liberal paper straws don’t work': Trump campaign starts selling plastic drinking straws

"WASHINGTON – The Trump campaign says they have a plan to make straws great again.

Brad Parscale, President Donald Trump's re-election campaign manager, tweeted on Thursday evening, "Making Straws Great Again," along with a link to buy Trump-branded straws from the Trump campaign store".

Shall we add it to the list of Trump's environmental "accomplishments?"


1. Canceled a requirement for oil and gas companies to report methane emissions. Environmental Protection Agency |
2. Revised and partially repealed an Obama-era rule limiting methane emissions on public lands, including intentional venting and flaring from drilling operations. Interior Department |
3. Loosened a Clinton-era rule designed to limit toxic emissions from major industrial polluters. E.P.A.
4. Stopped enforcing a 2015 rule that prohibited the use of hydrofluorocarbons, powerful greenhouse gases, in air-conditioners and refrigerators. E.P.A. |
5. Repealed a requirement that state and regional authorities track tailpipe emissions from vehicles traveling on federal highways. Transportation Department |
6. Reverted to a weaker 2009 pollution permitting program for new power plants and expansions. E.P.A. |
7. Amended rules that govern how refineries monitor pollution in surrounding communities. E.P.A. |
8. Directed agencies to stop using an Obama-era calculation of the “social cost of carbon” that rulemakers used to estimate the long-term economic benefits of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Executive Order |
9. Withdrew guidance that federal agencies include greenhouse gas emissions in environmental reviews. But several district courts have ruled that emissions must be included in such reviews. Executive Order; Council on Environmental Quality |
10. Lifted a summertime ban on the use of E15, a gasoline blend made of 15 percent ethanol. (Burning gasoline with a higher concentration of ethanol in hot conditions increases smog.) E.P.A. |

In process.

11. Proposed weakening Obama-era fuel-economy standards for cars and light trucks. The proposal also challenges California’s right to set its own more stringent standards, which other states can choose to follow. E.P.A. and Transportation Department |
12. Announced intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. (The process of withdrawing cannot be completed until 2020.) Executive Order |
13. Proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan, which would have set strict limits on carbon emissions from coal- and gas-fired power plants. In April 2019, the E.P.A. sent a replacement plan, which would let states set their own rules, to the White House for budget review. Executive Order; E.P.A. |
14. Proposed eliminating Obama-era restrictions that in effect required newly built coal power plants to capture carbon dioxide emissions. E.P.A. |
15. Proposed a legal justification for weakening an Obama-era rule that limited mercury emissions from coal power plants. E.P.A. |
16. Proposed revisions to standards for carbon dioxide emissions from new, modified and reconstructed power plants. Executive Order; E.P.A. |
17. Began review of emissions rules for power plant start-ups, shutdowns and malfunctions. In April, the E.P.A. filed an order reversing a requirement that 36 states follow the emissions rule. E.P.A. | Read more
18. Proposed relaxing Obama-era requirements that companies monitor and repair methane leaks at oil and gas facilities. E.P.A. |
19. Proposed changing rules aimed at cutting methane emissions from landfills. In May 2019, a federal judge ruled against the E.P.A. for failing to enforce the existing law and gave the agency a fall deadline for finalizing state and federal rules. E.P.A. said it is reviewing the decision. E.P.A. |
20. Announced a rewrite of an Obama-era rule meant to reduce air pollution in national parks and wilderness areas. E.P.A.
21. Weakened oversight of some state plans for reducing air pollution in national parks. (In Texas, the E.P.A. rejected an Obama-era plan that would have required the installation of equipment at some coal-burning power plants to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions.) E.P.A.
22. Proposed repealing leak-repair, maintenance and reporting requirements for large refrigeration and air conditioning systems containing hydrofluorocarbons. E.P.A. |
Drilling and extraction


23. Made significant cuts to the borders of two national monuments in Utah and recommended border and resource management changes to several more. Presidential Proclamation; Interior Department | Read more
24. Rescinded water pollution regulations for fracking on federal and Indian lands. Interior Department |
25. Scrapped a proposed rule that required mines to prove they could pay to clean up future pollution. E.P.A. |
26. Withdrew a requirement that Gulf oil rig owners prove they could cover the costs of removing rigs once they have stopped producing. Interior Department | Read
27. Approved construction of the Dakota Access pipeline less than a mile from the Standing Rock Sioux reservation.
indianadave4's photo


Sun 07/21/19 12:45 AM

As the deep state looses power will they motivate their followers to riot in the streets and blame it on President Trump and conservatives?
indianadave4's photo


Sun 07/21/19 01:22 AM

It's so shocking the difference in what the national news media reports and what I hear every morning on this farm program called AgDay. AgDay is a program aimed mainly to the agricultural community.

TV station WNDU and Purdue University produce AgDay. The news broadcasts for the farming community are significantly more up beat than the network news. They give actual numbers on harvest of grain, corn as well as live stock. No politics at all. Interesting that exporters and turning away from China to sell to countries like VietNam. VietNams business imports have increased. In 2000 they exported 1 billion dollars worth of products. In 2017 that went up to 40 billion. China may go away but other countries are standing in the wings waiting for America to divorce China and connect with new partners who arn't so quick to rape our industries and workers.

If the average American heard the true story from the farmers and cattle ranchers themself they'd have a much different view of what President Trump is doing. Purdue University has performed polls of farmers for the last year and 75% of the agriculture sector supports the President 100%.

The Jihad Gang of Four won't win any votes in the farming heartland in 2020.
Edited by indianadave4 on Sun 07/21/19 01:23 AM
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Sun 07/21/19 02:35 PM

Mueller report shows evidence Trump committed crimes, House Judiciary chairman says

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee said Sunday he believes there is "substantial evidence" that President Donald Trump committed high crimes and misdemeanors, and he plans to ask former Special Counsel Robert Mueller to present those facts at a congressional hearing on Wednesday".

As Far-Right Violence Surges, Ted Cruz Seeks To Brand Antifa A Terrorist Organization

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has introduced a resolution that would brand anti-fascist group Antifa a domestic terrorist organization even as right-wing violence is burgeoning in the U.S.

“Antifa are terrorists, violent masked bullies who ‘fight fascism’ with actual fascism, protected by liberal privilege,” resolution co-sponsor Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said in a statement Thursday".

Rep. Cummings: 'No doubt' about President Trump being racist

"House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings on Sunday said he has “no doubt” that President Trump is racist.

When asked during an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos whether he believed the president was racist after Trump called for four Democratic lawmakers of color to “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came,” Cummings, D-Md., said “I believe he is — yes, no doubt about it".

Apologize to America,' Trump tells Democratic congresswomen

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday stepped up his attacks on four Democratic congresswomen who have criticized his policies, calling on them to apologize as he himself faced charges of racism.

"I don't believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said," Trump said in a Twitter post".

"Our allegiance is not to the president. Our allegiance is to the Constitution of the United States of America and to the American people."

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country.

Theodore Roosevelt

Why should they apologize because they criticized Trump or the government or the government's policies? The constitution says in the 1st Amendment that any criticism is free speech.

DEMAGOGUE FASCISM - 1 often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control, early instances of army fascism and brutality.

— J. W. Aldridge

Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 07/21/19 02:42 PM
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Sun 07/21/19 02:55 PM

The Deep State tried to destroy Trump through three unprecedented actions:

1) To find compromising information to pin on Trump, there was massive unmasking of the identity of American citizens gleaned from the National Security Agency’s “incidental intercepts of Americans abroad search protocol,” with a focus on those who interacted with Trump and Russians — an initiative largely authorized and facilitated by National Security Advisor Susan Rice;

2) There was a false anti-Trump narrative created with contractual help from former British MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele (paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC) in the form of dossier to be leaked to the media to destroy Trump’s reputation;

3) Then there was a political weaponization of the FISA courts using that same dossier to authorize U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on Trump and his people.

In the near future all of this, and more, will become common knowledge and those responsible will be held accountable.

... and it's all beginning with Jeffrey Epstein!

More far-right made up as you go. The deep state lie.

That ‘Deep State’ You Keep Hearing About? It Doesn’t Exist

"Michael Hayden really, really doesn’t like it when people talk about the Deep State.

Well, of course! is what you’re probably thinking. Hayden is a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a former director of the National Security Agency, and a former deputy director of national intelligence. If anybody embodies what President Trump, numerous right-wing Trump acolytes, and all too many progressives refer to as the Deep State, it would be Hayden. But in his just-released book, The Assault on Intelligence, Hayden patiently—and, at times, not so patiently—makes the case for why the Deep State".

Trump accidentally undercuts his own “deep state” FBI conspiracy theory

"During an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired in full on Sunday, President Donald Trump accidentally undercut the conspiracy theory he’s been pushing about how the Obama-era FBI leadership purportedly conspired to keep him from winning the 2016 election".

When Trump savages his intelligence chiefs, the ‘deep state’ has reason to worry

Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 07/21/19 02:55 PM
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Sun 07/21/19 05:41 PM

House Democrat: Mueller testimony will help people 'understand the gravity' of Trump's conduct

"Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said Friday that former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress next week will help Americans better understand the “gravity” of President Trump’s conduct in the White House.

“It’s going to be a very sobering hearing,” Cicilline, who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, told Hill.TV during an interview on “Rising".

oldkid46's photo


Sun 07/21/19 07:36 PM

House Democrat: Mueller testimony will help people 'understand the gravity' of Trump's conduct

"Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said Friday that former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress next week will help Americans better understand the “gravity” of President Trump’s conduct in the White House.

“It’s going to be a very sobering hearing,” Cicilline, who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, told Hill.TV during an interview on “Rising".

It is going to be full of political posturing and very little knowledgeable, in depth questions. Most probably a waste of time!!
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Mon 07/22/19 12:42 AM

AP FACT CHECK: Trump team warps Omar words on 9/11, al Qaida

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump attributed statements to a Democratic congresswoman that she didn't make as he set off an incendiary week of vilification with accusations that she and three other lawmakers of color hate America.

One of his top White House advisers, Stephen Miller, reinforced the charges Sunday, pointing to their remarks about terrorism and Trump's handling of border policy and saying the lawmakers "detest America as it exists".

President Trump falsely claims Rep. Omar praised al Qaeda

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Mon 07/22/19 01:39 AM

House Republicans vow tough questions of Mueller at hearing

"WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans are pledging tough questioning of special counsel Robert Mueller when he testifies before Congress this week as Democrats plan to air evidence of wrongdoing by President Donald Trump in a potentially last-ditch bid to impeach him.

Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on House Judiciary Committee, said the American public is growing weary of the Russia investigation three months after the release of the special counsel's 448-page report and that "any thought of impeachment is waning." He said Republicans will be focused on making clear that the report represents a "final episode" in the Russia probe, which he described as flawed".

The 10 instances of possible obstruction in Mueller report

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election identified 10 instances of possible obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump. Mueller said in his report that he could not conclusively determine that Trump had committed a crime or that he hadn’t.

A look at the 10 instances".
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 07/22/19 01:40 AM