Hi Guys and Gals!
Good Job Seamus!
LOL, I am just a disabled mechanic with a whole lot of time.
Personally, I never really agreed with Hawking but that is an entirely different discussion.
Black Holes
Try to realize the terms "Black Hole", "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy" are placeholder names given to ideas and observations we have no actual words for.
A "Black Hole" is neither black or a hole.
It appears black because gravity is so great at its center, light cannot escape.
It acts like a hole because things we see getting pulled to it seem to disappear forever. Like they go into a hole.
The black is defined by what is called an "Event Horizon".
The Event Horizon of light is the boundary where the gravity is so powerful light can't escape.
There are other "Event Horizons" as well.
The Entire Milky Way galaxy is within the event horizon of Sagittarius A (the "supermassive" 'black hole' at the center) and is why everything in the galaxy is spiraling towards it.
There is also a more distant event horizon which captures our local dwarf galaxies known of as The Local Group.
Many people "think" the term "Event Horizon" only applies to a black hole's light boundary. This is an error. Event horizon is actually just the horizon of influence of something on something else.
We see it as black so we think it must be black. Its is merely the absence of light because light never makes it to our detectors/eyes.
Now, think about "Hole".
Its common to think matter falls INTO a black HOLE because it disappears never to be seen again. The mind demands it must 'go' somewhere so we think it goes into a hole.
However, if it were an unseen hole in space-time, falling into another dimension or Universe, once it falls in, it would no longer exist in our Universe. If it no longer exists in our Universe, how can any black hole get larger and larger? How can any black hole influence this Universe if it no longer exists in this Universe?
I don't believe matter falls into a hole at all.
Consider what we understand about star formation.
Dust and gas start to coalesce. The matter clumps together into larger and larger clumps and the increase in mass increases its gravity.
With more gravity, more mass is collected resulting in even more mass and so on.
As the mass is collected, it collects unequally and the force of mass hitting the object at an angle cause it to spin. As it collects more and more mass on to the object the mass is packed tighter and tighter as the gravity increases.
Eventually, it ignites as atoms of mass start to fuse under the immense gravity.
As long as there is more mass within its gravity influence (event horizon) it continues to get more and more massive.
At a long distant point in time, the mass becomes so great, even light is captured by its gravity.
The object becomes what we call a black hole.
It was a super-massive star when we could see it.
Now we only see black but inside that horizon of black, it is still a super-massive star. Remember, super-massive does not necessarily mean big.
The size of the object is shrinking because its gravity is packing it tighter and tighter.
There MUST be a limit to how dense a mass can be because if there wasn't, the object would continue to pack tighter and grow smaller as it accumulates more mass.
The FACT that black holes grow indicates there is a limit to mass density.
A singularity point.
Now think about why a star gets brighter and brighter as it gains more mass.
Its getting hotter because the act of ramming mass together produces heat.
As the black hole collects mass it gets more massive which makes the mass slam harder onto it.
That mass singularity in the middle of that black horizon is white hot.
Brighter than any other mass in the Universe.
Its spinning.
As mass is collected, it collects at its equator. The resultant energy builds and the excess is thrown out at its poles in the form of gamma ray jets.
A Black Hole is not a black hole, it is a White Singularity.
It only looks like a black hole.
Matter does not fall "into" a black hole it is gravitationally drawn to the singularity mass so it falls "Onto" not "Into" then it is absorbed by the mass.
White Holes - Yeah, I read science fiction and fantasy too.
Worm Holes
Einstein–Rosen bridge (Schwarzschild wormholes)
In 1935, Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to elaborate on the idea, proposing the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These bridges connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance.
Space-time is imagined as a fabric stretched across the Universe.
This fabric of space-time is how we model the effects of gravity on mass.
Like a bowling ball on a trampoline.
A worm hole is a hole in that fabric which connects to another distant hole like a folded piece of paper with a pencil poked thru both ends of the paper.
I have a problem with worm holes.
While it all seems logical considering space-time may be a fabric it fails to consider one very important point of space-time.
Space and time is not flat like a piece of paper.
The gravity well example we have all seen is not accurate.
Space and time is a volume, not a flat surface.
Mass affects gravity in a sphere around it.
It does this because space-time is a volume.
The Einstein–Rosen bridge would have to pierce infinite volumes of space-time to connect back onto itself. The problem with that is the folding of space-time. Can you fold the water in a bucket so one side of the water connects only with the other side of the water submerged in the center of a lake? Can you fold a column of vacuum in a larger vacuum?
I'm a dreamer.
I like to think somewhere in this Universe there is a technology that can create worm holes. It would be pretty cool.
While worm holes make for some fun science fiction and fantasy, I doubt they exist.
I admit I've fallen behind on my quantum theories.
Worm holes might be possible in quantum, I don't know.
There have also been some recent discoveries/theories on time travel which I have not read yet. Time travel relates to worm holes.
Time travel is another thing I can't agree with, but that is an entirely separate discussion.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject.
Just one man's opinion.
Edited by
on Mon 01/20/20 12:12 PM