time is at an almost complete stop relative to our time
From our point of view that is pretty much correct and does make sense.
However, if you consider time is movement (the constant series of change of state) and movement is heat, time doesn't really stop, it speeds up.
It only appears to stop relative to our observations.
Black holes are stars on overdrive, Very Hot because they are superMassive. Its gravitational influence is related to its mass.
Heat is movement. At absolute zero (true absolute zero) there is no movement, matter is stopped (frozen). Therefore, Time is stopped.
For time to stop within the event horizon of light, the black hole would need to be at true absolute zero.
Einstein theorized that white holes can exist
While I agree Einstein's theories were cutting edge during that time period many of his theories have also proven inaccurate or down right wrong at our current level of understanding.
Hawking dedicated much of his time to black holes but much of his theories are also just educated guesses.
As time passes, science self-corrects itself.
Theory is important but always yields to fact.
Fact: Heat is movement
Fact: Stars are collections of mass
Fact: Stars are very hot
Fact: Supermassive stars can become 'black holes'
Fact: Gravity is related to mass
Fact: Time is movement, without movement, time stops
Fact: Relativity is reference from observation. Assessment is relative to the observer.
Just as there is a visible light spectrum and invisible light spectrum there may also be an observable and unobservable time spectrum.
Which may indicate time lapse above a certain point may appear, to an observer, as time has stopped.
The light event horizon is where light cannot escape the gravity well of super mass. However, observation with instrumentation proves the light event horizon is not spherically equilateral.
We 'detect' gamma jets from the poles of supermassive stars and black holes.
This fact indicates black holes are spherical, spinning balls of mass which have an equator and axis poles. Gamma radiation escapes the light event horizon at its weakest point which is at the poles. Gamma is a super fast part of the spectrum and is extremely hot because movement is heat.
If time stops within the light event horizon, not only would a black hole never gain mass, it could not expel gamma at its poles.
If a black hole were a 'hole' it would not change mass and all black holes would be the same because the mass would 'fall thru the hole'.
The fact black holes have different masses and relative sizes is proof it is not a 'hole' but an accumulation of mass.
Also, if it were a 'hole' it would not be super hot and not expel super hot gamma radiation from its poles. It also would not have 'poles' or an 'equator.
It stands to reason if a black hole is a single mass (a hyper massive particle of matter with relative gravitational influence) when no more matter is available to increase its mass, the black hole stabilizes and begins to cool.
It still has its mass and still has its gravitational influence but it has no more matter(mass) to increase its size. It has literally cleared out all the mass within its influence. It stops moving becoming a chunk of frozen mass.
The stars (galaxies) in the Hubble Deep Field are detected because we detect the radiation from those objects over time. It 'looks' back in time.
Our observable Universe is approximately 27.4 billion light years in diameter spherically. 13.7 billion light years spherically from our point of reference.
It follows reason many of the radiations sources we detected may no longer be visible because the have lost mass accumulation and reached absolute zero.
Any mass at absolute zero would be undetectable. However, the mass and the influence of that mass would continue to exist.
This would account for the missing mass and influence we currently call Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
If the trinary stars of the Centauri system were to all reach absolute zero they would still exist and still have gravitational influence but would go Dark because there would be no heat to detect.
We don't actually know how big the Universe actually is because much of it is Dark (frozen).
Fun with quantum singularities.
I've read quantum black holes are created at CERN.
CERN detected the Higgs Boson.
According to what I've read and heard, quantum singularities (quantum black holes) are observed during collisions.
The erupt and wink back out.
The problem with this concerns the fact quantum observations are extremely difficult for us right now.
It also concerns the fact we may not be able to detect the singularity husk at that size and possibly at its temperature.
CERN collisions are extremely hot. Our detectors are calibrated to read activity with range of the expected temperatures. If the tiny(quantum) husk of the singularity's temperature falls below the calibration limits, it would be undetected.
Since it would be quantum, we may not be able to detect it when we do decide we should look for it.
Plus, it may have moved in relation to where it was first detected and on a quantum scale, could be lightyears from its point of origin.
No matter the size, from a supermassive or hyper black hole to a quantum singularity black hole, if it reaches absolute zero, we will not be able to detect it but it would still be there and still have influence within its domain.