Cause and Effect
We exist in a Universe which is subjected to cause and effect at all scales.
This cause and effect ripples out in layers and waves.
The effect we experience at any given moment is a result of cause which may have happened in the distant past which has nothing to do with the effect we're currently experiencing.
Some stuff in the moment happens immediately from cause creating an effect which is clearly recognized. However, there's no way to be absolutely sure that cause is not a result of a past effect.
There's also no way we can tell if the cause and effect in the moment is going to cause an effect in the distant future. Its possible to '
set in motion' a determined cause and effect plan. However, aside from goal success, there is no way to predict how the different effects spur additional changes unrelated to the initial goal.
Steering the Masses" using a '
cause and effect' strategy always results in changes which can't be predicted. This is usually handled by diversion strategies so the masses focus on the goal and not the total change.
It is entirely possible a safeguard system was introduced to the public nearly a century ago when mass media first initialized. Possibly initiated by 'free masons' or another secret society.
Let me explain:
The general public has always had an imagination. During work, minds are focused on the task at hand. At rest, minds are free to wonder.
If, during that period of free time, the mind could be directed to think in certain ways about certain things, it would be possible to focus minds on pre-planned objectives.
Radio, newspapers and magazines are made mainstream.
The masses become addicted to distant NEWS and entertainment from strangers.
The "
media' starts to become trusted and anticipated by the masses.
At one time, many people huddled around the radio at night anticipating a show or NEWS broadcast.
Once a condition of mass saturation is reached, along comes television.
Now the idle mind is bombarded by images which support the audio. The masses start bringing televisions into their homes. They huddle around them, eagerly awaiting their next '
Meanwhile, the controlling group(s) direct the focus of the masses away from the activities they wish to keep secret and initiate a public mindset in the direction of their current agendas. They do this by
dangling sex, greed and power as a carrot.
Then, the personal PC is introduced to the masses. People fill their homes with personal computers. The internet grows and people become addicted to current events in distant places. Virtual wealth takes place, people have wealth without the actual gold.
NEWS broadcasts become opinionated. "
Authority" figures are brought in to support the opinions or shoot down opinions not in alignment with the controlling interest.
Mobile personal communication is developed. Wireless internet is developed. Costs come down and those are made available to the masses. People start to become addicted to their phones and electronic devices, their attention is diverted from their immediate surroundings in favor of the immediate gratification offered by their phones.
The focus of the masses is slowly shifted from natural environment awareness to virtual awareness which can be directed and delivered according to the control group's agendas. The '
effect' is shifted from masses to personal.
Plus, this trend is continuing. Look at current personal communications technology. You are directed to the features they want you to use. Sometimes, your customized options are limited to only what a stranger or distant group allows you to have. They '
sell' these control measures as beneficial to you but they have an agenda.
Customize your phone. Send us '
feedback' of what you want and we will give it to you. When you visit a site multiple times, we will make it easier for you to do so. Meanwhile, someone
(most likely someone you will never meet or associate yourself with) gains detailed information about you, what you like, what you buy, when you are online, where you look, how long you looked at it and with GPS, where you are at. Cameras are widespread, microphones are everywhere. It is supported under the guise of beneficial and convenient but A stranger knows you, better than you do.
The number of people getting "
lost in their phones" is increasing. It effects their daily lives because they are no longer paying attention to their immediate surroundings, they are not looking where they should be looking.
Meanwhile, control groups can divert attention away from where it should be.
Set up a fall guy to cause a conspiracy over there and nobody looks over here where you carry out your agenda strategy.
Not everyone is interested in following a wrongful-death cop shooting story so multiple diversion tactics are initiated at the same time.
People have been programmed to favor immediate gratification. Offer immediate gratification and people will focus on it. Make it cheap and easy and you get higher saturation in the masses.
Just remember...
"If you buy a diamond ring for a dime, you probably have a diamond ring not worth a cent."
It doesn't matter if the media is radio, television, personal PC, a gaming system or a cell phone, The media has become a brainwashing tool used on the masses.
Not till you can '
step away' from those influences can you '
see' the effect they are having. Not only in the masses but in personal lives as well.
As we continue to isolate from others and immediate reality is it 'causing' an 'effect' which will manifest in the future?
Is it all a planned strategy of an unknown controlling group for an unknown, unrealized grand agenda?
How deep is the planned 'cause and effect' strategy?
What might be the ultimate goal?
How unpredictable and widespread are the 'effects'?
The human species is slowly becoming a global mind.
Events in another continent now effect the masses globally.
Cultures and societies are changing to accommodate alien ideals.
Is this the natural way of things or is this a purpose driven agenda?
Cause and effect is a condition of reality within this Universe.
Reality is reality,
it doesn't care, doesn't regret and doesn't make allowances.
Thinking cause and effect can be controlled for a predicted outcome is
There are too many levels of change to predict and control all.
The best that can be hoped for is reaching part of the goal.
The grand strategy must be constantly adjusted to accommodate reality's
unknown cause and effect.
These are concepts most people won't take time to consider.
Yet our daily lives are directly '
effected' by them.
We are 'conditioned' to 'brainwashing'.
Edited by
on Tue 06/29/21 07:45 AM