Topic: monologue - part 10
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Tue 07/13/21 04:48 PM

Sadly .. if his mum is not found he would not survive on his own , therefore I expect they would choose to euthanise him .

On a happier note .. a pod sighting in Raumati (approx 60 km from where Toa is) brings a glimmer of hope that his family has been located . . The pod was spotted late yesterday so searchers are looking for the pod again today . It is believed the pod size is a good match . Initially , photos will likely be used to compare against a pod in Wellington around the time of Toa’s stranding . This will help determine if it is his family ..,If so , then they will need to problem solve how to get Toa close to the pod . Also sightings of a second pod in Malborough over 100kms away . Whales are known to travel 100 to 150km a day . As they don’t travel in a straight line ,there is a possibility his pod will circle back , but as time is a factor , that cannot be relied upon . Really hopeful his mum is in one of the pods already sighted . Will post some videos of baby Toa for you later today .

There has been a lot of global interest in our baby orca . Experts from America have been in contact to share their experience with a young female orca orphan (Springer) who was successfully reunited with her pod and went on to have her own calves years later . I am sure sharing such knowledge about how they fed , cared for and reunited Springer with her family will be an immense help . Amazing the impact one baby whale has had :heart: waving
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Tue 07/13/21 07:36 PM

I have just read on our whale watch site that two small pods have been spotted .. one at waikanae beach which is about 27km north of where toa is . ., that pod is heading south (towards toa) . Another pod in Mana which is further south from toa but even closer to his location , unsure what direction that pod is travelling) . Nail biting wait !!!!’. Will be devastated if his mum is not in either pod . So thankful for technology and all those out searching to find Toa’s family .
Edited by Blondey111 on Tue 07/13/21 07:38 PM
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Tue 07/13/21 11:06 PM

Disappointing news ... I checked the offical conservation site and although sightings were reported , aerial/boat searches were sadly unable to confirm sightings of any of the reported pods today . Weather is set to worsen which may hamper search efforts . Will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings .
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Wed 07/14/21 12:09 AM

Thanks for the updates Blondey.
I hope this turns into a good news which we never get enough of.
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Wed 07/14/21 01:34 AM

Hi Ix waving it has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster today with the efforts to locate his family . Toa on the other hand seems to be coping well .....

Link shows photo of toa suckling milk from a bottle... Such a relief he is now feeding .

The image was posted on our whale rescue site via Facebook but do not need to logon to Facebook to see photo .. Just scroll down a bit ......., absolutely adorable :heart_eyes:
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Wed 07/14/21 07:03 AM

I looked up at the link and saw Toa having milk, this gave me some hope; of course the best hope is mum/pod but still it is giving some more hope for the worst cases. Fingers very crossed. These days I am logging in here just to follow you updates. Thanks a lot Blondey :heart: flowers
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Wed 07/14/21 07:07 AM

it is extremely amazing how much some people care about our silent friends. This really melts my heart. If evere person loved and cared about animals at least one tenth of this, world would be a lot lot better place.
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Wed 07/14/21 07:18 AM

in my day, everyday in between 19:30 - 20 :15 is my time for my street cats, also the neighbouring buildings'little babies. i give vitamin to one of them (with syringe from mouth), also eye pomade for some of them as they are babies, constantly at least one of them having eye infection. Also i am putting a big bottle of water into deep freezer and renewing their water with ice cold water as it is about 40 degrees celcius and the water gets boiling hot very quickly. I wont be happy if they drink boiling hot water. Do i drink boiling hot water in Summer? No. So they shouldnt too.

They are so clever, they know the food time. At around 19:15 they are all on the garden wall :)

Looking at what those amazing people are doing there for Toa, i would like to be able to do more.. I admire them..

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Wed 07/14/21 04:11 PM

Tribu you have such a kind heart :broken_heart: Good to hear the kittens have you looking after them . How old are they now ? I am picturing all the neighbourhood cats sitting waiting for you lol .. sooooo cute !!!!

As for little Toa , he is doing well . He gave rescuers a fright last night when his behaviour suddenly changed and he started swimming really fast around the enclosure ., they are calling this whale zoomies lol . Vets checked him and were happy he was ok . Likely feeling better with the milk .

Wearher is expected to turn nasty later today/ tomorrow so they are preparing his enclosure to protect him and his carers from the worst . They are expecting larger swells but hopefully where he is provides some shelter . Likely the weather will hamper the search for mum but during that time they will focus on getting Toa stronger . One of his carers posted that when he is sleeping he likes to nuzzle next to them while they support him in the water ... how adorable is that smitten smitten they are also recording his vocalisations so they can use them to try and help locate his mum . He has been filmed using echolocation while swimming (Amazing to hear).. lots of little clicking sounds . Reports are that when he does vocalise his calls are not distress calls so that gives me hope he is feeling a little safer . The carers in the water with him prevent him bumping his face against the barriers , encourage him to keep moving so he doesn’t get cold and reassure him that he is not alone and will be fed and cared for . He is in such loving hands and despite the weather predictions there is still optimism to reunite him with his family waving

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Thu 07/15/21 12:27 AM

Toa swimming today and interacting with his carers ... how precious is he love love
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Thu 07/15/21 12:48 AM

Orca cloud formation spotted in the sky .. someone suggested it is a whale spirit calling Toa’s pod :heart:

Whales were sacred in Maori legend (believed by some to be descendants of the ocean god Tongaroa ) . A strong spiritual and cultural affinity still exists today .
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Fri 07/16/21 12:29 AM

wow, these are all amazing..
i read some comments and saw and the other cloud photo someone posted, a dolphin again. I believe in these spiritual things, and would be extremely happy and excited if the pod is found very soon.

the video is also amazing. little baby...
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Fri 07/16/21 12:46 AM

after reading some comments, had a quick look about this "cloud divination"
it took my interest. that looks like quite a deep subject, books written about it..
but i wont search much about it, if i do i can get lost in it :)
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Sat 07/17/21 02:08 AM

Hi tribu a few more updates .. watch video at start of this article ., Ben the young man who helped rescue Toa talking about his experiences this week .... very sweet young man .

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Sat 07/17/21 02:11 AM

Update from our orca scientist , Ingrid Visser who is overseeing Toa’s care . She has studied his pod and orcas in NZ over the past 12 years years and says she believes his pod visit the same areas and expects the pod to return .
Edited by Blondey111 on Sat 07/17/21 02:30 AM
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Sat 07/17/21 02:25 AM

And I saved the best till last ... despite the raging storm happening around New Zealand at the moment , someone spotted an orca pod at 4.30 pm Saturday a/noon which has been confirmed as a credible sighting . Unfortunately because of storm conditions and time of sighting it was not possible to send a helicopter or boat out to follow the pod . Nor would it have been possible to attempt to reunite Toa as rough sea conditions would make it unsafe . Hoping the pod continues south towards Toa and shelters overnight in one of the bays close by . Searchers are set to begin looking again at first light Sunday . Highly likely (by size of pod and location) that it is Toa’s family but won’t know for sure till a close sighting can be made . Will be a sleepless night in nz for so many who have invested their heart in following baby Toa :heart: waving

Edited by Blondey111 on Sat 07/17/21 02:26 AM
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Sat 07/17/21 11:46 PM

Here's hoping....
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Mon 07/19/21 01:35 AM

waving Toa continues to do well in his temporary pool . Today he did whale yoga , played with a large piece of kelp in his pool and now suckling milk really well :heart: . Some beautiful videos of his interaction today which I will post later .

Weather over the weekend was atrocious with major flooding and infrastructure damage to parts of New Zealand . Started to clear today and although there was hope Toa would be returned to his sea pen today unfortunately water quality in the harbour (due to stormwater contamination ) meant it was safer to keep him in his pool .
Aerial searches recommenced today for his mum and although a pod has been sighted several times in the Marlborough sounds , still unsure where the pod currently is . Likewise , searchers have been unable to relocate the pod seen around the kapiti coast over the weekend . More bad weather is expected on Wednesday but unlikely to be as severe as the weekend . Hopefully tomorrow will bring a confirmed sighting .
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Mon 07/19/21 10:23 AM

Blondey my dear, thank you very much for all the update. you are a star!

When i saw little Toa in the water video, my tears started dripping
such a cutie. sooo innocent.
are there any news that the weather is going to calm down a bit?

you would be a great news reporter :)
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Tue 07/20/21 02:25 AM

this morning i went to the nearby shop to get some shopping. on the way back i stopped at my next door building to see the newborns. i called out to my friend who lives at the 1st floor to double check whether it is okay to walk in or not. She said that is fine and added "look, there is this baby cat who came today, i dont know this cat"
i looked and it was the baby of the other cat "almond" which was being taken care of by a family, at the building further up the road. obviously the baby got lost when walking around. when she saw me and heard my voice, she started rubbing herself to my legs, so i was more sure it was one of almond's ginger babies.
Edited by butribu on Tue 07/20/21 02:25 AM