Topic: Is it free speech right or discrimination?
vitor57's photo


Thu 12/08/22 05:44 PM

She has the right to choose what kind of work she wants to do, and not to do, she has the right to refuse any job. Be it for the reasons she chooses.
Chris's photo


Thu 12/08/22 05:50 PM

The hole thing is really ridiculous when you think about it. If I'm Muslim, and believe in Allah as God I'm not going to a Christian bakery to get my cake and vice versa. Duh, these are just people wanting to stand out and change something that doesn't need to be changed. Usually, it doesn't go well in the end for the one wanting to fix what isn't broken as history has shown time and time again. But it's little things like that keep us distracted from what's really going on. Remember though, It's politics, there's always a ulterior motive at play.
no photo


Thu 12/08/22 07:05 PM

The hole thing is really ridiculous when you think about it. If I'm Muslim, and believe in Allah as God I'm not going to a Christian bakery to get my cake and vice versa. Duh, these are just people wanting to stand out and change something that doesn't need to be changed. Usually, it doesn't go well in the end for the one wanting to fix what isn't broken as history has shown time and time again. But it's little things like that keep us distracted from what's really going on. Remember though, It's politics, there's always a ulterior motive at play.

I'm a Christian and I was married to a Muslim and it did not change my relationship with God or my faith. I'm pretty sure buying a cake is safe. lol
Chris's photo


Sat 12/10/22 09:18 AM

I'm a Christian and I was married to a Muslim and it did not change my relationship with God or my faith. I'm pretty sure buying a cake is safe. lol

you caught on to that huh? that's my exactly my point. it's no big secret religion is believed and worshipped in many different ways. countless wars fought and lives lossed in name of religion. but if you believe strongly and follow it to the t , if your baptist for example your now going to a Catholic church to worship and IF you did decide to attend; well, certainly you have to realize their not preaching Baptist religion only Catholic.
so why would I go buy a cake from them when I know I strongly disagree with their ideology. most people are like me, I have a cake for sale , you need one, let's do business. I can careless what you believe, your sexual orientation or whatever. Im selling a cake. you want to complain about life you got the wrong guy. honestly, I can careless about your views. hints the exact reason I'm not throwing mine out there until YOU put me in that spot. then, I'm gonna hurt your feelings and I never intended to. Im just trying to sell a cake. but thats exactly how it gets blown out of proportion. all I wanted to do is sell this cake and now look at the situation.
that being said, could I make you a cake the way you want it? yes, just like you could find another cake maker or baker whatever. we "could" do something different "why is the bakers could worse than the buyers could, " I believe would be the proper question.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it because someone is gonna try to answer but that's a rhetorical question. any answer you give from either perspective is gonna be purely opinion. I only accept that answer to a hypothetical question. obviously being hypothetical Im asking your opinion.
for those who don't realize, this is a debate. fyi, youll be there forever and never get no where trying to debate opinion. that's ridiculous to me so there for, I only debate facts. I'm ok with leaving this discussion with whos could've was right? because that's even. I'm not right nor are you but we both left the table even because again, you can't argue opinion and expect a reasonable out come because that doesnt exist because it's not a fact, just your opinion. God and Santa are fake fairy tales but you can't see the irony in what you believe. I dont mean it in a negative way. I just want to open as many minds as possible. "a warriors greatest weapon is their mind. " quoted from the book, "the human animal".
bobtail76's photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:08 AM

Weren't businesses allowed to refuse service to unmasked people when there were no mandates or legislation?
no photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:10 AM

Masked or unmasked people
Vaccinated or unvaccinated people are not groups protected in the anti discrimination laws.
bobtail76's photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:13 AM

Discrimination is discrimination... who cares the reason?
no photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:20 AM

Because there is cause for discrimination sometimes like when it prevents physical harm to others.
bobtail76's photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:27 AM

Spoken like a true bigot.... "it's ok to discriminate if I agree with the reason"
no photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:29 AM

I guess I'm a bigot then.
bobtail76's photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:35 AM

Which is fine...

I was just making a point that businesses should open the doors to EVERYBODY or have the right to refuse service for whatever reason they want. No grey.
Rock's photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:45 AM

I support the business's right to refuse service.
Rock's photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:45 AM

Double post.
Edited by Rock on Sun 12/11/22 08:45 AM
no photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:45 AM

I don't agree
People want clear black or white when the world is a whole lot of gray.
no photo


Sun 12/11/22 08:55 AM

I support the business's right to refuse service.

For me (a bigot lol) I think it depends. There is fair and unfair discrimination.
Chris's photo


Sun 12/11/22 01:05 PM

it's only discrimination if their not w/straight/Christian but if they are no discrimination. i mean, how can I think otherwise? can anyone think of it happening otherwise?
dust4fun's photo


Sun 12/11/22 04:54 PM

it's only discrimination if their not w/straight/Christian but if they are no discrimination. i mean, how can I think otherwise? can anyone think of it happening otherwise?

They want "equal rights" along with some "special rights" to go along with them. Why are there special awards shows for black people?Why do they have the united negro college fund? What do they have affirmative action that says you have to hire a minority if they have the same or even less qualifications? Why do they have a minority clause in some contracts for public projects? Why do we have "gay bars" that cater to a select group?

The government discriminates based on age, they don't let people vote til they are 18 or over, they don't allow people to buy alcohol or tobacco or nicotine products til they are 21. And then there are 55+ communities that don't allow for younger people to live there. Isn't that discrimination? They used to have "ladies night" at bars, but most have stopped doing that because it was considered discrimination.

Should an airline be required to give somebody 2 seats for the price of 1 because the person weighs 450 lbs? Should a buffet be required to charge the same whether you are 100 lbs or 300lbs?

The problem is everyone wants a leg up, a little extra, equal doesn't always really mean equal.

What really gets me is when the president of the United States says he wants a woman of color for the vice president, then he says he will only nominate a black woman for the supreme court without even looking into other candidates. Isn't that the most discriminating thing to do is pick a specific sex and race without giving consideration to others?
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 12/11/22 05:04 PM
Chris's photo


Sun 12/11/22 05:27 PM

They want "equal rights" along with some "special rights" to go along with them. Why are there special awards shows for black people?Why do they have the united negro college fund? What do they have affirmative action that says you have to hire a minority if they have the same or even less qualifications? Why do they have a minority clause in some contracts for public projects? Why do we have "gay bars" that cater to a select group?

The government discriminates based on age, they don't let people vote til they are 18 or over, they don't allow people to buy alcohol or tobacco or nicotine products til they are 21. And then there are 55+ communities that don't allow for younger people to live there. Isn't that discrimination? They used to have "ladies night" at bars, but most have stopped doing that because it was considered discrimination.

Should an airline be required to give somebody 2 seats for the price of 1 because the person weighs 450 lbs? Should a buffet be required to charge the same whether you are 100 lbs or 300lbs?

The problem is everyone wants a leg up, a little extra, equal doesn't always really mean equal.

thank you... I couldn't of said it better. yes, it is discrimination but I dont hear them saying it or the media are anyone else. equal rights by definition means all men are created equal and shall have the same opportunity to go as far as you want, your choice. only in America man can come from the slums and end up with an empire. but some been drinking so much of that political garbage, their programmed to be victims. therefore, they feel entitled. their literally using race in a racist way, to make them feel victimized. them same kinda politicians kick start LGBTQ and any other group they can. look at cities like Detroit, Chicago ect. same kind of politicians promising the same thing for the last 15 20yrs and it just keeps getting worse. why?! do you keep electing them? I don't feel sorry for em. the white privilege I have is the same decisions and choices they got. I chose to get a job, understood nothing's free, their selling their soul only to be enslaved in a different way, common sense over common core, and more importantly, I'm a victor not a victim. so yeah, the only privilege I got is I understand what America today stands for and why it became America in the first place. because them men didn't want to be slaves neither, answer to any king or be taxed without representation.
Chris's photo


Sun 12/11/22 05:53 PM

dust4fun, cheers buddy. for me it's not political. "they"make it that way, only if you walk like a duct, talk like duct then your a duct. therefore, I'm gonna call it. they don't like though. the last president showed me that in so many different ways he didn't have to say it. their messing with my liberty and our kids future, it's personal. I don't have kids but I have family and I want to
preserve every kid their liberty and right to choose like the ones before me did. but freedom ISNT free. and I hope to God, if there is one, another day doesn't come, another day like the one in 1776. that's the only and I MEAN THE ONLY reason I say anything. hopefully, I get to someone and connect some kinda way, and maybe just maybe it can be prevented in the long run if we spread the knowledge, the information. anyway like I said, cheers, to freedom!
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Mon 12/12/22 06:44 AM

it's only discrimination if their not w/straight/Christian but if they are no discrimination. i mean, how can I think otherwise? can anyone think of it happening otherwise?

They want "equal rights" along with some "special rights" to go along with them. Why are there special awards shows for black people?Why do they have the united negro college fund? What do they have affirmative action that says you have to hire a minority if they have the same or even less qualifications? Why do they have a minority clause in some contracts for public projects? Why do we have "gay bars" that cater to a select group?

The government discriminates based on age, they don't let people vote til they are 18 or over, they don't allow people to buy alcohol or tobacco or nicotine products til they are 21. And then there are 55+ communities that don't allow for younger people to live there. Isn't that discrimination? They used to have "ladies night" at bars, but most have stopped doing that because it was considered discrimination.

Should an airline be required to give somebody 2 seats for the price of 1 because the person weighs 450 lbs? Should a buffet be required to charge the same whether you are 100 lbs or 300lbs?

The problem is everyone wants a leg up, a little extra, equal doesn't always really mean equal.

What really gets me is when the president of the United States says he wants a woman of color for the vice president, then he says he will only nominate a black woman for the supreme court without even looking into other candidates. Isn't that the most discriminating thing to do is pick a specific sex and race without giving consideration to others?