Hi pump,

. I had a feeling you would chime in on this thread . Good to hear from you…The reason I defend Fox News is because they are one of the few stations that tells all the important news of the day. I hear stories on Fox News that I would never hear if I watched cnn or msnbc or abc , etc. How can you call yourself a journalist if you would rather bury a story that could have a significant impact in our lives, instead of reporting it…Covid is a good example of the msm deception. They were discrediting opinions from experts in the CDC because their opinion didn’t align with the narrative Biden and Fauchi were creating to cover up the involvement they had in that pandemic that killed millions of people. They lied about the origins of covid, which are now being proven to be true. The msm ignored the crisis on the border until they couldn’t ignore it anymore. So many examples I could go all day long. The point is if you watch Fox even though they lean a little right, you will at least hear about the things that are happening around you . But with the other networks you don’t know what you may be missing…. and now we are hearing and seeing the side of the Jan. 6 protest that the msm and crooked politicians were trying to keep us from seeing.. why do you think the were so hell bent on these videos from getting out there where everybody could see them.
Hey hey Bart
There's hours and hours of violence & terror that was not shown on fox. There's a reason they didn't promote the hearings, they didn't want you to see that. What started peaceful was turned into something else, we all know they were lied to & pumped up.
What they've allowed you to finally see what they cherry picked to fit their narrative.
CNN has leaned RW since new ownership, I don't really watch news at all anymore.
The things they talk about on fox seem more like gossip and really, it's not news. It takes maybe what could be perceived as truth & twists it on its a$$. I am so over hunter. Let's talk about Ginni Thomas and her treasonous texts. NOBODY addressing that, I care about that. I care about Social Security.
I'm curious, does fox talk at all about that sunset proposal? I would guess not much, or again, cherry picking what they want you to see.
@ReadMyProfile-WELCOME! hope you find your way back her and THANK YOU for all those informative links! If even one maga reads its and understands better, great
Bart please read that info she took all that time to gather. All different sources, please consider just taking Fox with a grain of salt if you must watch it and don't let them fool you. You're too smart for that, I know you are.