Lol, and can’t stop . Thank you ladies for trying to save this ‘deplorable white extremist’. But I will be fine. Even though we on the right ain’t as enlightened as y’all on the left , duh.. we understand that this country will never be truly United until the liberal democrats give up on their woke agenda or until they are run out of our government and this country. Dear Pumpilicious, I like you and I respect you, but with all the crap that the democrats put this country thru and the amateurish way our current president is presiding over our country, I will never have respect for or support anything coming from him or his corrupt cronies.
Trying to save a sweet human being, that's all Bart.
I understand you dispise Biden. Not surprised because again, fox cherry picks what it lets you see.
Woke: Problem is perception once again.
A new USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll released Wednesday found that 56% of Americans said woke means "to be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices."
Yet 39% of those surveyed agree with the Republican definition,"to be overly politically correct and police others' words.
Woke is good in my world & bad in yours.
Walking around sleepy? It even sounds weird.
It's ok, we never agree, but thanks for your kindness in letting me express my opinion without repercussions & attacks.