Duttoneer's photo


Tue 07/25/23 01:15 AM

I have purchased a brand new laptop running Windows 11 S Mode. This S Mode allows only apps in the Microsoft store to be downloaded and installed, It does not allow downloads or any other apps to be installed. I can see the security benefit of this.

I have an existing subscription for online security and this cannot be installed.

S Mode is easily deleted, but once removed it cannot be recovered or reinstalled.

What are your thoughts, is S Mode worth keeping in your opinion?
Edited by Duttoneer on Tue 07/25/23 01:54 AM
Jaan Doh 's photo

Jaan Doh

Thu 08/24/23 05:07 PM

I would think that a person who is competent on the pc may not need S mode as they're capable of keeping their pc in a safe and optimal condition and know of the dangers/pitfalls of getting hacked.

If on the other hand a person is unsure of what they're doing or how their pc security can be compromised is better off leaving it in S mode.

Lets be honest, there is still a huge number of people who surf the web without having a password on their computer user account.

And there's lots of people who surf the web on their mobiles/cell phones, and their mobiles/cell phones don't even have anti-virus software installed..
Duttoneer's photo


Fri 08/25/23 12:47 PM

Thanks for the reply and your thoughts on S Mode. I have not removed it as yet, but I am thinking about it. I have a good security package on subscription so I would have good protection once installed on my new laptop, at the end of the day that should give me the same or similar level protection as S Mode. The alternative is to wait until my subscription is due for renewal in 2024, and renew it by purchasing it through the Microsoft store, and keeping S Mode at the same time.

If I find I want or need to download an 'app' that is not available in the Microsoft store, then I will certainly have to decide whether or not to remove S Mode, and loose the level of security it offers.
Jaan Doh 's photo

Jaan Doh

Fri 08/25/23 06:07 PM

Maybe it's worth querying both Microsoft and your security software designers to see if they can help since you already have a live subscription...

Just post a query in the relavent forums or their sites or email them...

Doesn't do no harm to ask...
Duttoneer's photo


Sat 08/26/23 12:07 AM

Thanks for the suggestion. When I could not install my existing security on to my new laptop I contacted them, it was they whom told me it was S Mode preventing me installing the software security. I found this very surprising, so I looked in the Microsoft Store and their security is available to purchase and download. It just seems that since my previous security purchase was direct and not through the Microsoft Store it cannot be installed. I have this installed on another computer and mobile phone so don't want to cancel it I will let it run to expiry. I will have a look in to at putting the same question to Microsoft, worth a try, thanks again.