50 years as senator, the only government work Been is known for are crime bills. Famous one being the 1994 crime bill which Clinton sign into law that incarcerated thousands of black men on double sentences for as little as having a joint. That open up prison building as a multi million dollar business by private sector.
Trump overhaul some of those disadvantage crime laws. Biden fail 2 times as a presidential candidate and when into obscurity....until Obama pick him as VP. Now Biden has Kamala Harris as VP..who perform poorly in the
primaries. See the pattern here? Weak leaders are
being pick to lead America.
Then there is the possibility of Michelle Obama and Newsome throwing their hats in the ring somewhat later. Who knows? Again if that the case....weak leaders. It is all a popularity contest now.
While the 1994 crime bill had severe problems, it was drafted with input from the African American community and good intentions. Gang and drug crime at the time was a huge concern, as was prison overcrowding. Generally the Democrats wanted more crime prevention programs and Republicans wanted harsher penalties.
Trump's "First Step" Act was a product of the decades of learning since the 1994 crime law, so sure, but it's not like Trump wrote that bill, and if it was such a success, why isn't he talking about it?
Michelle Obama is not going to run for President. She may be popular among Democrats, but she's said whenever asked that she's not running and not interested. Given she has no committees or agents working the process, and already makes $millions selling books and speeches, she's clearly not going to run. Gavin Newsom, however, has obviously been into being president since forever, and is just plotting his course.