In western countries it is getting very difficult to even define what a woman is .... leave alone her role in society !
Hopefully , this will change shortly and we again will belive that women are superior to men .... so no need to be equal to men .....
Not exactly true. As a matter of fact, not true at all.
Women are way ahead of men, as always is the case with the feminine. The feminine is always what changes first, then later on the masculine follows.
Not weird as if both would undergo changes at the same time everything would turn to chit. You need one group to keep things running so the other group has the time and space to change.
After they're done the roles reverse.
But in any case, maybe in the US things are vague. I know from my girl when she lived there that women in many cases were still inferior to men.
Over here however, there are courses, workshops, academies and so on about feminine strength, getting back in touch with that, feeling it, experiencing it and so on.
Also the Jungian psychologist Karen Hamaker-Zondag has written a book about the masculine in women and the feminine in men.
It explains in great detail what the role of women is in society, AND that of men.
She addresses both the imbalanced versions and how that pans out (very recognisable) and the balanced versions.
This book is over a decade old, and is basically Jungian psychology which is nothing new.
So women's role in society is well documented and known, that of men too.
In general women are further in their development to being the balanced version than men.
As it is the female forerunners cannot really progress until the masculine counterparts catch up and this is not really happening at the mo.
Meaning in order for the whole of mankind to get to the next level of our growth & evolution men need to get the heck on with it!
None of this is a dig, nor meant to be judgemental.
As I said, it's all researched, documented and so on. I'm just relaying knowledge & info.
Maybe this isn't so well known in the US.
Also understandable as the US isn't exactly a forerunner when it comes to the masculine & feminine.
I think in this case it's Scandinavia and The Netherlands.