Topic: Reflections on the Role of Women
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Tue 01/21/25 03:05 AM

I just love when women say the really dont need a man ......
And then there's a fire , they call a fireman ! There is crime they call a policeman ! Car breaks down they call a mechanic... I could go on ... but you get the gist !!!
The point is this gender war has to stop at some point in time , so that we could live a better and productive life .....
Duttoneer's photo


Tue 01/21/25 03:21 AM

“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him’” (Genesis 2:18). “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh” (Genesis 2:21). “And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, ‘This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:22–23)

And I think there’s verses after that mentioned to the fact that a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and something about the two shall become one flesh.

Yes you are right. I take it to mean the two become one in a marriage relationship. We know not everyone marries or has a marrital relationship, Jesus never married in his life on earth.

You leave out that marriage as what we (and you) understand it to be is an invention of church and that church wasn't founded yet when Jesus was on Earth.

You also conveniently forget that Jesus DID have a wife: Mary Magdalene.
Both were highly educated Essenes of higher descend.
They were equals and she was part of his work as such. The then rising patriarchal shizzel changed that and she got demonised as that was easier for men to stomach.
According to church she was a wh*re, according to Jesus, his mother, the Essenes etc. she was his beloved equal.
Meaning that everyone who takes on church's view on Mary Magdalene doesn't follow Jesus' teachings at all. Yet they claim to be.

Another thing you leave out is that Adam had 2 wives. The first -Lilith- didn't want to be inferior to him as he demanded. Both were created simultaneously by the Divine, and were equal, just different genders. Because of his behaviour she left him. After which she was demonised by religions.
Then he was given a 2nd wive, Eve, and she was obedient and submissive.

I'm not sure how this story truly was construed & presented -in some scrolls prolly- as the whole Adam & Eve story and demonising of his 1st God-given wive is meant to convey that woman must be subservient or else!! (else you get demonised, cast out, not accepted and so on)

I would like to read all about this in the scriptures, please say where I may find this in the Holy Bible, which chapters give this information and enlightenment. I do accept the Holy Bible is from God, as we are told in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." King James version.

I am having a hard time finding this information in the Holy Bible.
Not Looking's photo

Not Looking

Thu 01/23/25 03:24 PM

Try Genesis... it talks about it. 1 Corinthians 11 talks about it....

As far as women saying they don't need men? That's fine: there will be more for the rest of us. :thinking::joy:
no photo


Thu 01/23/25 03:49 PM

I love when people say that there is no such thing as women car mechanics, no such thing as women police officers or firefighters or doctors or animal control officers...
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Thu 01/23/25 05:00 PM

I lov it when women say 'all men are pigs ' Who asked them to try every man bigsmile rofl
Not Looking's photo

Not Looking

Thu 01/23/25 05:16 PM

haha I would rather have a MAN who is a mechanic, police officer, firefighter... heck, I even chose a male OB/GYN. 🤷:tone1:‍♀️:joy:
Duttoneer's photo


Fri 01/24/25 02:08 AM

Try Genesis... it talks about it. 1 Corinthians 11 talks about it....

As far as women saying they don't need men? That's fine: there will be more for the rest of us. :thinking::joy:

The book of Genesis gives us our very important Biblical history a very long time before our Lord Jesus was born. Regarding 1 Corinthians 11, I think you are referring to the OP here. I am still unable to find any information in the Holy Bible regarding an earthly marriage of our Lord Jesus.
Edited by Duttoneer on Fri 01/24/25 02:11 AM
Not Looking's photo

Not Looking

Fri 01/24/25 09:23 AM

oh okay... The Bible never says He was married.
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Fri 01/24/25 09:26 AM

The closest to that speculation is Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code .... loved the movie !!!!
Duttoneer's photo


Sat 01/25/25 11:54 PM

oh okay... The Bible never says He was married.

I think if our Lord Jesus ever married on earth, such an event would be recorded in the Holy Bible, where it tells us of his earthly life.
I don't believe Jesus every married during his brief life on earth, because I cannot find anything about it in the Holy Bible.
Not Looking's photo

Not Looking

Sun 01/26/25 04:58 AM

I think you're right. I am 99.999999% sure, you're right
sweetgrace72's photo


Mon 01/27/25 08:07 PM

The role of women (I mean every, generally speaking is divine). Regardless of the race that we are born into, is basically to have an offspring and to care for her family (husband and children). But as the generations flourish, women began to work outside the home and have careers. I don't have any question about that as long as women are capable of taking good care of her family (prioritizing her family) there is no doubt, she can play her role well. Women need to guide and educate their children as to fear the Lord, so the future generations will be able to preserve spiritual and moral values.
bobtail76's photo


Tue 01/28/25 07:07 AM

So far, you've said it best!
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Tue 01/28/25 07:54 AM

haha I would rather have a MAN who is a mechanic, police officer, firefighter... heck, I even chose a male OB/GYN. 🤷:tone1:‍♀️:joy:
I'm a part time, mobile, freelance OB/GYN....does that count?
bobtail76's photo


Tue 01/28/25 08:51 AM

oh ya?

I'm a firefighting police mechanic
Not Looking's photo

Not Looking

Tue 01/28/25 09:51 AM

You guys... :rolling_eyes::joy:
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Tue 01/28/25 10:34 AM

What ya mean You guys ???
You started it ha ha !!!
Not Looking's photo

Not Looking

Tue 01/28/25 11:15 AM

I.... apologize... :thinking::joy: