Topic: Losing weight
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Fri 09/17/21 08:22 AM

The wheat for pasta is different than that for bread.
It is actually one of the best ways to get carbs (which make you feel good) -without putting on weight -unless you eat huge amounts like me.
Bread or similar is much more likely to cause weight gain.
Really watch for added sugar in everything -anything processed is likely to have sugar, corn syrup, etc. Careful of things such as coffee creamers and flavors.
Write everything down for a while and research it -sometimes you don't realize what you're consuming -or that it has certain effects.
Andrew 's photo


Wed 09/29/21 07:54 AM

Well done Crystal!

Keep up the good work :hugging:

Richard 's photo


Mon 10/25/21 12:38 PM

The wheat for pasta is different than that for bread.
It is actually one of the best ways to get carbs (which make you feel good) -without putting on weight -unless you eat huge amounts like me.
Bread or similar is much more likely to cause weight gain.
Really watch for added sugar in everything -anything processed is likely to have sugar, corn syrup, etc. Careful of things such as coffee creamers and flavors.
Write everything down for a while and research it -sometimes you don't realize what you're consuming -or that it has certain effects.

I've tried making veggie posta with mixed results. also tried different types of breads. but not a fan. of the alternate flower replacements thus far.

still liking th results of the total gym.. but my shoulders are taking a pounding.
I also still use free weights and a plastic "2 step" to vary my work outs as well as adding stretches. not loosing much weight, but gaining back a lot of strength.
so I guess I'm trading flab for muscle LOL ;-).
Richard 's photo


Tue 12/21/21 01:09 PM

OH.. now the big challenges...

the christmas season dec 24-jan 6th. candies and sweets. rich fats and carbs.

thanks giving was a minor set back.. easily delt with.

but christmas, easter and valentines.. MMMMMMMMMMM chocolate. LOL
looks like I might be shoveling a lot of snow this year. that should help.
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Thu 12/23/21 02:49 PM

i am also starting this journey with new year resolution, so need continuous support and motivation from this forum.
Richard 's photo


Thu 12/23/21 03:13 PM

i am also starting this journey with new year resolution, so need continuous support and motivation from this forum.

My brother in law is from punjab I dont recall him saying about which district.
he and me sister live in alaska now.
his name is Ajeet Minhas
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Fri 12/24/21 04:08 AM

I haven't gotten where I had hoped to be by now, but the thing is, you can always start again, every day :)
I have done that, started again. And currently also doing exercises with my physio and Cesar therapist to strengthen certain muscles. So far only very very basic things as due to my neck injury these muscles have lost a great deal of strength required for stabilisation. But I've made a start and if I build up strength again it opens the door to more.

At the same time I've changed my habit of snacking. I still like to nibble on things in the evening, but the things I was eating weren't healthy. That was because I daren't really go for harder things like nuts anymore because to my teeth. Softer things are usually crap things. Now I'm nibbling cashews like I did before. Cashews are softer and not all that bad to eat either.

So slowly changing my diet, also less bleep-ping meals but things I make myself.
I'm hoping all this will slowly begin to shift my weight to where I want it to be. Slow is good. I don't believe in fast weight loss.
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Sat 12/25/21 03:54 PM

i nonreligious intermittent fast. been doing it for years. im a little heavier than i would like to be but thats because i bend my own rules to pave the way for the food my youngest daughter wants to eat with me. i tend to eat more when she is with me and i am not going to make her food so she eats alone.

having said that, i have a sweet tooth and induldge here and there but since covid started i have lost 10 KG just by fasting and no special diet.

i can sometimes go a whole day and night with regular fluids but not eat.

i dont subscribe to the typical breakfast, lunch and dinner construct - i tend to eat when my body asks for it.
Edited by Unknow on Sat 12/25/21 03:58 PM
Richard 's photo


Sat 01/01/22 12:44 PM

I haven't gotten where I had hoped to be by now, but the thing is, you can always start again, every day :)
I have done that, started again. And currently also doing exercises with my physio and Cesar therapist to strengthen certain muscles. So far only very very basic things as due to my neck injury these muscles have lost a great deal of strength required for stabilisation. But I've made a start and if I build up strength again it opens the door to more.

At the same time I've changed my habit of snacking. I still like to nibble on things in the evening, but the things I was eating weren't healthy. That was because I daren't really go for harder things like nuts anymore because to my teeth. Softer things are usually crap things. Now I'm nibbling cashews like I did before. Cashews are softer and not all that bad to eat either.

So slowly changing my diet, also less bleep-ping meals but things I make myself.
I'm hoping all this will slowly begin to shift my weight to where I want it to be. Slow is good. I don't believe in fast weight loss.

hope you dont mind my saying,
by your pic, you all pretty look pretty lean..
too many women stress to the point they end up looking like a skin draped skeleton.
with not even a muscle structure to prove other wise.
but, that is just my opinion.
it's OK if you tell me to go soak my head in vinegar if you want.
but I mentioned before, it is better to be fit, than to be at some idea of an ideal weight.
Edited by Richard on Sat 01/01/22 12:48 PM
Richard 's photo


Thu 01/13/22 11:24 AM

I have been doing pretty well, I'm not loosing a lot of weight, but I have dropped inches off my midriff.
tightened and starting to get some definition to my abs again. I just got a new bike, and I'll try to start using it next. that should boost my cardio, and also help decrease stored calories. (its just cold and wet outside, so not a big motivator LOL ;-) )
the total gym is still getting a good work out. sitting smack dab in the center of the living room where I have no choice but trip over it every day,multiple times a day. so I'm reminded to use it even when I dont feel like it.

Edited by Richard on Thu 01/13/22 11:28 AM
Richard 's photo


Mon 01/24/22 09:17 PM

by the way crystal, I ment to mention, I like the new photo, pink really suits you.
Judith 's photo


Wed 01/26/22 03:36 AM

Thanks buddies. I'm really learning alot here, it was well said that when great minds comes together they arise up for better.
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Thu 02/03/22 03:37 AM

by the way crystal, I ment to mention, I like the new photo, pink really suits you.

Ooww... thank you! flowerforyou smooched I must say I feel really 'me' when wearing this jacket during spring/summer!
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Thu 02/03/22 03:49 AM

Well, I started working with my dietician last week. She's now part of my medical rehabilitation program. The idea was to get her involved to see what changes I can make to help my joints/muscles etc. But since I want to lose weight I decided to ask her about that too.
She suggested a number of changes in my diet that I have begun to implement. After a few days I began to feel that it was working but the scales didn't show any change. Yet, I knew I was beginning to lose weight, I could just feel it. A less full belly.
So just now I decided to weigh myself again and... I lost exactly 1 kilo now! That is the max healthy weightloss in a week, so that's good. I don't need it to go too fast as that's unhealthy, and usually not lasting.
Yes, I'd like it fast, hihi, but the desire to stay healthy and to have the weightloss be lasting is stronger :)

Last night I began my 1-mile walks again (Youtube with Leslie Sansone). I know from experience that will also bring mild weightloss, but more importantly movement and muscle strength & toning.
Doing that got on the backburner with my med. rehabilitation as I'm now pretty busy with appointments, hihi.

I'm going through so many changes at the moment! Mindset shifts. At the mo I'm experiencing a bit of "motivation fatigue", that's why it's good I still have all these appointments with medical rehabilitation. That keeps me going, enthuses me again, so I don't slip back into the old routine.
Because of my situation the physical shift is slow which is why I got a 4 months extension of my med. rehab. Normally it's 4 months only, but after that I was just getting started. They didn't want to let me go to have me slip back into the old, neither did I.
So I got another 4 months :)

I've set the goal to have lost 6-8 kilos by the time the med. rehab is done, beginning of May. That'd be 1-2 kilos a month. Very doable.
Of course that's not the goal of med. rehabilitation. That goal is to be able to do more physically without getting problems. A stronger body.
At the same time I'm working at that -the deeper cause- myself at home with for instance Nervus Vagus course, EFT and so on.

Anyhow... weight loss is happening!! YEEHAAAAA
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Thu 02/03/22 04:02 AM

hope you dont mind my saying,
by your pic, you all pretty look pretty lean..
too many women stress to the point they end up looking like a skin draped skeleton.
with not even a muscle structure to prove other wise.
but, that is just my opinion.
it's OK if you tell me to go soak my head in vinegar if you want.
but I mentioned before, it is better to be fit, than to be at some idea of an ideal weight.

Thank you, Richard!
I'm not that much overweight so you got that right :) But I did put on just a bit too much and I'm not happy with it. It means I can not wear the clothes I love to wear, and that make me feel 'me'.
And no way am I aiming for the weight I had when for instance 36 yrs old! That'd be way too much and indeed would cause me to look anorexic. It'd go hand in hand with sagged everything everywhere. It shows in your face too when losing too much. So nope, not doing that! The weight I'm after allows me to be healthy, feel good, look good, and able to wear whatever I like and look and feel good in it :)
Richard 's photo


Thu 02/03/22 08:58 AM

hope you dont mind my saying,
by your pic, you all pretty look pretty lean..
too many women stress to the point they end up looking like a skin draped skeleton.
with not even a muscle structure to prove other wise.
but, that is just my opinion.
it's OK if you tell me to go soak my head in vinegar if you want.
but I mentioned before, it is better to be fit, than to be at some idea of an ideal weight.

Thank you, Richard!
I'm not that much overweight so you got that right :) But I did put on just a bit too much and I'm not happy with it. It means I can not wear the clothes I love to wear, and that make me feel 'me'.
And no way am I aiming for the weight I had when for instance 36 yrs old! That'd be way too much and indeed would cause me to look anorexic. It'd go hand in hand with sagged everything everywhere. It shows in your face too when losing too much. So nope, not doing that! The weight I'm after allows me to be healthy, feel good, look good, and able to wear whatever I like and look and feel good in it :)

thats great news crystal.. (not the physical therapy. but finding inspiration from it)
just remember not to be too critical. having a dietitian will be a big help in helping you keep your diet ballenced.
I could say,
I wish I could go back to smack my 20 ish year old self upside the head for some of the stupid stuff I did.. but the lessons of those stupid things helped me to get where I am now. so I guess I might also thank my younger self by giving him some future advice. besides ... he could kick my but side ways and leave me bleeding, in a broken pile. (I was 180 LBS. and solid muscle back then. ;-) LOL )
it's a lot of work, but the feeling of feeling lighter with more energy (even if the scales dont show it. or dont show it as much as we might like).
because your muscles are being rebuilt. is a great motivator.
keep up the good work.
Edited by Richard on Thu 02/03/22 09:54 AM
Richard 's photo


Fri 02/04/22 08:25 AM

speaking of motivators:
my neighbor just bought a schwinn trike, with a large basket between the rear wheels.
the thought is, with stores being between a couple blocks and a couple miles away.
his wife could use it to do some of the house hold shopping, and he can do some of his smaller honey do errands with it. instead of jumping in the car.
saving some money on gas, and also working off the "table muscle" his wife has been nagging him about.

I guess the costs of living and fuel increases, could have some positive effects for some.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Fri 02/04/22 10:23 AM

speaking of motivators:
my neighbor just bought a schwinn trike, with a large basket between the rear wheels.
the thought is, with stores being between a couple blocks and a couple miles away.
his wife could use it to do some of the house hold shopping, and he can do some of his smaller honey do errands with it. instead of jumping in the car.
saving some money on gas, and also working off the "table muscle" his wife has been nagging him about.

I guess the costs of living and fuel increases, could have some positive effects for some.

I always get the groceries in by cycling. The supermarket is 450 meters from my house. I'm not going to start the car for that, would ruin the engine and battery real fast!
I've had to walk a few times during winter, with my bike, when the roads were slippery because of snow, hihi. STill taking my bike with me as then I don't have to carry heavy stuff and some parts of road could still be cycled.
Not a tricycle though. We are a cycling nation, so a normal bicycle. Bag goes on the rear luggage carrier :)
On the rare occasion I take the car because I for instance need a helluva lot of heavy stuff I drive a number of kms first to heat up the engine and get the oil going through it. But I prefer not to do that at all.

So if it inspired you... go for it! Breathe in fresh air and get the lungs going, hihi.

I learnt to cycle when about 3 yrs old. I mastered it quite fast but I had one problem: for some reason I couldn't break. No idea why, but I just couldn't. So I had to ram the kiddie bike into a barn or some other structure to stop, hahahaha.
Richard 's photo


Fri 02/04/22 12:37 PM

speaking of motivators:
my neighbor just bought a schwinn trike, with a large basket between the rear wheels.
the thought is, with stores being between a couple blocks and a couple miles away.
his wife could use it to do some of the house hold shopping, and he can do some of his smaller honey do errands with it. instead of jumping in the car.
saving some money on gas, and also working off the "table muscle" his wife has been nagging him about.

I guess the costs of living and fuel increases, could have some positive effects for some.

I always get the groceries in by cycling. The supermarket is 450 meters from my house. I'm not going to start the car for that, would ruin the engine and battery real fast!
I've had to walk a few times during winter, with my bike, when the roads were slippery because of snow, hihi. STill taking my bike with me as then I don't have to carry heavy stuff and some parts of road could still be cycled.
Not a tricycle though. We are a cycling nation, so a normal bicycle. Bag goes on the rear luggage carrier :)
On the rare occasion I take the car because I for instance need a helluva lot of heavy stuff I drive a number of kms first to heat up the engine and get the oil going through it. But I prefer not to do that at all.

So if it inspired you... go for it! Breathe in fresh air and get the lungs going, hihi.

I learnt to cycle when about 3 yrs old. I mastered it quite fast but I had one problem: for some reason I couldn't break. No idea why, but I just couldn't. So I had to ram the kiddie bike into a barn or some other structure to stop, hahahaha.

back in my 20's I road bike 14 miles everyday to and from work. I was clocked by an officer doing 30 in a 25 LOL, he actually gave me a ticket for unsafe passing. this was back when I worked at a nursery (tree farm) and everything I needed for work was supplied. I had a custom built mountain bike, and it was geared like a sprinter for speed. it had an egg shaped front crank to provide maximum leverage on the down stroke.
I also had a front and back bag rack made for it that locked the bags in place. to guard against their theft.. I rode it for over 8 years. but I was replaced by someone younger at a lower wage. so I went into landscaping, and needed a truck. so I sold the bike to help pay for it.
Richard 's photo


Mon 02/07/22 03:00 PM

speaking of motivators:
my neighbor just bought a schwinn trike, with a large basket between the rear wheels.
the thought is, with stores being between a couple blocks and a couple miles away.
his wife could use it to do some of the house hold shopping, and he can do some of his smaller honey do errands with it. instead of jumping in the car.
saving some money on gas, and also working off the "table muscle" his wife has been nagging him about.

I guess the costs of living and fuel increases, could have some positive effects for some.

I always get the groceries in by cycling. The supermarket is 450 meters from my house. I'm not going to start the car for that, would ruin the engine and battery real fast!
I've had to walk a few times during winter, with my bike, when the roads were slippery because of snow, hihi. STill taking my bike with me as then I don't have to carry heavy stuff and some parts of road could still be cycled.
Not a tricycle though. We are a cycling nation, so a normal bicycle. Bag goes on the rear luggage carrier :)
On the rare occasion I take the car because I for instance need a helluva lot of heavy stuff I drive a number of kms first to heat up the engine and get the oil going through it. But I prefer not to do that at all.

So if it inspired you... go for it! Breathe in fresh air and get the lungs going, hihi.

I learnt to cycle when about 3 yrs old. I mastered it quite fast but I had one problem: for some reason I couldn't break. No idea why, but I just couldn't. So I had to ram the kiddie bike into a barn or some other structure to stop, hahahaha.

back in my 20's I road bike 14 miles everyday to and from work. I was clocked by an officer doing 30 in a 25 LOL, he actually gave me a ticket for unsafe passing. this was back when I worked at a nursery (tree farm) and everything I needed for work was supplied. I had a custom built mountain bike, and it was geared like a sprinter for speed. it had an egg shaped front crank to provide maximum leverage on the down stroke.
I also had a front and back bag rack made for it that locked the bags in place. to guard against their theft.. I rode it for over 8 years. but I was replaced by someone younger at a lower wage. so I went into landscaping, and needed a truck. so I sold the bike to help pay for it.

took the new mongoose out for a lil ride yeasterday.. about 6 showed me this morning just how out of shape I've gotten as far as bike riding is concerned, calves, quads, glutes and lower lats. were all talking to me about it. not terrible... just a hey.. you know, we aint done this in a long time right?? reminder.
I also have to get used to the bouncy Mono shock frame it has LOL.
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 03:02 PM